Reminder that she goaded him into the fucking.
What other protags have canonically had sex with their waifus?
Reminder that she goaded him into the fucking.
What other protags have canonically had sex with their waifus?
>Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into asuna.
>2 teens getting called mama and papa by a 10 year old looking girl
this shit creeped me out for some reason, I stopped watching it as soon as they "adopted" that AI girl.
What does it feel like to release semen deep inside Asuna's body?
Have Kirito and Asuna fucked in the real world yet, or just online?
As bad as SAO was I'd creampie asuna for weeks at a time.
>mfw a girl as cute as Asuna will never say this to me.
Reminder that the sex was so good, that Kirito asked Asuna to marry him immediately afterward.
Asuna's pussy probably feels like heaven.
I'd eat Asuna's shit.
>TFW your BF is eternally attached to a blonde loli vampire
kirino and kyousuke
araragi and all the girls
the one where the dad raises the girl and they fuck in the end - usagi drop
>usagi drop
>not fucking the loli as a loli
is someone going to post that cap?
Just online. There's zero chance of Asuna getting pregnant that way, and almost no way of their parents finding out.
their ai daughter was watching the whole time though
As someone with a dark and shameful past with teen rping, these light novels all follow the same formula but SAO is the most shameless about it.
I've seen pretty much all; wolves, mary sues, gary stues, mermaids that turn into dragons but only when their hearts are broken.
golden time
they just walked home gently.
Don't forget the vampires. Always the vampires.
>it's another "proxyfags samefag a dozen times each to make an ebin screencap" episode
My aunt died the other day in her tiny house. She was old and had major arthritis and hard a hard time moving and couldn't go outside and lived alone and received almost no visitors ever besides the people who brought her food and me. She must have suffered a lot. She didn't have anything to entertain her besides old magazines in her house. it would have been nice if a game like SAO existed so she would have the opportunity to live free of pain and could move around and make friends again. I would have personally bought it for her. It's sad this doesn't exist already.
Nigga, Koko tried but she was sick. Unless you want to count the mindfuck he gave himself?
I know this one girl that has a legitimate "psshh, nothing personnel kid" type girl with black and red hair. I swear she could turn into a wolf, a furry, a vampire, a dragon and once even a loli.
She'd just sulk about, fuck her brother, and generally act as edgy as possible.
I remember characters would have a baby, the baby would magically grow up through the night (or in a few days), and then they'd just leave the story. And that's pretty much what happened to SAO, they brought Yui just to see Kirito and Asuna act as teen parents and then she was gone (until later, just like in the rps).
I still cringe from time to time, user...
I don't think you understand how Sup Forums works, man of little faith.
watch the last scene of the last episode again and then come back to this thread
It will happen to all of us. We're all going to find ourselves old and watching our bodies slowly die as we move closer to our inevitable deaths. I just wish she could have been happy.
Jokes on you, I'm killing myself before I turn 30.
Please spoil the lewd, user.
Normally repulsive protag but he did the deed.
>once even a loli
How do you turn into a loli?
I can imagine it now. The smile on her face as she found herself in a younger body free from the pain and the dark dimly lit house that must have been her personal hell for years, her prison. Just sharing that moment with her would have been enough for me. At least she's dead now as sad as it is to say. I finally feel somewhat at peace knowing she isn't suffering now.
>*she turned into a loli*
like that
Are you still on about your aunt?
Have (You) simply because I saved your picture.
So did something happen to Kuroko or something?
NT16 is right around the corner.
this anime's art style and animation production value is so good too bad its fucking dog shit
You now realize that even when they're a 75 year old couple, they'll still be glopping hard as their 15 year old virtual selves. And some admin somewhere is probably recording it.
>traped in a game were you die by the hands of monsters
Me too thanks
It feels weird imagining her suck his dick.
I guess sex with Koko would be unforgettable