Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists? It's almost like there's a pattern.
Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists? It's almost like there's a pattern
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Mexican intellectuals, maybe.
You mean people who expect to be paid a living because their parents told them they were smart, without producing value for their fellow man?
>Pic not related.
No, because they are college educated.
einstein wasnt a "leftist"
he invented the nuclear bomb you shit head
He was quite a leftist, do your research.
If you define intellectual as people who are literate then yes.
>Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists
Yeah, Carlyle, Burke, etc
Oh, wait. Your only examples are scientists who didn't know shit about politics.
>Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists?
If by "intellectuals" you mean your average "I fucking love science" faggot then I'd say 100% of those morons are leftists.
Notice how people who live in predominantly black neighborhoods get shot.
It’s almost like there’s a pattern.
Ever notice like 99% of welfare leeches are leftists? It's almost like there's a pattern.
Communists and nihilists have very intelligent, cohesive points of view too but it doesn't mean they're correct does it.
They also know that communism is a lie sold to the proles and fully expect to rule over them.
whoah they got suckered out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of their lives for a piece of paper that says they're smart, now they're special
>tfw not smart enough to see patterns
Yeah it's almost like there's only one kind of worthless faggot who would ever choose the career of "intellectual"
Ever noticed that 99% of "intellectuals" need electricians, mechanics, carpenters etc. to fix the simplest shit? It's almost as if intellectuals are stupid.
The left is very pretty skies and flowers until it's policies push too much to the left. Like it not, we need both. Left and right, they need to keep each other checked, or you end up too far and people start fucking dying.
>Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists?
Because smart people are idealist, they think everyone is like them and the world can be an utopia if everyone operate on the same level as them.
but sadly in reality, nigger, women and retard exists.
ever notice how 99% of intellectuals THROUGHOUT HISTORY had similar leanings to the thinking of the time, particularly on issues of race and sex?
According to the Big Five personality test
>High Openness scorers are more likely to have a high IQ.
>High Openness scorers are more likely to be politically liberal
Doesn't matter how much you learn, if the information you learn is false.
That’s because liberal and what liberalism is NOW is different. Like being a liberal but hating feminism and other races is intelligent and meaningful, but the people who used the term “liberal” think it all fits in their sjw spectrum
The world is flat. We live underneath the firmament and there are no other planets. Humans are cosmically significant and every single one of us matters. All science since the Renaissance is fake - it's the extension of Jewish pharisee/ruleslawyer autism from law to science. It's all a system they, the Synagogue of Satan, invented to lead everyone away from God, and to convince us all that we're completely insignificant animals on a speck of dust so that we deny our divine spark and our souls are fed to the master of the material world: Moloch/Saturn/Satan.
Intellectuals are just those goy who have been detected by Jewish programs likes GATE and TAG and been fed successfully through their system of indoctrination - coming out on the other side completely convinced of Jews lies and using their superior personal qualities to convince others.
I don't really believe this, but I'm starting to.
>posts a zionist
>Ever notice like 99% of intellectuals are leftists? It's almost like there's a pattern.
>Cultural hegemony by the left
>Media and academia shun down right-wing ideas and personalities
>The discoverer of DNA was banned from multiple universities speeches, because he linked race intelligence average to genetic causes (Equality = Total falsehood)
The entire establishment is hostile to anything that goes against their gospel.
Same poster, same picture
Einstein supported Jewish nationalism idiot.
Ever notice how right wing and nationalist Israel is?
Hm yes. A jew in the great depression was "quite a leftist" and i just have to "Do my research" got it.
Intellectuals tend to make bad leaders.
1 2 3 _ 5
What goes in _?
How does being a physicist have any relation to knowing how society should be organized?
You mean intellectuals that are promoted by the establishment, (((Einstein))) by himself made the whole body of scientists of Germany to unite to expose him as the cheap plagiarist he is.
Notice how they always have money and prioritize spending time to their liking over performing undesirable tasks.
gg ez
He wouldn’t be left by today’s standards.
>Albert Einstein produced no value for humanity
(((Einstein))) was a fraud. Look it up.
Oh wow
Finally someone who understands that zionists are actually right-wing Jews as opposed to left wing kikes.
Most of Sup Forums doesn't understand that.
How many world leaders outside of Israel? Or world conquerors?
It's almost there's a specific sweet spot where intellectuals thrive.
They shouldn't venture outside that sweet spot because they usually then destroy it when the think they can doing anything beyond a 'safe' academic setting.
He didn't.
What did he do? The atomic bomb wasn't invented by him.
The theory of relativity wasn't invented by him.
He piggybacked on the work of others just because Jewish publishers print his name in (((history))) books.
He didn't.
What did he do? The atomic bomb wasn't invented by him.
The theory of relativity wasn't invented by him.
He piggybacked on the work of others just because Jewish publishers print his name in (((history))) books.
Only if you're a brainwashed faggot cuck which you are. Lefties control the (((media))) so you only hear about lefty (((intellectuals))) . There are in reality more conservative intellectuals. Fuck off jewboy!
Under rated!
ever notice how 99% of right wingers are dead eyed psychopaths?
Einstein was an open supporter of Stalin. So yeah, he was a lefty
Ever notice like 99% of banking and media is jewish? It's almost like there's a pattern.
ever notice that people just make shit up to support their point of view? fucking crazy
Mother fucker how is Zionism left wing?
Ya well ya know the old saying.
Those who can't ,Teach
>Big Five personality test
Let me fix that for you
>(((Big Five personality test)))
You're welcome
>he invented the nuclear bomb you shit head
He didn't even discover nuclear fission faggot let alone make the atom bomb
>leftists are smart
Sage thread. Leftists today are usually post modernists which wasnt established during einsteins time
Saged for stupidity
you are a moron
How can a full fledge zionist be considerd a leftist?
Glorifying and normalizing degenerate behavior is what (((they))) are all about. Of course this is bullshit. It's more than likely the other way around. Cuckolding is for retards and jews (same thing)
>right wingers are dead eyed psychopaths
>Misses my image of a dead eyed psychopath
are you saying Trump is not the result right wing degeneration?
there is a reason intelligence and wisdom are two different stats in video games
But I'll agree, they /generally/ have a higher IQ than the right, but I'd feel like they'd score extremely low on Emotional IQ.
Posts image of biggest fraud "scientist" of all time.
How fitting!
>He was quite a leftist, do your research.
Do a bit more research and you'll learn he was a fraud who stole credit for other people's work his whole life.
So basically the OP is correctly admitting that 99% of fraud "intellectuals" turn out to be leftists.
I believe it.
>able to apply their inane theories in the chaos that is irl
Pick one
That a lot of them are Jewish?
And Jews are commie vermin?
>zionists are actually right-wing Jews
Goes to show you how retarded you lefty's are. Look at all the blue parts of the country that voted for hillary. They are heavily liberal and also heavily jewish in most cases. What a (((coincidence))) Sorry but you are just stupid.
>People with career prospects can't contradict the mainstream or they'll be effectively ostracised (see James Watson)
>Mainstream is leftist
>Therefore intellectuals appear apolitical or pro-leftist
It doesn't take a genius to see that there exists a clear sampling bias.
If you examine politics historically, I think that you'll find that what you state is quite untrue - at least in terms of what the 'right' entails today.
A few examples of right-wing intellectuals include:
>Bach (heavily religious)
>James Watson
>Henry Ford
>Walt Disney
>Founding fathers of the USA (although they would have been leftist for the time - again, it's a matter of context, and you're oversimplifying these labels)
>Adam Smith
The list simply goes on and on.
Is that the final solution? Haha
>The atomic bomb wasn't invented by him.
That's right. First nuclear reactor was invented by an Italian, Enrico Fermi. Jews will falsely tell you that he was jewish trying to claim him as their own. He was not, but his wife was.
Tell me why the leftists don't want children then
>Sup Forums's favorite author has a degree
>see? it's proof he's smart!
>anyone else has a degree
>lol he wasted his money for a piece of paper
That's because conservatives are usually uneducated rural men too drunk on moonshine.
>Believing the meme that this thief was an intellectual. youtube.com
Because intellectuals deal in theory, not reality. Reality has a conservative bias
>Rationalist (which is diametrically opposed to post-modernism)
>Thought that multi-culti was a segue to authoritarianism
>Believed that nature determined man, whereas leftists believe that man is a blank slate
>Believed in obeying the law purely because it's good to obey the law (see, Socrates' argument in favour of not abandoning Athens before his execution)
>Again using emotion in debate, and saw it as an obfuscation of logos or reason
Kind of.
Again, OP's attempt to categorise historical figures as 'left' or 'right' wing doesn't really work because of how radically different their societies were at the time. Someone with the exact same beliefs in the 'right' today would look alien to some one who was 'right wing' a thousand years ago.
Not sure how Trump cot into this, but if you must know. Trump has been a Democrat all his life up until now. Do you practice being a retard or does it just come naturally to you? Oh wait I know!! You must be one of those "intellectual lefty's" I keep hearing about.
*Against using emotion in a debate
Like how carbon dioxide demonstrably traps heat?
Ever notice how most of the greatest thinkers who ever lived were religious right-wingers? You can keep your "intellectuals".
Stop dude. You know Trump is far right. You voted for him. He represents the depth of the rights degeneracy. Your ideology is so mentally ill.
Ever notice that 11/10 of ancaps have some form of mental deficiency?
>Trump is far right
Maybe in this political climate, but 50 years ago he would be a genuine democrat.
For example, he stated that he would have no problem with a MtF transexual using his female bathroom - such a position would be taboo only a few decades ago.
Additionally, the USA's immigration policy was specifically 98%+ white historically and as far back as the '60s. His, by comparison, is more moderate as he simply wants to curb illegal immigration, lower net immigration, and improve the quality of immigrants entering the country. Of course this may have racial motives, but not necessarily.
Socrates' death sentence for "corrupting the youth" was a bullshit charge created because some butthurt Athenians didn't like him for calling tradition into question and btfoing the status quo. This is leftism 101 and it's what inspired Plato who inspired Aristotle. Similar to Hegel -> Marx -> Antifa intellectuals, our generation's paragons of wisdom
If Colleges only hired right-leaning profs you would end up with a bunch of right-leaning post grads. One way how the "US" tried to "re-educate" the Germans in their denazification programs was to replace all people in Academia with lefties or people that adhere to an ideology the Americans found acceptable. The idea was to create a sense of collective guilt, a German with no national pride, who would despise himself and his people for their past. What makes you think it's different in the USA?
You mean indoctrinated?
its like they crave needlessly complex systems because they can't comprehend the simple things working
Pretty sure if all the leftists weren't trying to rule the lives of the right most people would get along ok.
Full scale immolation? Might be time...
If you are an intellectual, you will prize some values much more than others. These values include intelligence and creativity. They matter much more than race or religion. Thus, if you are an intellectual, you will feel much more at ease talking to a Nigerian mathematician (there must be a few) than to a Nordic trash-cleaner, for the simple reason that the Nigerian mathematician has a lot more in common with you. Do you think Bach would care if Yo-Yo Ma is Asian? All he would care is that he knows how to play his cello works.
This has always been the case. Even in the Medieval Age, for instance, Dante put Muhammad in hell (and very badly disfigured), but the great Muslim philosopher Averroes in Limbo, next to Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and other Europeans.
Socrates was problematic because he asked the youth of his day to question what was taught to them. To ponder whether or not it actually stood to scrutiny.
In this sense he'd be more comparable to right leaning people today who question political correctness in light of persecution of those who hold views that contradict the powers that be. This is especially prevalent in Europe, and Anglo nations like Australia and Canada.
>our generation's paragon of wisdom
Are you joking? When I think of 'Antifa', 'wisdom' doesn't come to mind. I mean, they were literally a major cause of the rise of fascism in Europe c. 1930 because they presented themselves as chaos which could only be solved by authoritarian police states. What 'wise' man empowers his enemy?
They're anything but 'wise', and Marx certainly wasn't either. No man who causes 100 million deaths, leeched off of his wife, and poorly raised his children can be said to be 'wise'.
I might agree with your 'left'/'right' dichotomy as intellects can generally see faults and can create new ways of approaching the world with their intellect, but if that's the case then the 'right-wing' today may as well be 'left wing'.
The Jewish IQ gap is a myth, but the Jews rule over the white men so much that they made us believe the Jewish IQ gap is real.
How come?
Dear Lord, Americans are unbelievable sometimes.
A state funded institution made them believe the state is necessary. Without the power of the state to tax productive citizens, these intellectuals would be burger flippers, so to get 6 figure salaries, they shill for the state. Most of these people are severly autistic, and they have been in state run schools since kindergarten, they go to college right out of high school, no job, and after college they go right to teaching at college. In other words, leftist professors and intellectuals are giant children that have never had to work for themselves, they cannot function without being told what to do.
Or maybe being an intellectual is about seeing past superficialities and this is reflected in their politics.
Hell, I don't even agree with that dichotomy outright, as it necessitates that there can never be 'new' right wing ideologies.
If 'right wing' always literally just means 'to preserve what is currently in place', then all right wing ideologies can only be older left wing ideologies, but that doesn't follow.
It's more nuanced than that.