How did the Holocaust make you feel?


I want to go back to grade school to fill this out.





>Grade school
Nigger this is probably a high school test.
>Inb4 write a tweet about WW1 trenches


So what happens if you put a smiley face?

Taken from parents and put in a home?



this really makes me thinkmind

6 million jews in 4 years is like +3000 every day

you get sent to the school by the section 8 housing

That's a lot of ash!


You guys are what's wrong with society. You think you can be edgy behind your computer screen while your mom is upstairs calling you for dinner? I hope law enforcement takes your asses to jail, I'm sick an tired of hearing you faggots deny the holocaust! Seriously? Do we really need to go there? Fucking act your age and not your dick size, (which is really tiny by the way) and grow up.




You know that Common Core was created by a Jew, right?

Why not check the archive for the last 30 times this thread got made, ya fuckin nonce


Newfag detected

t. Schlomo


Absolutely lost it


>makes retarded claim
>doesn't back up said claim
>attacks others for not believing in what he believes
Go be a kike somewhere else

>replying to bait


Sad and astonished at humanity's capacity for evil.
Then I learned it was fictional.
That made me Sad and astonished at humanity's capacity for evil and deception.


>Schlomo Goldbergenstein's first day on Sup Forums

Holocaust is fiction.


>bad goy

no fuckin way this is real, holy shit lol

My mate just died in a pool of his own shit
an artillery barrage killed everyone in the neighbouring town

Silly goyim. They made us into soap, lamp shades and even sex slaves. Oy vey what's stopping your ignorance from thimking they couldnt make us into extra furnaces, fuel for them, and machinery to raze the camps to its foundations while hiding all of the war crimes during heavy supply losses due to military strikes on our rail lines...



Have a (((you)))

For once, the leaf is right.

Why the fuck is Sup Forums convinced the Holocaust didn't happen? The main thing I keep hearing is that they couldn't have burned 6 million bodies, but there's clear evidence that they did.

>Why the fuck is Sup Forums convinced the Holocaust didn't happen?
Because it didn't.
>he main thing I keep hearing is that they couldn't have burned 6 million bodies, but there's clear evidence that they did.
What evidence?

>What evidence?
The concentration camps? The burners and gas chambers? The countless eyewitness accounts?


this is the only reply ur gonna get from the person you just tried to reply to. Not worth it man. just walk away.


Think about it from a logical point of view. If you were so inclined to kill 6 million people, why would you do it with such complicated methods like gas chambers? Why not just hang them, or shoot them?

It makes very little sense for Germans to bother spending on the living conditions of a bunch of people they wanted dead anyways.


>What evidence?
Go visit the Holocaust memorial in Washington DC

The same way I feel about Santa I guess. Extremely saddened that it was all a fantasy.



>Because it's lie, it never happened

nice try rabbi


So this

I am not allowed to talk about that subject.

Bullshit. Nazis were smart, they'd know you couldn't clean with a dirty jew.
Why? So you could charge them for their own light?
>sex slaves
Juden please, no one wants to have sex with jews, and you make terrible slaves. It would be the worst fuck of anyones life.

>Krauts think they're hot shit for massacring defenseless women and children



Was going to post this next


Are you retarded?

I hate to break this to you Hans... But that's not a midget she's holding.

It didn't, because I didn't live it. No one in my family are jews, so they don't give a fuck either.

>tfw a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard holds to tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic. Anne and Peter ask to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.


Really hungry. So hungry I could eat a pig. Pic related

those are Russian solders baka.

That picture is of Soviet POWs IIRC (not that the Nazis treated them any better)

>those are Russian solders baka.

I didn't know the Russian Army enlisted four year olds who don't even know what a gun is as soldiers.

i knew Johnny reb was stupid, but you just keep on surprising me.



Is that even nazis?

How many days without food does it take for a man to get into that state?

It taken by a German military photographer and it has soldiers in German uniforms using German rifles so I assume so.

>Following this picture Description the picture must be a staged or faked product of the Polish resistance for black propaganda purposes:
>"The photo was mailed from the Eastern Front to Germany and intercepted at a Warsaw post office by a member of the Polish resistance collecting documentation on Nazi war crimes." For mailing a photo in 1942 first the film must be developed and then the paper copy must be blown up and developped in a photo lab. The Einsatzgruppen surely did not have complete photo labs for their soldiers in deployment.

>Russian uniforms
>Russian guns
It's the dreaded Commie-Nazi.

Weak ass b8

pretty good, until i learned that the 6gorrillion was actually more like 270,000. then i was sad.

>65,000 Soviet POWs were killed by feeding them only a thin soup of grass, water, and salt for six months.


Literal grass? Like the ones in the fields?

>How did the Holocaust make you feel?

Few months

>Russian uniforms

Looks like a standard M36 tunic to me

>Russian guns

That's a Mauser boy.

Join the club Yep

this has to be a troll but cmon it is ambiguous at best





Theoretically possible if you have enough manpower. The problem is gathering that many victims in one place.

what did he mean by this?


Stop spamming this thread everyday pendejo

>The problem is gathering that many victims in one place.
The weird thing is how they gassed them. Why not just let them die of hunger? Seems like a ridiculous waste of resources to feed people and then gas them.


Yes it did.