>tfw 6''1
I feel like a complete manlet compared to other healthy young white people. Is there any way to grow taller?
>tfw 6''1
I feel like a complete manlet compared to other healthy young white people. Is there any way to grow taller?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 10 inch nigger cock and make 2 million bucks a second
Wrong board manlet
you have body dysmorphia like a teenage girl who thinks she's fat, you're a manlet on the inside and that's where it counts
damn I'm 6'1 too, sucks being a manlet
Try being 5'5" and 115 pounds you fucking crybaby. I don't even like leaving my house.
I fucking hate all of you.
I'm 6'1" and I feel like 6'3" is the perfect height. 6'1" is the manlet cut off.
I'm 4'6'' and 34.
My life has been miserable.
1. If you're a social autist, height is your only redeeming factor (trust me, it counts). You need to be much taller than the others to stand out.
2. The average height for young healthy white males is around 6''3 - 6''4. New generations are considerably taller than boomers who drive the national average down and give us the impression that we're taller than we think we are. Shitskins don't count because they will never amount to anything important, socially speaking. And they're slowly catching up anyway.
In 2040 average young white males will be 6''8.
5'11 and a mesomorph and I don't feel like a manlet. More like average. Some of y'all cry too much.
I'm 6' 3" but when I stand next to my 6' 5" friend I feel emasculated
>More like average.
in 1970 sure
>Have an Amazon fetish
I'm 6'4 and feel completely average at my campus. Boomers are so fucking short it's a joke.
Embrace your weakness OP. Watch it grow.
So you're actually seeking advice on how to grow taller because you have nothing else going for you and you don't think it would be easier to improve literally any other trait?
give that a shot and come back when you're 6'4" and we can work on making you not a fucking weirdo by picking up on social cues and forming healthy relationships with real people and not anonymous people online telling you you're too short as a joke that you don't get because you're an autist
Drink some milk you fuckin pussy
I don't know if you get out much OP but from what I've seen 6'1 will put you safely above the average dude, regardless of age. You won't be the tallest guy at the mall but that's far from manlet status. Maybe I'm getting trolled here.
am same height, have the opposite problem i want to be shorter so i can be a qt trap
You're such a giant pussy, it wouldn't matter if you were 6'4" and had 18" bis
Surgeries will only fuck up your bones and hit you right back in the face as you age.
Also taller legs don't impress anyone. Needs to be spread evenly.
>You won't be the tallest guy
Complete manlet
You're a fruitcake dude. Go choke on a fat dick.
>Subhuman measuring standard
Cute, looking for a top?
5'11 manlet with a 4.3-5 inch dick here, shoot yourself in the leg faggot.
Yeah, no you can't be taller, it's just one of those things, you can't have an anime girlfriend either. Have some fucking self respect for christ sake you fucking worm.
6'2 here. All jokes aside, it hurt my ego going to the Netherlands and only being slightly taller than the average
>Not measuring in freedom units
Reddit pls go
shut the fuck up the north american white male average is 5'10
kill yourself tall shitter
>Sage, not political fuck off
I swear I feel like I'm on reddit sometimes. Even when you specify things in the OP clearly, enough to be understood by a toddler, you will still have retards who will post like they haven't read the OP.
This is why average young white height matters but no one tries to measure it.
>gonna need source fag
>People see you as a freak
that coping holy shit. Tall people are always the center of attention no mater where they get.
Were you guys by single moms? No friends? Pussy friends? Like shouldn't proper socialization have knocked this shit out of you? Didn't you have friends rip on you for stuff but then you rip on them and ultimately realize non of it matters as long as you're not a little pussy about it? That's what it's all about, your guy friends are instictively giving you shit tests so when another tribe comes to fuck all your women you don't just curl up into a ball and start crying? Should I write a book about this? It seems like an epidemic.
Please seek therapy OP
Almost impossible to find. Just go out in your college and look at the chad whites. The nerd, old people and non whites don't count.
Pick small, mostly homogenous white countries like Croatia and Bosnia where the population is relatively rural and healthy and the average height for young people is 6'3. And those have some malnourished kids driving the average down.
The Netherlands is 6''2 as well for young people and they're being driven down by arabs, gooks and shitskins (almost 50% of the population has foreign genes)
The average young white guy in the netherland is 6''4, it is known
>tall people aren't the center of attention during dinners and parties
please go outside more.
I go to an 80% white college on the east coast. At 6' even I would estimate I'm taller than >60% of men, and >95% of women. And the ones that are taller are usually black athletes.
> be me, 5'8''
> very attractive and fit
> taller women check me out and hit on me all the time
> getting pussy is so easy that I barely go out and instead spend my time acquiring shekels
I rarely think about my height faggot
You're such an insecure little faggot that I just want you to post a video of yourself talking about your day so I can rest easy knowing that you're exactly what I expected. I hardly know you and everything you've posted so far screams bully food.
>east coast
That includes Jews, Italians, slavs who don't qualify as western whites.
That covers most of the 60% that doesn't include malnourished nerds and older people.
The real average at your college for healthy, fit and well off middle class white guys is 6''4.
Troll. Yawn.
>You're such an insecure little faggot
Looksmaxxing isn't insecure
Is this 2011?
Im 5'5" pretty much have accepted and adopted the forever a boy lifestyle sure i slay tons of pussy but i just can't fathom going to bars or events
please just post your voice on vocaroo so I can here your smug yet insecure autist accent
There’s no way to get taller just like there’s no way to regrow teeth.
you sound like this right?
Depends on your age/stats
You are delusional leaf. I'm in fucking Appalachia surrounded by Anglos and Germanics. The older people here have the same height spectrum as 20 somethings do. If you're that passionate about this do some real research.
Just look at the map.
Shit you got me cornered there faggot
plumb fucked
>tfw 5'7"
feels extremely bad man. At least I have a pretty face.
The average in Bosnia will depend a lot on where you live, most of the people are not 6'3. People are tall but on average they are not as big as the Dutch unless you live in Herzegovina where everyone is extremely tall.
Look at your map. There are areas with 73 inches. That's where you know only well fed, upper middle class white people live there and the stats are truer.
And that still probably includes malnourished nerds.
>unless you live in Herzegovina where everyone is extremely tall.
Because they're white, with little admixture from turks, and well off enough to afford good western food while maintaining a balanced diet of home grown vegatables.
>The average height for young healthy white males is around 6''3 - 6''4.
Categorically false
Please do
It is known.
Europeans are generally short. That's why designer clothes run smaller than American clothes.
Coincidentally, height is determined by the amount of reptilian in you. The taller you are, the more reptilian. Anyone over 5'9" is most likely a lizardperson.
Now if only you could be so cool and detached about your height you wouldn't come off like such a little bitch
You don't live in the Netherlands leaf, fuck off.