Fake Tapper just liked Trump's latest tweet - CNN is reporting on child abuse - what's going on?
Also wtf is Jake's background
Fake Tapper just liked Trump's latest tweet - CNN is reporting on child abuse - what's going on?
Also wtf is Jake's background
/ourguy/ confirmed.
welcome to the fold tapper
tapper is a jew working for the left
>what's going on?
Anything to take news off Vegas
Tapper is fake news leeching off this story to try to regain credibility
tapper fucks kids.
That tweet is sick
jake tapper has ridden the line since the primaries. whether he has done it to APPEAR fair/balanced or for some other reason is irrelevant. his behavior has been consistent.
Jake is thinking about his career post CNN. He knows that the dossier CNN paid for will be their end.
holy shit
He's laying the groundwork for CNN to accuse one of the Trumps of some sort of sex crime.
wtf tapper, I trusted you
>We paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to ship in a black child from Africa so we can gloat about it to our friends.
>Instead of adopting a child here at home in the states for nearly free.
>Whoops turns out in my greed I destroyed the lives of dozens!
>But I am the real victim.
Too bad nobody believes CNN.
tfw Jake Tapper is begging for his life so the DS doesn't expose all that kid fucking.
>Fake Tapper just liked Trump's latest tweet - CNN is reporting on child abuse - what's going on?
Kikes in damage-control mode. They are scared shitless and trying to get behind the narrative to redirect it.
OP here - that's what I figured.
Tapper is a greasy, squirmy kike, but at least he stood against the narrative that trump said "they're rapists" and not "their rapists", or was it another fake news quote someone help me out
holy shit.
Jake Tapper is an absolutely disgusting pedophile faggot and should be given absolutely no quarter.
I almost fell for it dangerous stuff
Tapper confirmed compromised, he's buttering up for what's to come and his implication. Ch3k 3m
Why? Have you always been a faggot?