I used to think you guys were crazy about the jew thing but this hollywood shit is changing me
I used to think you guys were crazy about the jew thing but this hollywood shit is changing me
JQ is real
you're dumb or haven't experienced enough of the world to not believe it
Welcome to the fight user. Start reading
This is just the beginning. You’ll continue to notice things that will make you a heretic. You’re doomed to wander the earth and pay the terrible price for knowledge. Only the dead shall know peace.
The only evidence i had was my cousins jew friends who was super greedy and made people in the food service industries lifes miserable by making all kinds of requests and demands for discounts and more food/drinks for free
he would actually run in the middle of the road to pick up a penny i just thought it was a coincidence
Fuck the Jews.
You must have been super complacent your entire life. never challenging anything or anyone.
we are mind controlled.
You think its only white people on here saying this about the jewish problem? Its a real problem and it has been made taboo to even bring it up by design. Not by consenus.
We have to keep the fuse lit. We have to. If we let it peter out, then THEY will go back into the shadows and say that anyone mentioning the jewish problem is crazy or a racist.
It's happening. I've been saying it for months now that it will be BLM niggers or libtards that will name the Jew and have the social capital to get the ball rolling.
try not to jump into the rabbit hole too quickly. there's a lot to go through. start with shit where they use nepotism to take over all our high ranking areas of society, especially positions where they can control and spread propaganda.
Hollywood, television, news, music industry, sports, education, (all top us schools have Jews at the top of the attendee list) , and even Vidya games.
this. most pics of people on Sup Forums that I've seen are hardly ever huwhite. Doesn't matter who you are, it's a matter of waking the fuck up
you're here forever now
A few people in Hollywood are rapists. Some of them are also Jewish.
What the fuck does that have to do with all Jews?
Jewish ladder boosting. They hold allegiance to their own, that is how the take over industries
what have you seen little GOYEM??????, go back to sleep!
Don't forget, you're here forever.
>the Jewish problem is that "some" out of "a few" are jewish
wew lad
Read Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique.
>ever doubting us
Yeah this Weinstein scandal has been a real gift, Praise Kek.
Seconded, most important book written in the last 50 years.
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thank me later
gas the kikes
race war now