In 2007 we did a mock UN in my Grade 12 Law class.
I signed up to be Iran.
For an hour I subtly and not-so subtly kept dropping hints about how much I wanted to nuke Israel (who was being portrayed by a black chick)
By the end of the session everybody was voting on whether or not to expel and invade me.
I got a 95% in that class.
Now you go, Sup Forums
Brayden Carter
I told a government agent that their honeypot thread sucks and they should try again with higher-IQ bait.
Caleb Thomas
I told a women she stinks (she did) and is ugly (she was).
Xavier Hill
>be first person to wish luck to ebola-chan >everyone likes it and we take it way too far >exactly as planned giddyforever.dednggrs
James Hall
Similar scenario circa 2005 in a history course. We had to have a mock UN debate on who was at fault for WW1, I got assigned Germany along with a jew and a retard in my group. Everyone chuckled when I got the assignment cause of course I was going to lose the debate. I came to that class with more ammunition than the Brits fired at the Somme. Teacher was moderator and scorer, Germany won the debate and we officially pinned fault for WW1 on the Russians and French as the biggest escalators to a world war.
Was pretty funny.
Robert Jackson
>Masons did 9/11 to bring blood back to the ancient war between Templars & Wahabis >Masons invented Niggers to tarnish the blood of the Negro >Masons are behind Democratic/Republican ideologies >Jews & Masons are in a constant battle & both aim to destroy Catholicism >The Church has effectively been overthrown by the Masons & Jews >Piss Porn is the only non-degenerate porn.
Henry Gray
Chekd m8. I miss her...
Jaxon Morgan
>Why do girls wear make up and perfume? Because theyre ugly and they stink
I told this to a girl I thought had a sense of humour, turns out she had a sense of cunt
Jaxson Bell
Double checked user. She was like a daughter to me. I could not participate in the sacri-faps.
Levi Miller
I accidentally redpilled my mom casually chatting about politics and now I think she lost respect for my cuckservative dad
Owen Edwards
Nicholas Wilson
We were doing a section on current and past elections in the United States and other foreign countries in my history class, the issue of multiple political party systems was brought up. Did what I had to by saying that its better for a country culturally and ideologically to have one political party than having multiple parties competing for power, and having the country do a 180 degree turn policy wise every time a leader from a different party is elected.
Noah Harris
You're a legend, user.
Henry Bell
>black kid as usa
le simps are based!
Evan Lewis
>be in 7th or 8th grade holohaox unit >not actually redpilled, just a rebellious shit >teacher does various things to "simulate hardhsips" (no desks, tiny pencils, stupid shit) >constantly complain that a superior blond-hair blue-eyed aryan like myself should not be subject to the conditions of plebs >always interrupting to ask edgy questions, mostly about why a superior gent like myself was being treated as riff raff >she gets pissed and says "user, if you have anymore questions, you have to raise your hand >immediately zieg heil. >rest of day suspension.
Kayden Bailey
>be me >work for a new company in high technology >first day, someone makes a trump joke and how the russians are behind everything, haha! Tell everyone that the Jews worship demons again and need a 3rd coming of Elijah to wipe them out again but then everyone laughs because I was obviously telling a joke
Mason Carter
>be me >be in Uni required multiculti class >dipshit SJW young white female "professor" is droning on about how all truth is "relative to culture" >60+ people in stadium style classroom >be me sitting in the top back row with a TX bro >front row is filled with black power chicks with big afro nodding their heads yes to everything she says >raise my hand in back >Yes white man >So you saying as long as a culture says its "OK" its "right" and we can't judge them? >"Professor" has smug smile "Yes that is correct" >I ask "So when they rape their wives and beat them to death in Iran, its OK because that is their culture and we can't say its bad?" >"Professor" gives me death look but grunts "Yes" through her teeth. >Black power chicks instantly red pilled "OH HELL NO" >Classroom erupts into chaos with yelling and shebooning >TX bro fist bumps me
Shit actually happened, I still laugh about it today.
Charles Watson
>Why do girls wear make up and perfume? Because theyre ugly and they stink
Jonathan Price
Let the engines roar!
Alexander Rivera
So you actually played Iran?
Am I supposed to be impressed?
Hunter Long
cheeky. it's usually the simplest jokes that cut the deepest. inform any bitch that her ends are split and she wont sleep for days
Jaxson Gray
No, just jealous I got an A+ to tell a nigger bitch I wanted to nuke her stupid jew ass for an hour
Caleb Perry
God's light upon thee if true.
Cooper Green
>~1996 11th grade English paper >get handed the Palestine and kike ME feud >write 20+ pages on how Israel is cancer >include 2 pages on US military aid >include the USS Liberty incident >concluded on how shit in the ME will only get worse >only kid who didn't get the chance to 'read and dissect' his paper in front of the class Still got an A
Zachary Martinez
Did you rant about Jews controlling the media, banking systems, and their American attack dog?
Logan Wood
srsly happened
Nathaniel Myers
When I was really young (one of my earliest memories), my grandfather asked me to find the end of the tape for him. I remember looking at him, then the roll of tape, then him. I was totally confused. I asked him, "Wouldn't you rather have the beginning?" Baby Red Pills!
Noah Wood
I didn't quite know it then. I remember being mainly focused on channeling Ahmadinejad to make people hate muzzies
Angel Fisher
but, in parroting him, I probably did repeat a few of those sentiments
Charles Ross
BASED Maple leaf. Also top reference in pic.
Ethan Wilson
based peepee poster
Eli Morgan
Dumbo was fucking based.
Xavier Hall
Would really love to watch a Sup Forums model UN.
Landon Rivera
I did that in 7th grade with Libya.
That was a blast, all the chumps who picked Democratic countries had to play peacenick while I got to channel my inner megalomaniac.
In the scenario we had going I concealed a military build up and ended up conquering Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia while the UN squabbled. I also got an A.
Jordan King
Post the screenshot
Jackson Scott
I honestly agree with that. I’ve thought about it several times, what’s the point of a PM or President to do their term only for it to be overwritten later in the decade? Just think of how much ground nations could make if we stayed on one path. Elections could choose the leader, just not the party (the party has to be conservative), and the PM or pres can be impeached at anytime by parliament/congress or by the citizens.
Nicholas Brown
Met a 10/10 half Paki half European girl. We were talking about Pakistan and I told her how it was a shithole, and then we talked about South Africa and I told her it was a shithole. She liked my honesty and we banged.
Jonathan Bennett
noice. I have no such tale. Fucked a chicano a few times. Was fun.
Charles Perry
>work in tech startup >job hires some Chinese students intern/contract from local university >one is put in my group >group members talk with him alot about life in america with obvious lib slant to make him think the US is super racist > he responds how he hasn't really experienced any and how in China there is loads of racism more than he's seen here >realizing opportunity and terrified since I've never remotely hinted any power level mutter out "don't you guys like have a term on the Chinese reddit weibo or something called 'white liberal' that's like an insult?" >co workers immediately try to say nah that's probably made up shit from right wing reddit pages >fuck I'm caught its over >Chinese student says yeah verifies my claim >bewildered coworkers say how is that even an insult? >china student explains everything, cultural suicide for diversity, replacement, all the self destructive terminology >can see the red pill start to click in co workers eyes >one says "it makes sense and I want to believe it, but that means I have to agree with those nazis in Charlottesville so fuck that" >we go back to work >I fucking hate California
Nicholas Harris
It's not the UN, but there are plenty of laughs to be had in the 4 chin Cup Soccer games.
Noah Hughes
ITT: 12 year-olds who think they're redpilled
Jayden Gonzalez
>be me in 10th grade politics >discus recent isis atacks >discus about solutions to isis >say that we should drop tactile nukes on isis/middle east >teacher of north African >whole class looks at me is despair
Brody Lee
> be me in freshman year, 2013 > attend a woke High School in Seattle > start off the year with a unit learning Jewish history while reading Chaim Potok's The Chosen > teacher tells us that we are going to watch a movie on the holocaust in class > a redneck kid sits right behind me, I really got to know him after a couple of weeks, he was from Auburn WA, obsessed with guns, nazis andnironically hated jews. he was pretty mental. > I dare him to yell "Hitler did nothing wrong" when the movie is playing as a joke. > he agrees, thinking it wasn't a joke > at the end of the movie the narrator said the number of jews killed. > I hear the redneck kid behind me yell "Hitler did nothing wrong" to the top of his lungs > the entire class goes silent, you could hear a pin drop. > our teacher got fucking furious. > sends him to the principal's office. > the redneck kid didn't return before class was over. > at lunch rumors spread that said he was got get suspended for two weeks. > we learn the next week he got expelled > I saw him a couple of months ago, he is 19 now working at an Orange Julius at the Auburn SuperMall. > he said that after he got expelled from school, he went to a new one and wasn't able to graduate. > all of that because I dared him to say something during a movie about the holocaust back in freshman year.
Oliver Davis
>Be me, 4 years ago >Discussing child discipline with female friend >Asked about child discipline and family structure. >I ascribe to traditionalist family structure >Friend gets visible annoyed >Asked about child gender roles >Again ascribe to traditionalism >Friend gets visibly angry >Asked about transgender in kids >Declare it a ridiculous notion >Friend bursts into tears and refuses to talk to me for 3 years >last year, friend contacts me, has become redpilled and thanks me for starting her on the path.
Asher Green
every girl knows at least one girl who uses makeup or has problems/has had problems with their image. It's part of their way of life both biologically and socially. It's basic etiquette and chivalrous to not make such jokes around a woman dumbass
Lincoln Watson
>Be senior in highschool history class >Grow up in Ithaca New York >Literally rated as the most liberal city in america that's not in california (and even then we give them a run for their money) >attend the alternative school which is extra liberal >really sick of the white guilt trip that is the school >need to write a comparison essay >decide to write about how the winners always dictate the outcome of history in respect to who is right and who is wrong >compare the KKK to the Black Panthers >accurately source lists of crimes both big and small conducted by each group >present it in class >talk about the torture of Alex Rackley for reporting crimes the panthers committed. >discuss the robberies and militant violence towards whites used by the panthers and compare it to the Klans lynchings >get booed and flipped off >teacher visibly sweating when other students look to him for support >Teacher stands up after I take my seat. >Teacher, "I understand that many of you are probably offended" >whole class is white kids >"But user gave me his work cited before presenting today, and despite what you all know, it's very accurate." >Liberal REEING intesifies. >repeat this in several other classes just to piss people off I won't see next year anyway >Other highlights include slavery essay using 1st hand journal sources from slave traders talking about trading goods to niggers for nigger slaves
Dominic Baker
>"white liberal' that's like an insult baizuo
Carson Phillips
You planted the seed of doubt. These thoughts will never leave their minds and they can do nothing but grow stronger. It may not happen for everyone, but it happens for many. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually.
Elijah Clark
Once spent three days talking to a random panhandler, about how he should stop being a leech and actually get a job. Told him about a few places and offered to be a reference for him. Got a phone call two days later, from a local home depot, asking for a reference. Guy got the job and in five years turned his whole life around, he's now a district manager, has a house and is dating a nice lady.
Adam Lee
not unusual user---not unusual at all
tfw you gradually redpill your formerly bluepilled mom and now she realizes your dad isn't redpilled
Robert Wood
My history teacher asked me in class why Hitler wanted to gas the jews. I told her it's because the Jews were behind the communist uprising in Germany. Another redpilled classmate of mine said that it's because the Jews were greedy.
Daniel Nguyen
Philosophy of Ethical Leadership class, 100 level elective that I needed to graduate. Exercise where we got to anonymously write an example of either ethical or unethical leadership and the teacher would read them before the class to provoke discussion.
Wrote a fucking novel that was basically the summary of pizzagate, whole class full of philosophy major faggots, place erupted.
The dirtiest kike in the place, a mtf tranny with the broadest shoulders you've ever seen literally stands up and says WHO WROTE THAT THIS IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY THAT COULD GET PEOPLE HURT YOU"RE NO BETTER THAN THE RUSSIANS.
I'm in the back row cracking up the whole time, teacher was actually pretty based, 100% could figure out it was me by the end of the semester based on my writing style, hit me with an A and told me to contact him if I ever needed a letter of recommendation.
Total chad professor, other cucks in the philosophy dept bowed to him.
Nicholas Perry
Red pilled my father, just discussing politics, really opened his eyes to a lot of things. Sadly my mother may be too heavily brainwashed.
Xavier Martinez
>when she forgets the compliments and dwells on her insecurities
not fun to be with.
tell me I'm pretty user
Carson Rogers
Based chink.
Landon Jones
I want to believe.
moral relativism excuses degeneracy
redpill them all--all of them
John Price
I quoted Herman Goering a couple of times in a final (srp)
Xavier Brown
Hide the slide.
Gabriel Young
>be in university >take class about "diversity and otherness" for shits and giggles (this was before peak SJW) >all the other 20 students are ugly girls >seriously, there wasn't one decent looking one among them >teacher is actually a pretty cool dude, who I suspect doesn't take this very seriously >every lesson ends with the girls fighting amongst themselves to prove who is the most tolerant until one of them cries >just sit in the back laughing my ass off not participating at all >teacher doesn't even mind >at the end of the semester have to write a 15 page paper >all the girls write about basic bitch bullshit like how great mutliculturalism and diversity is >write a half scientific/half comedic paper on how stereotypes are a good thing and an evolutionary benefit >clearly display that I did my research but put enough dumb jokes and comments in the footnotes to also show I don't take this shit seriously at all >expect to fail, doesn't matter, didn't need the credits anyway >pass with flying colours, my teacher loved it
Isaiah Lee
>who wrote that this a conspiracy theory--that could get people hurt--you're no better than the russians
being that blue-pilled
Jace Sanders
generally, women groupthink with their close circle of female friends by seeking affirmation of views through them
sometimes a husband can override this throughout marriage, but the wife may not want to risk her close female relationships by discussing a newfound perspective without another female in the group to affirm her
your father may or may not be able to red pill her because of this
William Perry
She wants to fuck
David Rivera
well done user
Ayden Reyes
>Class is talking about germany in WWII >Talking about how they believed in Eugenics >teacher calls Eugenics a pseudo-science >raise hand >"But what about all the different breeds of dogs, they all came from wolves and were selectively bred to serve certain purposes?" >teacher says that isn't eugenics >"But selective breeding is, by definition, a form of eugenics, you are selecting certain traits you like in a species, and breeding that trait out." >teacher : "well that doesn't work with humans user" >"Why not?" >teacher ignores my question
Highschool... so full of memories. At least I did have one teacher agree with me during a debate that only qualified adults should be allowed to have children and he praised the idea to the class.
Angel Jackson
Why isn't this a gif of his gigantic fucking ears unraveling? That shit was cute as fuck, fuck that old hag elephant for hating on Dumbo. If I was Dumbo's mom I'd cuddle the fuck out of that baby. Dumbo was fucking adorable, I'd trample a circus for him, too.
Gabriel Campbell
fuck you you fucking soft cunt its a fucking joke its not a fucking therapy
Jaxson Sanchez
>private school 11th grade >world history, class A >ww2 again >6 week assignment is to make a video depicting life in nazi controlled areas >cheap digital camcorders are given to film >partners are huge titted/nosed short girl, class slut, and a class clown >4 days before project is due we take lunch to discuss what we're doing >my overly German surname is brought up >we decide that it will be a pov style video showing each of our perspectives across two days >clown will play a humble merchant hiding with his short busty Jewish wife in a bakery run by the slut >I play a nazi commander investigating and being seduced by the slut >our spy Shek Elstein, played by an actual Jew classmate, starts the entire video by telling me that for a few coins he will tell me of a baker locally known for hiding Jews >had to pay him $5 and let him keep the coins to have him in the film >video ends from a 5th perspective with me stripping the Jewish family to their underwear, throwing them into a gas chamber, the slut shackled to the wall also in her underwear, and it fades to black with me slowly smiling at the camera as I pull a switch and they all start coughing and screaming >hidden scene after painfully slow photo montage credits is Shek Elstein rummaging through their clothes and picking out their cash >he kept some of it as an "acting fee" >day projects are due we discover they'll be shown to the entire grade in different class periods >ours is last for class A >completely different from everyone else's >classroom is completely silent after our video except the special kid is fapping to the girls >no other class was shown ours >nobody's film scores were posted >progress reports come out 2 weeks later >get a final exam score (70% of overall semester) of 115 for film style, acting, believability, and getting both of those girls in their underwear on film
Julian King
Triple checked
Eli Murphy
>hating Iran and worshiping Israel >redpilled WEW
Isaac Moore
Ryder Sanchez
I convinced my English teacher/class that Multiculturalism was fundamentally flawed. I got the highest marks in the class.
Henry Wood
So you acted like an ass and got the deserved response. Outstanding job nitwit.
Jacob Harris
I went on a date with a girl from Ithica once. Easily the dumbest, most immature and self-centred cunt I have ever met from any country.
Julian Jenkins
>that doesn't work with humans >evolution is how we made it from apes to humanoids
these people need to fucking pick one.
Nathaniel Scott
Best quote
Brody Ross
Cooper Allen
Jayden Harris
what the hell man why didnt you tell him you were joking when you could tell he was serious? he probably thought you were gonna back him up
poor retard...
Ayden Flores
God bless you TX bro
Christian Martinez
note that this works over the Internet
which is the reason society has gotten to the point today
plus single-mother-raised fluorided beta males
Aiden Kelly
>>"Why not?" >>teacher ignores my question fucking retards
Mason Garcia
Told my parents about 9/11, pizzagate and beta kitten mind control. I wonder if Get out is based on mind control in the music industry they shill so hard Katy Perry never explains all the illuminati symbolysm
Aaron Lee
>not actually redpilled, just a rebellious shit
The two are closer than you think.
Eli Stewart
Hello Ivan
Joshua Gray
i thought you were going to hit them with the culture in the antebellum south being that slavery was accepted. then the sheboons would have HEEEE HOOO WAH WAH *throws banana* WOOO HEEEE
Jaxon Gomez
Ive been a pretty good salesman, so ive got kutzpah, most women will listen to logic if you map it out, and monitor your tone when you say it Thats the big thing about women, you have to monitor how you talk, talk exuberantly and sound excited to speak and theyll respond in a similar matter I accidently over red-pilled my ex and she started posting about white genocide on Facebook >mfw she would post about this, and both of our families wondered where she was getting this info
Nathan Williams
>be me >at gym >doing one-arm cable extensions >literally doing heil hitler salute with other arm to keep stability >grunting and raising, firm and proud. >old jewish ladies and swarmy jewtards look at me in shock >wut.jpg >nobody says anything and I do this every day feels good desu.
Connor Carter
I also mentioned the Irish bigotry and (kind of, in a way) slavery in the 1930's to a black kid i worked with, his eyes got fuckong huge and he said, "Oh yeah, that DID happen, didnt it?!" He was a pretty smart one, though
Colton Ortiz
Meant for Im retarded
Henry Hughes
Jose Hughes
Get video nigga
Ryder Hernandez
Checked by KEK
Bentley Miller
*tips fedora*
Camden Price
>that time I told a class about Edward Bernays with the help of a friend
>telling Blacks about race and IQ
>got an art professor to revise his curriculum to include the CIA in abstract art
>told a lefty (probable) Jewess about Hagarism and Holodomor
>myself and two friends all shouted "muh six gorillion" when a normie conservative chick talked about the holohoax
>tell people all the time about the Frankfurt School and the Managerial revolution
Noah Rogers
>>Friend bursts into tears
Womens rights were a mistake, how emotional do you have to be to cry over this? And we expect them to vote rationally
Hunter Barnes
>"Why not?" >teacher ignores my question You have autism, friend The teacher ignored your question because you were too retarded to see that humans are sentient and have rights, and dogs aren't and don't.
William Morales
I consistently came late to my 12 grade history class.
Ryder Ortiz
dogs are sentient moron
Samuel Russell
>tfw jerked off countless of times to pic related Africa's gonna be a barren land by the time the second one comes out.
Josiah Carter
Kek what ?? Teacher ignored him because truth goes against the narrative that's all. user was being rational and hurted some fee fees, including yours. > muh humans have rights He was talking biology what do you even try to say here