KKK unexpectedly marching through streets in Central Cali!

Spic user here

Looks to be about a few hundred of them.
I'll just cheer them on from a distance.

Other urls found in this thread:


stream it then you faggot

h-hey user, d-d-do you want to go burn a cross on that niggers lawn?

Fucking fbi

Fucking CIA Niggers.


please stream em

Is this literally the first Klan rally since the 1950s

or is it

post on nigger twitter and star the race war

Those aren't Klan members.

Phone is at 1%

Emphasis on the "unexpectedly" part. Otherwise, I would.

Because of this, God shall bless Cen and SoCal with heavy rains once again this year to turn the mountains a beautiful lush green.

Fucking DHS cucks



Put down the tequila and pineapple pizza, grab your bed sheet and start marching Jose this is no time to be lazy


These digits man

kek really is the god of chaos

Democrats? Marching in California? CRAZY


When I was younger I remember seeing a klan March in my state of Delaware, it was literally 2 blocks and had like 6 members. There were more police and niggers shouting at them than actual klansman. It was pretty weak

>believing that the kkk are marching in California

If they are, they're fucking up the image of the right.

But they probably aren't.

>OP doesn't post any videos or clear pictures

>No reports of this happening anywhere

Fake and gay. Don't even need to go into how this would be a massive undertaking and would be protested before it even happened. And how EVERYONE in Cali and their grandmother would be ranting about this.

FAKE (and gay) NEWS!

Holy crap! And here I wanted to leave California.


... kek, what the fuck, is it really already time for the race war?

*FBI unexpectedly marching through central cali


Meh, Klan is full of dumb rednecks, Jews larping as White racists, and FBI agents. Still a funny lot who gets more shit than they deserve.

Only lefty loons have an association of the KKK and the right in their minds you nigger


What city?

Best Christian Death song, nice taste user

Light the crosses. It's time for a bonfire.

Oh, look. It's Richard Spencer and Soros up to their old tricks again. Gotta hand it to them. When the narrative doesn't go their way, they simply double down.

Fucking swine.

Penitents, not Klansman

1 nut on Cuckersfield.

CIA op to distract from Vegas and Campos, digits

sure is r*ddit in here

San Francisco is the worst part, really.

A false flag is needed

OP give us more details so we can find a stream

Yes white nats and rich jews want the same things like white countries for whites

i thought the klan hated catholics. why do they dress like them?

KKK are Democrats and Alphabet soup.
Anybody that encourages them as a group is an idiot.

It's unbelievable that the edgelords on Sup Forums actually look up to these inbred fucking hicks. How fucking low can you sink? Or is this all ironic contrarian shitposting?


Tiny, mostly conservative town. Guess I caught the tail end of it. They walked inside a building. I'm not risking my life to go inside for you faggots.

>cheering on feds doing costume parties
eh, whatever floats your goat i guess

The Klan was actually a respectable organization, until they compromised with their "muh based jews XDDD", which was the beginning of the end for them.

Neo-Nazi terrorist cells > KKK

just fucking sneaking into the building you baby. what kind of detective are you? Go in through the air ducts

Maybe they thought it looked cool.

nice reddit spacing :>)

this, score one for the good guys and run over those glow on the dark cia niggers

KKK are faggots who use intimidation and fear against women and children. They are spineless cowards who hide behind hoods. They literally lynch the good blacks but are too afraid to go to the hood and actually do something like that roof faggot. Unity among the strong is the only way for the new world to survive, and the strong don't hide, shit even Hitler knew that.

>inb4 Richard Spencer

>the "anti-com" rally got boycotted because of suspicious organizing
>faggot spencer and kikes rush to do another half assed charlotesville psy op to compensate

thats like around 40mins away from where im from.

Also they literally chip out for no reason and act like complete niggers so fuck em

Go away christcuck plebbiter.

>good blacks
Wtf is this shit supppse to be? Since when are the children of Cain "good?"

what building? they sound like child-sacrife satanist cult niggers doing a ritual, you could be saving a kid's life and killing cia niggers
these niggers only ever do this kind of shit out in the open like that wherever i'm nowhere near aka the worst coast
fucking degenerafornia

And yet they'll use it to show a revival of extremism in the US and then club the right with talking points about it.

Every time AntiFa chimps out we win, BLM chimps out we win, yet many leftists try to distance themselves from it. Doesn't matter, the association of it becomes dangerous to their narrative, and the same applies to the right and the KKK and Richard Spencer tiki torch rallies.

The right loses the normalization of its increased political capital when extremists make them look like loons through a level of perceived association, the more this happens the more pressure goes on the GOP to condemn and to back off its track. Whatever you think how people perceive the right doesn't matter, the fact is Trump winning and the KKK marching will correlate with people using confirmation bias and thus associating the two in these political times.

This helps the right lose the narrative battle, these people seriously are retarded and need to Jared Taylor it up if they want to argue white nationalism and seem sane.

SHOOT pics and videos he meant

Man Central Cali is fucked. This counties’ infants are a 20% White Demographic. 65.3% of the County is Non White. 26% of Whites are over 65. Only 7% of Non Whites are over 65. Nationally 17% of Whites are over 65. 12.5% of Non Whites.

They're probably FBI.

Gas the kikes!

This has got to be a larp, theres no source and zero mention of it in the MSM. If this was real it would plastered all over the MSM with headlines of Nazis invade California, etc (given how they love to shit on whitey), but I see zero MSM coverage.


Those are penitents during Semana Santa.
I experienced it for the first time this year. It's so impressive.
This is a snippet of what its like dated from 2014

>children of Cain
>niggers knowing their dads
user I...


Jared Taylor's been around a long time and not accomplished much. Maybe there's a reason for that.

Checked again. No it could be Catholics or it could be old people.

>not risking your life for a cheap laugh on Sup Forums

back to redit now pedro and never come back

no, they happen all the time

Stop proxying, Shlomo.

This, and (((they))) know it. That's why they keep doing this nonsense to rally up the negra.

He's grown AR while the KKK has dwindled itself.

He appears on Sargon and Gavin's shows and other public forums and makes rational clear arguments that reach the right as a whole. He's the bridge to the ethnic arguments those on the right are afraid to hear or can't hear through their own platforms, and he does so in a reasonable rational way not walking down streets screaming slogans.

He's the best force the white nationalist movement has to a reasonable defense of their position against nay sayer's.

bet they are all black

He's full of great arguments and presents himself well, but that stuff's not persuasive to most people. If it was, we never would have had this diversity problem in the first place.

I am you doctor and I'm prescribing you to two days on reddit for detox. It is possible to overdose on Sup Forums, user.

You can tell because they glow in the dark


Probably some retarded artistic protest by niggers that's suppose to "mean" something.

I think they accept blacks now, so go ask about getting involved.

honestly, i dont think anybody expected this


they glow in the dark


I'm nearly 40 and have never seen a klan march or met a klan person. I have friends who are Hells Angels, so it's not like I'm sheltered.

Niggers and/or FBI agents

yea he went full retard and u never ever go full retard

sounds like i struck a nerve by hitting the nail on the head
too bad op is too much of a pussy to do the right thing

I'm Irish, so fuck the KKK. They take Jews before they take Irish.

Ha, this will be funny when the news picks it up. Or it's just some cultists out on Friday the 13th.

Surely they can be easily identified and doxxed, right?

There was one in Anaheim two years ago. They didn't have sheets, but they stabbed about six Leftists.

You gotta run 'em over with your car. That's the only way to kill 'em.

literally just looks like a shitty ghost Halloween decoration

Seeing a news report on Richard Spencer is what led me down the white nationalist rabbit hole. It wasn't until I was already deep inside that I even heard about Jared Taylor. For all the complaints about him, at least Spencer is spreading the message on a large scale. Normies are gonna normie, but some people will be woken up to the idea that they don't have to hate their heritage.