What did /our guy/ Putin mean by this?
What did /our guy/ Putin mean by this?
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You tell me
Apparently people who on top of the game in their respective field are not found of the jewish vermin: Bobby Fischer, Mel Gibson, Eric Clapton, Michael Jackson
He means failure to effectively control jewish insurgencies into seats of power within each respective nation that has a jewish problem.
Don't want to sound like a shill but isn't Putin supported by a bunch of rich oligarchs that also include jews?
It is true. Of all people Russians have a good reason to not have it that great : 100 years of communism and 1/4 of population dead in WWII on top of millions dead during the Commiejew purges. Plenty of the capable ethnic Russians were siphoned off by European and American trans national companies
As far as the modern Russian "state" goes it's that very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government all are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.
Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.
"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director
The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.
Putin is a president of literal unironic subhumans.
The Russian Federarion is like welfare state taken to ethnic collectivist level - taxes from ethnic Russian areas go to feed gook and mudslime republics.
Dropping them off and developing slowly is the only way. Russia has no man power or financial resources for imperial ambition(nor a public desire for it for that matter). Russians want to live in peaceful homogenous country, where they are not afraid for tomorrow fiscal stability and their kids safety. There is no money for quality healthcare, yet public expensive shows like Olympics and FIFA are thrown.
There are only two ways - peaceful ethnic balkanisation on model of Czechoslovakia and steady growth like in Latvia and Czech Republic, or another financially atrocious clusterfuck of break away like happened with the USSR.
Or just put all native nonwhites under apartheid
but he is right
since when is he /our guy/? hes not /my guy/
He meant that Jews were superior.
Retards tend to think this way.
Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Le Jewish mustard race fucking LOL
Jews can't even control their own country.
Jews can't even contain their own people, country from being POZZED.
Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."
"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:
1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”
2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state
3. Equity and equality
4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."
Eternal Jew is quite a nigger(not only genetically), when you are smart enough to critically think. Muh reparations vs muh shoah rhetoric and constant whining combined with ethnic nepotism
>1/4 of economy is Swiss controlled diamond trade
Pick one
Don't trust the Putin paid shills. Almost EVERY ETHNIC RUSSIAN hates him.
Russia is about to have a nationalist coup or at very least is kind of likely to get this guy Navalny guy into the office
Russia, Britain and France can stop the White Genocide with one coup. All it takes is take over the capital and start the repatriation in one of the three nations.
Especially given how the next prospective President is guy who denies the holomeme and supports racial extermination
Reminder to tell Putinbots to fuck off
Reminder to support pro-gun openly racist holocaust-denying candidate
He's absolutely right. He's saying that you have to thrown them in fucking jail like he did and not be a worthless cuck to PC politics.
He didn't put any Jew into a jail on ethnic or contr-Israeli grounds. He eliminates those who threat his power and capital
I didn't say he did it on ethnic grounds, he's smarter than that, never the less, several powerful Jews went to prison.
Are you retarded or just some nonwhite subhuman like Putin supporters in Russia? Jews has always been a part of Putin's team.
The ultimate redpill is the lizard people behind them. The Jews are just a distraction.
Bullshit, i know russians and went to Mockba and St.Petersburg 2x.
People fucking love him. You can buy heroic Putin shirts on every second street corner. He is popular as fuck in russia. Unless of course, you are a weak liberal faggot with a vagina...
He's talking about people who can't argue their point and instead look for a scapegoat to pin their problems on without anything to back it up.
If you ask Sup Forums to explain why they don't like something they'll do that.
If you ask a leftist why they're a failure, they'll tell you it's because of the white, straight, patriarchy oppressing them by abusing their privilege to gain an extra advantage. Of course they can't prove this, or even show examples of it, because it's "invisible privilege", that only people not guilty of it are capable of seeing (think the Emperor's New Clothes). On the other hand they believe that sexuality, gender and race are all social constructs so why they don't just identify as straight, white, men themselves to benefit from this "invisible privilege" is a mystery to the both of us.
Apparently I'm more up to date on your country than you are, fucking slobbering vodka nigger.
this is just one example, should i keep plastering them?
t. keep your friends close and your enemies closer. did you know that saying originated in the kgb?
>Our guy
/nupol/ pls go
He meant that he will handle it using Trump.
t. Putinversteher
That's your typical shill
>liberals against Putin
Why would they? Putin is just anti-homo Justin Trudeau: one and the Sam subhuman OPEN BORDERS, ANTI-GUN, PRO-HATE SPEECH LAWS cuck
So a guy surrounded by kikes jailed some Jew he didn't like? Guess when, mongoloid? He still runs the border wide open
Good point. Have a (((You)))
I think he was clear
i like your honesty
Feels Russia-bro, Solzhenitsyn proposed a long period of introspection and inner development for the Russian people and I have yet to grasp why this wasn't taken up as the plan. This continuation make sense though, as Solzhenitsyn made this exact point.
Godspeed, I have great respect for Russian culture and am always greatly sorrows when I see the birth rates in Russia.
>grasp why this wasn't taken up as the plan.
Because Putin has no interest of ethnic Russians in mind. Living in Germany, grandson of the White Guard Officer, Alexander von Hahn decided to revive the Russian Council of Baron Peter Wrangel and published the "Manifesto of the Renaissance of Russia".
For a discussion of this document, the author invites everyone, regardless of their country of residence and party affiliation. The main task – "to resist the regime of Vladimir Putin", which, according to Baron, is the direct heir of Bolshevism.
>literally supports WHITE GENOCIDERS like Mugabe and Zuma
>literally open borders
>literally orders to use interracial propaganda
Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.
>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.
>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.
>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.
>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims
>/our guy/
absolutely not
>our guy
>what did he mean by this
>one-line writing prompt one-post
Sage spam threads. Teach newfags to recognize spam.
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It's a good thread to redpill the idiots about Putincuck
holocaust denial illegal in russia, putin says jews are welcome in russia, putin is either a jew shill or he is just too afraid of jewish power to oppose them publicly
Good goy Vlad.
He is not /our guy/
it means we are a bunch of faggot loosers while he is the richest man in the world ruling one of the most powerful country in the world
He meant "I am a good guy, please stop demonizing me, it makes international relationships very hard ;(".
Not that he is wrong, technically. Anti-semitists by definition do blame the jews for everything.
Russians have a long history of kicking the dogshit out of people who incidentally hate Jews. Doesn't mean they're on the same side, necessarily, but they're fucking good at it.
Who the fuck has ever said he's /ourguy/?
He literally attended a grand opening of a mosque in Moscow with Erdogan and said that Russia is an important place for the Islamic faith...He's a mega cuck that lets terrorist attacks happen daily and kill the mongoloi- I mean "white" "slavic" "ethnic Russians" by the the dozens.
Kek how ignorant can you be
>hurr durr we want peace
>invade georgia
>we want our children to be sa-
>invade ukraine
>w-were really nice guys
>literally subhuman slavs
I don't think so.
>be subhuman gogi diaspora
>still can't comprehend the first sentence "RF is not run by people neither accountable to them"
Besides, Ukraine and Georgia are not White anyway, so it's not like their lives worth anything
putins mother is (((Maria Ivanovna Shelomova))). its not widely known but he is jew just as most who have governed russia since the bolshevik revolution. Two Hundred Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn explains thebullshit russian Jews do
Then why do American Jews hate him so much? Is it just their historical animosity towards Russia? They are obsessed with the guy and their every action seems to be an effort to weaken his position.
Perhaps Putin doesn't have as much power as people assume.
Putin is a communist cuck. No idea why he's worshipped as a nationalist hero here.
Whiter than your cunt
Russians using U.S. proxies.
did u just draw this
i kek hard
The problem with that picture is that it's ethnic Russians who are fair, and Ukrainians who are Asiatic. After the kikes, Armenians and Ukrainians were the biggest commie demographic - so the commie flag being Russian is wrong again. USSR was a project of subhumans for subhumans at cost of ethnic Russian (German and Baltic too) expense
Lenin - Jew subhuman, Stalin - Georgian orc, Krustchnev - Ukrainian subhuman, Brezntev - Moldovan-Ukrainian mongrel, Chernenko - Ukrainian mongrel, Andropov - Jewish-Russian-Ukrainian mongrel
Heil Putin!
Please let them try it will be hilarious to watch their execution. He will probably go Peter the Great on their arses and hang them himself.
What are you talking about artyom
It were your subhuman people who created it, sl*vs nonetheless
Then why did he like Putin and the two treat one another with respect?
Because he actually cares about Russia and its people. I mean how else is he going to destroy crooked Hillary
Fake quote by a cuck who fought Hitler. Both Georgians and Ukrainian are not White, so I don't know who it is relevant. Their lives worth 0.
Russians - 100% European (5-8% Finnic)
Ukrainian - 60% European 30% Central Asia 4% South Asia 5% Caucasus 1% Greek - average subhuman cockhole DNA
They are subhuman and have no right to live in Europe. Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite goblins. Their home is Asian steppe.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic, Baltoslavic and Finnic)
Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience
«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»
"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.
Boris Malyarchuk, M. V. Derenko, G. A. Denisova, M. R. Nassiri, and E. I. Rogaev. "Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in Populations of the Caspian Region and Southeastern Europe." Russian Journal of Genetics 38:4 (2002): pages 434-438. Abstract:
"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism was examined in Turkmens, Eastern Iranians, and Ukrainians. The gene pools of all populations studied were characterized by the presence of European mtDNA lineages. Mongoloid component observed in Turkmen and Iranian populations with the frequencies of about 20% was represented by groups C, D, and E/G in Turkmens, and by M*, D, A, and B in Iranians."
Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.
All Ukrainians must be exterminated
Oh, so you approve your goverment actions against those countries and in the same time you want to live peacefully? You can't sit in two chairs with one butt.
Stop with this copypasta shit, you're convincing no one.
>in control of everything
Pick one, dumbo, you stories don't add up.
>when you are too stupid to read
cockhole pleas. ethnicity make up of the communist parry - out there
genetic study on cockholes- out there
pigmentation of subhuman cockholes- out there
I don't care about dead nonwhites. Clear enough?
Its true. You guys would blame the jews if there was not a single jew left on earth
Are you implying that russians are white?
>people still replying to this Russian retard
yes, I do.
Cockholes - assimilated turkics, Georgians - West Asian semites
>caring about races
Pick one
>calls others mongols
How ironic
>be Georgians
>literally kurd and mongol admixed trash
>be Ukrainian
>decent is even worth
You see, I can not only call, but SOURCE it, whereas all you have is Sup Forums tier low iq banter and MONGREL BUTTHURT.
Get killed by a terrorist, non-Dutch immigrant trash
>MUH source
>i won a internet argument mom!!
Pathetic, mongol
you haven't read it
>tell lies and slander
Asiaric trait and asiatic is what cockholes and gogis are
Drinking too much spiritus you subhuman? Do you even know what you're saying kek
Asiatic* pardon my French. You get the meaning
You are getting gassed even were you Dutch by the local nationalists, degenerate pedophile
In context hes making a dig at jews claiming russia is behind everything
This is now just embarrassing to watch
Go back to blebbit newf*ggot
he's not our guy. he's a fucking kike shill. they want complete control of both sides
fuck off retard
sorry anime is illegal in your country
it's just disgusting to look at and lacks creativity
don't talk about your mother like that pidor
>lives in Russia
>believes in Russiahoax
Pick one
He said that libs, dems and Hillary are blaming Russians for their own failure like...(pic related)
He is beating them using their weapon!
Based Putin!
He is right. "Niggers always blame the whites for their own failures". Same exact thing-- it is why niggers will remain niggers. If your identity is defined by the actions of someone else, you will always be a failure. If you focus your energy on solving your problems you will be a success.
It's funny in these type of threads, ALL the people defending Putin and being Russiaboos are foreign flags or meme flags, and ALL the people saying "that's not how it is" or criticizing Putin are actual Russian flags
>How Russian Jews Helped Shape the Life of Vladimir Putin
>As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed
>In the long history of Jews in Russia, the government has rarely been an ally, and often been the source of persecution. Current Russian president Vladimir Putin, however, is a powerful exception, with Jews playing a significant role in his personal history and his inner circle.
>“When he was a young child, he grew up in a very poor family. His parents were always out at work. He was fortunate that the next door neighbor was a Hasidic Jewish family, and they always made sure to invite him over,” Lazar explained. “They were extremely kind to him, and he realized that not only were they kind to a child that wasn’t theirs, not only were they kind to a child that wasn’t Jewish, but they were kind to a child in a time and place when it was dangerous to do that.”
>Putin’s Jewish connection was not an anomaly limited to his childhood memories. In 2005, when Putin made an official visit to Israel, he visited his high-school teacher, Mina Yuditskaya Berliner, who lived in Tel Aviv. He even bought her an apartment in the city when he heard she was living in poor conditions.
>Arkadi and Boris Rotenberg were his judo sparring partners under Coach Rakhlin, and remain his close friends to this day. The Rotenberg’s are billionaire contractors, and the relationship is mutually beneficial, with the Rotenberg brothers getting government contracts worth many billions of dollars.
>“For centuries, Jewish values inspired lofty ideals,” Putin wrote. He said that these values enhanced “relations among different peoples…through charity and education, all in the interest of the public good.” In a direct manner, he pledged “fierce opposition to any manifestation of anti-Semitism and xenophobia.”
>Putin puts his money where his mouth is and donated a month of his salary as president to the Jewish Museum in Moscow. His name is proudly listed on the museum wall as a donor.
>“We never forget that in the State of Israel reside many former Soviet citizens, and that has a special implication on the relationship between our two states,” Putin stated. “Every Russian action in the area has always been very responsible. We are aware of the artillery against Israel and we condemn it. “
>In 2011, at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress in Moscow, Putin said, “Israel is, in fact, a special state to us. It is practically a Russian-speaking country. Israel is one of the few foreign countries that can be called Russian-speaking. It’s apparent that more than half of the population speaks Russian.”
>Putin: Jews fleeing Western Europe should move to Russia
>As Jewish leader warns of 'exodus,' Russian president says: 'In the Soviet Union they used to go away, now let them come back'
Our guy?
>your midget
>Israel did not show up for the vote on March 27 in which a majority of UN member states called on all states and international organizations not to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
it's literally one schizophrenic retard you autistic fuck
he also LARPs as a ''pure Bavarian'', and is in every Balkan thread praising Albanians and Bosniaks
Literally every thread involving Russia is like this, I can identify Russiaboos from a mile away. You're one of them. Yes I know about your shitposts, Yevgeny. Your friend, the Austrian, is another.
>coherent ethnonationalist line of thinking
"y-you y-you are just mentally ill"
don't project, subhuman. all oldfags know that you are legit mentally ill SUICADAL Putinbot
that's totally irrelevant, what's relevant is that ''all Russians'' here don't hate Putin, it's mostly this one guy, who is totally recognizable because of the way he posts
he's literally schizophrenic or just a lifeless troll
I am a russophile, why the fuck would I hide that?
it's pretty common here you American retard
another one is Croatian pro-racemixing roach and South African Jew. that Montenigger cuck literally is about to kill himself and is incredibly poor lol.