Brave Witches love is alive and well
Brave Witches love is alive and well
>Brave Witches love is apparently not alive and well
Should I watch the other series before I watch this?
Did we really need a not-Miyafuji?
No, but Humikane willed it
>tfw Sadako MC never
Why did they replace the old cast if they were just going to rip-off Miyafuji's design anyways?
Nips don't watch shit if the MC is not a nip
But the angry womanlet is a nip too.
I thought she'd be the MC.
Why don't they just wear shorts?
Wait, Kanno is not going to be the MC? But she's my favorite 502.
When is this supposed to air again?
It airs in the fall
I hate Necomimi so much.
Escort this ruffian off the premises
Based on looks alone not a single one of them makes me interested except maybe tha on of the left with long brown hair and long white 'whetever the fuck are suppossed it to be' ears
Do you think that Hikari will be better than Yoshika?
Seriously, a new cast? It crashed and burned hard.
Any idea of when it'll take place?
1944 on the Eastern Europe front, so pre-Movie
>independent Kola
I sure hope they continue making anime adaptations for different groups.
I wanna see the 504th too.
I honestly hope that they keep different groups to different media types.
I'm fine with the 502nd having an anime version because they're relegated to a twitter story and I feel like they could have more to them. Otherwise, I'd rather have a 501st anime again, because those are characters we all know and love.
Where is Sanya and Eila?
Code Geass
I wish it had Tank witches, at least as background characters
Aurora cameo would be nice.
I want to be between those legs.
It surely will resurrect in October, right?
Nah, love is gone like Erica's pants.
It would be interesting to see tank witches movement animated, hopefully without them just sliding around the ground with no weight to it like the boatsluts.
You're saying we'll have to steal some tighter, striped love from someone else?
>No Eagle bitching about the thread
Is he dead?
I don't understand why they need an OC donut steal Fuso witch to be the new MC, and be the Miyafuji expy.
They already have two Fuso witches in the cast that could be tweaked for that role.
>new MC has no personality besides trying her best
I want off this planet
Am I seeing this right? This looks almost like the pattern of the BETA invasion up to Scharzemarken.
HALF Japanese.