Ryoko > Aeka
Ryoko > Aeka
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I've forgotten, didn't Ayeka win in Tenchi Universe? Or it was implied she won?
Nope. It's implied that Ryoko won, especially since she's the first one Tenchi meets and the primary female character of the show.
I was a kid when I watched it, so forgive me, but I remember thinking Ryoko was edging things out in the OVA, Ayeka had it in Universe, and Tenchi in Tokyo was shit, and had a mary sue fan character as his waifu.
Technically, in OVA continuity, Tenchi eventually bangs them all.
Oh, and Ryoko is the first one he fucks.
It's true.
>Swear off anime for the longest time
>Several years down the line and I'm finally getting back into it
>Rewatch things I love or haven't had the opportunity to see
>Remember my old favorite Tenchi
>Get a huge ass torrent collection
>Begin watching
>All rushes back to me
>Feels great
>Slowly but surely I knocked out as much material as I can before finishing
>End the marathon on the third Tenchi movie
>mfw it's all done
Hit harder than it should have.
I'm gonna need some proof of this user....please
A screen cap or anything
Look up Tenchi Muyo -if-
Threadly reminder of the last couple of polls on Sup Forums proves who best girls are.
You GOTDAMN right.
There are images out there of Tenchi and Seina (Tenchi's cousin or whatever from GXP) with the kids they've had by their harems.
FYI: Tenchi fucked Ryo-Oh-Ki, too.
>Old Animes
Where do you think you are?
Somewhere with good taste, considering
Ryoko will always be better that Ayeka
I'm sure like most here I grew up watching the dub for Tenchi, and when they changed Ryoko's voice actor she was never the same for me.
Smooth-skinned hime > dried-up mummy
Or have both. Tenchi sure did.
Petrea Burchard's Ryoko was the literal embodiment of sex for me.
What did you guys think of Ai Tenchi Muyo?
As much as I like Tenchi I couldn't even sit through this.
It is that raspy voice.
I do enjoy both the dub, and Japanese.
Changing her voice was the biggest upset of my life back then
I watched like 2-3 episodes. Couldn't tell it had anything to do with Tenchi.
When the character redesigns hit made sure I would not watch it. Its also made me quite angry, how generic they all looked.
Never saw it, but that image doesn't make me want to see it.
Is this like the japanese equivalent of Teen Titans Go?
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, hey now, not even the shittiest Tenchi spinoff deserves that.
>Washu is now shortstack
>Ryoko just looks weird
Well. At least Sasami, Mihoshi and Ayeka look good.
All I've wanted in life is new Tenchi and new Slayers. But this isn't what I wanted. Not at all.
Also I want to buy all of Slayers and Tenchi on DVD. I've managed to get all of Slayers no problem, but Tenchi DVDs are really confusing. Funimation has pulled some shit and you seemingly can't find the whole OVA in a single box set.
Actually, they all won. He became a sort of communal husband.
>Funimation has pulled some shit and you seemingly can't find the whole OVA in a single box set.
The first two OVAs are packaged together as the Tenchi Muyo OVA set, and the third OVA is Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Oh-Ki. They never put together a full set for all three.
>Kiyone that high
Sup Forums, when did you get taste?
In OVA continuity, yeah. I was talking Universe continuity there.
>Mihoshi in 6th
Does anybody have a convenient list of all Tenchi animation available on DVD? With Slayers I got pretty lucky and found all the movies and OVAs used at an anime shop for $40 and bought the 5 seasons of the main series. All I've managed to find in person for Tenchi is the entirety of GXP
Last I knew, Funimation still held the licenses for all things Tenchi in the US. Going by Amazon, you can find these on DVD:
* Tenchi OVA 3 (Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Oh-Ki)
* Tenchi Universe
* Tenchi Muyo GXP
And as Blu-ray/DVD combo packs:
* Tenchi OVAs 1 and 2 (one set, titled Tenchi Muyo: OVA Series)
* The Tenchi movies
* Tenchi: War on Geminar
I have a thing for short stack girls, but Washu always took on that form of a little girl. Her true form is that of a MILF.
Oh, and as far as I know, Funimation hasn't ever released the Mihoshi Special or anything related to Pretty Sammy, so you'll either have to buy the older DVDs released by Pioneer (expensive as fuck because they're loooooooong out of print) or find that stuff via...y'know...torrents.
I never watched dub but i did like ryokos voice in japanese.
I already have them downloaded but for things I really love I want to own them physically.
It looks like Mihoshi Special and Pretty Sammy are $50 used. It's a price to pay but worth it for the sake of owning it.
>mfw still have all the original Pioneer dubs from the 90s on VHS
Good for collection's sake. Just don't ever watch them again so you don't deteriorate them
That is a myth. Not all cassette tapes are so fragile. I continue watching VHS movies, and series recorded from cable way back in the 80s still. Even have plenty of dupes of VHSs from rental stores as well. The deterioration half life of these tapes solely relies on the quality of cassette used, and not of themselves.
That was propaganda to get you to re purchase your old media.
Thanks for the enlightenment Sup Forumsnon
I'd still rather own them on updated media formats as well.
I never say I would not repurchase them in higher quality. Once I find a good set of BluRays with the original dubs. I'm going for it. I want quality masters, and not touch ups.
I thought funimation kept the original pioneer dubs for the OVA
They did. Funi only started dubbing Tenchi properties with GXP, and they never redubbed the old shows.
What's the difference between the Viridian Collection
and the Anime Classics box set
In terms of content, nothing that I can see. Funi has a habit of re-releasing old shows with updated/slimmer packaging and a cheaper MSRP for the...shall we say, "budget-conscious weebs".
honestly thank god Tenchi Muyo came into the hands of Funimation and not Aniplex
Funi's dubs might not always be good, but damn, do they treat the stuff they license with respect in regards to DVD/BD releases.
They give it an actual affordable price. And since most modern dubs are shit they are kind enough to include dual audio
Only company I like more than Funi is Discotek. They saved a shitload of licenses that were my gateway into anime. Fatal Fury, the Street Fighter II movie, Vampire Hunter D...fuckin' great company.
They've got classics like Lupin, Golden Boy, and Galaxy Express 999, but I'm surprised they get any new series' at all. I guess nobody wanted Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Why is Kiyone second is all im wondering. She is the most normal sure but what about the rest?
Because she can't beat Ryoko's feistiness, and she's not as annoying as all the other girls.
Fair enough. I would have put Washu and Ryoko top 3 too but I love Tsunami.
it's too weird for me that she and Sasami are the same person
> When you realize that your first tsundere was Aeka
> Your first waifu was Ryoko
> Your first loli was Sasami
7 year old me had some primo as fuck tastes.
Thanks T.O.M.
Lina Inverse is 3 of those in one
Never watched Slayers as a kid.
still haven't till this day
Should I fix this?
Honestly pretty much the biggest reason I like Tenchi and Slayers was because I watched them as a kid. I'm too biased to tell you whether or not it's actually good. I just remembered this one anime about a swordsman who is a huge dick and is friends with a genie and for like 5 episodes they turn into girls and pretend to be idols anyone remember that? Gouda-something.
Give it a go, see how you like it. I'd say just start from the very beginning of the anime series, don't bother with the OVAs yet. Subbed or dubbed, it's your choice.
>He's got 99 problems, and these bitches are the main ones.
God, that was an amazing moment. So glad Toonami came back.
>Mihoshi just needs the ears to complete her bunnysuit
Yes, even Ryo-Ohki.
No joke. Tenchi even fucked the ship. I guess when your a God King of the Universe, you can fuck anything. Relatives, Aliens, and Space Ships.
Ryoko is so damn cute. The first time I saw her my heart wasn't able to stand her perfection
Personally, I think she turned out hotter than her sister, thanks to Sasami's influence.
Sasami > *
sasami is my favorite
but washu is the best girl overall for the following reasons
1: can transform, at will, from base form to loli form to milf form
2: can create MORE ryokos
3: knows how to use her mouth hands and breasts all at the same time
Sasami and Washu are the best because they got with the program right off the bat.
Reminder that Tenchi's daughter is a rapist.
i think she's more like the retard from Of Mice and Men and she just doesn't know any better
Look at that cool calculating stare.
She knew exactly what she was doing.