tell me.
What so you see?
The Therapist is In Pol
Other urls found in this thread:
I see the time when mommy didn't hug me when I really wanted a big hug. I also see bullet holes from the massacre I hope to commit one day in the future.
Am I doing well, dear therapist? Do I win the prize?
the (family) rapist
I see a man, no more like a creature. Rubbing its hands vigorously nose quite protruding. It's quite a ghastly sight.
a man jumping
an organism of triangular geometry crying for help
A retard who posted a retarded picture.
You clearly need a Doctor, attention whore.
A merchant. Am I hopeless?
>I see a man, no more like a creature. Rubbing its hands vigorously nose quite protruding. It's quite a ghastly sight.
Sees Jews everywhere.
I see it,too! He's got greasy hair!
oh me oh my
now what would prompt you to think that?
sounds like mommy should have given you a slap on the bottom. you need discipline
a happy chance to shakle someone
The little dipper?
A woman getting raped by a pack of niggers.
Gigantic faggot
obvious, is muslim fucking a goat
niggers in heaven
Removing kebab
>the anonymous man seeks attention
>from an anonymous man who waives the swastika
no you're project sweetie~
you can talk to me. we're all friends here. Why fly that hate symbol hun?
two things:
1. plots on a unmarked graph
2. arrow pointing down and to the right
what my diagnosis?
A palm tree
or 7 dots
I see a rat, Doc
i try to see something but all i see is dots on a white background... bottom dot is only half shown if that detail is important but come on..... this is retarded. are you a real therapist?
That's what I see too
simple enough
hmmm not sure hun, but we may need to have you tested.
I see a swan with it's wings outretched doing a goosestep
I see the jew as well man, fuck. This place turned me into a national socialist. Not even sure if that's a good thing.
oh my its an epidemic
also saved
i was hoping someone would post the better one.
thats all! night senpai
i see a man bending over a whore
the bottom right two dots are her back, two dots above that are the mans arm holding her by her hair
top dot his head
My strong desire for trap pussy. What does it meme?
a big hooked nose
I see a salesman of jovial nature
anyone have the cryptomerchant pic that's like 6 grey blocks
i saw a giraffes head coming out of the right side of the frame
it has a horn, nose, and long neck
two triangles in the sky fixed off a single anchor point on the ground