ITT: Characters with a spotless morality who did literally NOTHING WRONG

ITT: Characters with a spotless morality who did literally NOTHING WRONG

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The OP is supposed to start off with an example of the ITT

Literally Pride.


if you disagree, you don't understand his character


Literally fuck you man. This isnt even funny anymore. He literally isnt in love with the most loving and most beautiful girl he has ever met in his shit NEET life. I cant wait until he is sent back to the real world and contemplates how fuckig shit he was for choosing that cunt elf

It would be so fucking bittersweet if after a million times dying he finally reaches the happy end and has to go back to Earth.


Get over it man, they're both shit anyways

Why the car is smug?

He only did nothing wrong because he literally did nothing.

He was slothful

Slothman is the true hero of Re:Zero


Peta member with daddy isssues

He wud a good boy

Gayness is sin.


2 ez senpai


>tfw Rance marries her in KR
Is there a greater example of best girl winning?

Her having his baby?
