Kindergarten rape room? UPDATE

Previous thread info:
>Daughter told me a wild story about a hidden pedophile room on the roof of her school

Update on the situation:
>She totally made it all up, five year old girls are liars

So no need for investigation, she made it all up, I'm going to bed.


lmao out fucking played by a 5 year old.

Wew lad, glad that's over with, now I can rest easy. Good night every one.

wat state

Doesn't matter, nothing doing

Whelp, that's that. Everyone go to bed it's just one big nothingburger haha

What, user, feeling sleepy?

Honestly if I had a daughter it would be like looking a demon in the eyes every morning.

I'm a fucking PUA and knowing that my daughter would grow up to become a cheating slut would just really be weird.

But now I get how those mafia people feel when they have daughters. I think they just treat it like a party like "ya my daughters gonna be a little italian slut but here's some cocaine!"

Like I can see it.

i .. ah.. ignorance is bliss ya' know!
rape? what rape?
she's only 5 that's silly.
i'm going ta bed.

We're all here. You might as well LARP the story. Real or not, compromised or not, let's have it.

What the fuck is this thread

Not many 5 year old girls would think of such a thing.

I just moved back to the U.S. after almost 8 years of living in Korea.

Fuck I miss Korea and I miss Pizza School.


We miss you, too.

Listening to cunts, not even once

Sometimes a pizza is just a pizza

Former spy here. Listen your daughter has/is/will be molested. Sexually? Not necessary.

Well known decades rings (multiple motives wont mention here, just saying there is a lot of them) don't operate as a basement abuser.

Your daughter told your a *narrative*. Not a factual reference. You get it? Just for you to have an idea, one Israeli branch that trafficked girls in 80's employed PhD doctors. They had protocols to make sure girls testify and psychological tests could be derail real info. More or less like when you draw a floor line in an job interview, for no reason other than to finish it without "problems", most of them were conditioned to make them fast and impeccable which ended with up as horrible stories taken from a children mind but without actual trauma.

So another example some rings like to use satanism narrative. Be intelligent, they don't believe in demons or god, but as a narrative is perfect especially for programming and mind controlling. You get it?
Some common first phase is to terrorize children and wait for results. A authority figure can break someone will by doing this repeatedly using already abused subordinates. This is were the freaky stuff goes and you should be careful. The hidden pedophile room is what the narrative they wanted to be public, the real advance can be anything from tickling her bare feet at nursery.

My advice, treat children as computers. Don't try to play the inspector Q&A with her, because you are not one and if its an ring they are smarter than you to be called out just by interviewing a victim. Don't play the I-know-what-going-on because you will end in jail. No proofs whatsoever.

Just listen to what she says and ask her random question about minor details like what hour she feels anxious in school, or what dressing is forbidden.. (1/2)

or what ever craziness you found in her story. Because madness is where you can obtain real details from these ring victims.

Then invite her friends over to your house and at dinner ask the same question to the other and listen. Usually a narrative described by two different victims have flaws or small differences. If you catch more than 2 of them, then get your daughter out of that school.

Why you may say? Like I said before possible she is not raped yet, but the mental breakdown is on its way. Some rings even do years old programs to a small group in a classroom to use them later when they are 14 or out of school but in their wanted mind set (junkies or with daddy issues, or X beliefs), so their other people in the organization with more public cell can lure them. This can range from modeling agencies to rich circles, which only real motive is abuse but you can blame them because she went to them and their activities by their own will.

*cant blame them or sue them, because she went to them and their activities by their own will.


damn user, spelling it out
>agreed 100%