Why are NFL players such little crybabies?

Why are NFL players such little crybabies?

I don't know go ask them


>NFL players
are apes chasing a leather egg


>Why are NFL players such little crybabies?

White women suck

Check your eyes bro, She looks brownier than me

Trump is the twitter crybaby president wtf are you talking about

why does that retard always portray Trump as if he's a young ripped superhero with actual healthy hair and muscles? He even drew a fucking six pack in there this is some North Korea tier leader worship or Garrison wants Trump to fuck him. Trump is an comically obese man with a fucking combover

It's almost like you dont understand metaphor, chang.

>Taking a financially and socially unfavorable stance, in order to stand up for what you believe in
>Being a crybaby


They're pussies.


post the original


what are the ratings for this week anyway.

I do notice a lot of shilling for the NFL going on, even on conservative talk raido.

I've seen amazon boxes colored as NFL football lately in my gated community.


Who knows

Shes white here

Steroids make them emotional



They arent. Theyre PR stuntmen. All this horse shit is so 2nd and 3rd string players who nobody would normally know the name of can get screen-time.