Not to mention the media as well
If Jews are dumb rats, how com they run America and all the banks?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be dumb jews
>find greedy and corrupt politicians, business owners, media moguls
>blackmail them using pedophilia
>rise to the top
any questions?
Lmao you joking buddy?
what is pizzagate?
I promise you he's not
>how com they run America and all the banks?
there is no such thing as a captain for a ship that size.
One of the many things Sup Forums was wrong about and is in denial about?
There once was a faggot named Charlemagne.
>pizzagate isnt real
hey JIDF. hows tel aviv?
So there is no governing body in the US. Hmmm you learn something new everyday
you realize pizzagate is a name given to elites being pedos, right? do you deny that many elites around the world are pedos?
Nobody says they are dumb, they hate them because they prevail by promoting the most damaging degeneracy. Explicitely the kind that is designed to subvert the old Christian order.
The USA is a jewish country run and owned by jews.
They own this place. And theres nothing we can do about it at this point. Pusses me off but its better than being run by beaners and groids.
No one said they were dumb. Just rats.
So are you denying that that pizza place wasn't just a pizza shop?
What happened to SHAREBLUE
And white people eat it up. They just can't get enough.
is david brock dead?
It's neither confirmed nor denied whether comet specifically was a bastion of pedos. Their social media was damming to say the least but the investigation and umbrella of pizzagate went much further than Comet. You would know that if you weren't a shill or a huge newfag
Is there or is there not a pedo ring operating in that pizza shop?
Why can't you answer the question
I just fucking did you knob.
you forgot cannibalism, retard
So whites are outsmarted by rats? Good to know
Because Americans are actually that type of subhuman regards who are too stupid to tackle the kikes
Retards tend to think this way.
Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Le Jewish mustard race fucking LOL
Jews can't even control their own country.
Jews can't even contain their own people, country from being POZZED.
Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."
"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:
1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”
2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state
3. Equity and equality
4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."
Eternal Jew is quite a nigger(not only genetically), when you are smart enough to critically think. Muh reparations vs muh shoah rhetoric and constant whining combined with ethnic nepotism
>1/4 of economy is Swiss controlled diamond trade
Pick one
Answer the question
>Is there or is there not a pedo ring operating in that pizza shop?
James Alefantis was the dealer of children in DC. Comet was a front.
Yes, the biggest downfall of whites is their compassion and natural trust they have with people. White people naturally think the best of people, it's why they fall for multi-culti meme while NO OTHER race believes that shit. It stemmed from all white societies, because you could basically trust everyone you ran into. Our kindness, generosity, and care were obvious weaknesses for jewish rats who did the only thing they know how, subvert and find a way to never work an honest day in their life.
No one said they were dumb. Jews are incredibly smart and racially conscious, the problem is they are inherently evil and subversive.
It's not about them being dumb, it's about them being bad for our society.
The idea that your opposition MUST be inferior and stupid is a Liberal idea. Actual working whites want to be left alone.
>Comet was a front.
So there was pedophilia going on in that store?
Answer the question
>Is there or is there not a pedo ring operating in that pizza shop?
no, more like processing.
I wish he were.
Many criminal gangs are highly sophisticated and complex. It doesn't make them any less criminal.
No proof though, very liberal of you
Whites outsmarted by gangs? Sad
Because there's no smoking gun but the evidence points to 'absolutely yes' you think that's a checkmate? Never try to function IRL bro, stick with NEET life.
They rose to power by playing on the sympathy of the WASPs in the wake of WW2. Once they had infiltrated the formerly WASP institutions of American civil society, they then used their new institutional power to push the WASPs out and concentrate power in their own hands.
In much of Europe during the medieval period Jews were literally the only people allowed to do banking. This established them in finance prior to the modern era, and they have used that position to their advantage.
Jews were always concentrated in urban centers. this, combined with their cultural focus on literacy, got them into the printing business early on. Being an urban population also helped them with TV, and the tradition of yiddish theatre gave them an intro to film.
Once established in any institution they advance their own kind over others, all while insisting everybody else "play fair".
>Never try to function IRL bro, stick with NEET life.
You know when someone turns to insight they've lost and re grasping at straws. I'll take it there is no proof then
Christcucks gave jews all the banking power in Europe because their cuckbook said they couldn't do usury. Somehow Christcucks didn't think twice and just let kikes run their banks.
They’re not dumb.
Sounds like the smart thing to do
Jews weren't allowed to work anywhere else.
No there is no smoking gun or physical proof you are correct. No one has ever said there was more than what there was. You made a strawman for no reason other than probably being upset.
Not proof
Too bad this isn't reddit
They're not dumb, they're degenerate and immoral because their obsession of the materialistic which further corrupts them. Urge to acquire wealth no matter what is deeply embedded into the Jew.
All these things is what makes the Jew an enemy of everyone around him.
>They rose to power by playing on the sympathy of the WASPs in the wake of WW2. Once they had infiltrated the formerly WASP institutions of American civil society, they then used their new institutional power to push the WASPs out and concentrate power in their own hands.
Good observation. Typical nigger (2-6%) behavior to act on "please help us" and then promote other subhumans up
>In much of Europe during the medieval period Jews were literally the only people allowed to do banking. This established them in finance prior to the modern era, and they have used that position to their advantage.
Not quite Swiss and Bavarians did a far better job and have a better record
>Jews were always concentrated in urban centers. this, combined with their cultural focus on literacy, got them into the printing business early on. Being an urban population also helped them with TV, and the tradition of yiddish theatre gave them an intro to film.
not really, they just infiltrated WASP-Mick-Dago fields and cucked you out a little
Outsmarting someone is different than shooting someone, great drawing though
No doubt, but the Jews are part black semitic subhumans and don't belong to the Western society by the fact of their genetics. Good or bad is secondary - they are not European.
They don't.
Exactly, no proof
Why do white women love black guys so much?
Yes, because that's the nature of humanity. You should know this, its basic Catholic doctrine. Because of the original sin our nature is corrupted and we are tempted by evil, it is to be our burden to prove ourselves worthy to be with God by remaining in a state of grace until death.
Evil arises throught all civilizations, but it often does in different ways. Sometimes it comes with an obsession with power and glory that hates mercy and sees it as weakness. Few people today would argue against compassion but they would hate the virtue of Chastity, because our modern civilization is obsessed with pleasure. it cannot stand being told that their vices are wrong and will ostracize anyone that does so.
Morals are absolute and eternal, what is right today has always been and will always be right. They are like this because they come directly from God, who is outside creation, therefore outside time, therefore never changing. Understanding this was the core of what made Europe blossom into the greatest empires known to the world, because the conviction of knowing for a fact that what you are doing is Objectively Right can never be recreated outside religion.
The Truth is one, it can never be changed no matter how many people would like it to. Being a martyr is literally being willing to die before doing wrong, and its an attitude that hardly anyone today could comprehend, because ultimately most people care about their material being above the Truth, they would rather pretend there is no God and indulge in all kinds of earthly pleasures rather than actually being a good person.
The west was doomed the very second it started straying away from God. for the only option outside the Truth is damnation.
they don't, pajeet. White men or women don't even sit next to nonwhites.
I completely agree
All these excuses can and are used for black explaining why they are poor compared to whites.
This is a slide thread. It is not legitimate and should be pruned, but moderation was overwhelmed once the Awan story broke. Pakistani intelligence had a data pipeline to our most sensitive congressional committees, and all the communications of the Democrats on those committees. Notice that OP's question doesn't make any sense: "why look down on corrupting bribe distributors who depend on bribery and blackmail because they cannot succeed without them?"
Yep I'm paid big bucks too
Google Sedevacantism. The Second Vatican Council commited the cardinal sin of changing doctrine and therefore is running against the true Catholic doctrine. Just like i explained, the truth is eternal and cannot be changed even by the highest position in the world. A pope that promotes heresy stops being Pope inmediately, since holding heresy puts you outside the Church and you cannot be the head of an institution you are not part of
Traditional Catholicism is the single most extreme position against the modern world, it is the core of what Jews and all advocates of degenracy hate.
its their nature, if you don't acknowledge their degeneracy then putin is right
>If Jews are dumb rats, how com they run America and all the banks?
Jews are like gypsies. They have a secret textbook on these kinds of things. It's sort of how gypsies teach their kids how to pick-pocket, and they keep it within their family as a trade-secret, almost like magician's keeping their tricks a secret (lots of magicians are gypsies, go figure).
People claiming Jews are smart or better don't know what they're talking about. They are typically below average white-man's intelligence. They are just a tribe of gypsies, and America's multiculturalistic approach meant its turned a blind eye to them for a long time.
The Jews should have been found out and kicked out decades ago.
Putin IS a Jew...
You're a nigger with better grammar you know that don't you?
Putin is an anti-semite himself. Don't trust what he says to the media.
Maybe he's not 1488 "GAS ALL THE JEWS" but based on policy alone, he is the world's worst goyim right now and pretty much the international Jews worst enemy.
Godspeed Mr. Putin.
It's true though. Their schemes, like usury, bribery, and blackmail, have been used for centuries now and they've honed these skills.
Are you upset because you are Jewish, and I'm hitting the bullseye with this one?
crazy how many on pol actually believe this
Because Christianity forbade loaning out money. As far back as the dark ages, if you wanted a loan, you had to go to a Jew.
What's 10% interest over 600 years?
So they are outsmarting whites and have been for centuries. No one plays fair.
One of the Jew's tactics is to claim their enemies are also Jewish.
If you pay attention to it, you'll see how everyone the Jews don't like suddenly accused of being Jews...
Don't buy it. It's a discredit tactic by Jews.
Subhuman Putinbot. Netanyahu and Putin are BFF. He's the Man of Jerusalem 2016
jidf's primary weapon
> No one plays fair
are all joos equal?
Literally nothing here proves anything. Being a weirdo isn't a crime.
Don't change the subject. No one plays fair in this world and as you said Jews have been outplaying you for centuries
not if you are a prosecution lawyer but any non autistic human can see it raises flags (btw there arent even investigations going on)
No, not necessarily outsmarting. Jews have been getting kicked out of nations for centuries as well. People catch on and realize Jews are horrible goblin gypsy people and round them up and kill them or throw them out the gates.
In the USA, we demonized Hitler so bad during WW2 that we made saints out of the Jews and made anti-semitism a huge offense. It's what protected Jews for such an inordinate amount of time. The US basically shot itself in the foot with its own propaganda.
Jews were evil in WW2 and they are evil today.
lmao we build pic so we all benefit, too bad you're too busy (lazy) praying
>there arent even investigations going on
Uh oh this gay guy worse a panda mask and tweeted a penis we better investigate him
Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Jews are trying to get chummy with him to stab him in the back. I'm not surprised that the Jew's worst enemy has been labeled as "Jerusalem's golden boy of 2016." This is straight out of the Jewish playbook to discredit their enemies.
Putin is currently engaged in a high-stakes proxy war with both Israel and the corporate kikes of the USA. Not conspiracy either, this is normie-tier level news.
And yet today they are more powerful than ever. If anything it's a testament to the Jewish people's ability to get back up after they've been knocked down
subhuman Putinbot. nonwhite lying scum
>literally supports WHITE GENOCIDERS like Mugabe and Zuma
>literally open borders
>literally orders to use interracial propaganda
Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.
>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.
>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.
>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.
>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims
They outplayed us for the last 70 or so years, and in no small part to how badly we demonized Hitler and made saints out of the Jews. Hitler is not the first time that anti-semitism boiled over, and God-willing, I hope it's not the last. We need a new Hitler.
yes goyim is just trying to make you more human, you'll be there eventually
Thanks for proving my original point
They are a very formidable enemy, no doubt about that. But I don't think they'll remain at the top for very much longer.
fuck off meme flag kike
you also proved our point, you're inability to be human
Hide the slide.
I've truly made a fool out of myself haven't I
So tell me kike, If they are so smart why they build their own empire instead constantly expelling from empire
Their entire history is parasite on empire
ancient egypt , ancient persia , ancient rome
city-state located in Italy , British empire
When these fucker leech on country
every society slowly died with kikery
TV show stargate SG-1 goa'uld is good example
goa'uld are nothing but theft who exploit everyone in galaxy
That's what parasite do
There's nothing Russia can do about this right now, not while America is acting as the Jewish-watchdog of the world. The West, in it's seemingly dying breathes, is looking for any excuse to justify war with Russia. If you killed all the shitskins right now, it would be bad optics, and USA would use it as an excuse to do something to you to "defend those poor shitskins against the cruel evil Russian empire."
USA needs to fall first if we are to stop the spread of multiculturalism. Seems weird of a burger to say this, but I know it's true. USA is influencing the world to accept multicultural cancer. Without us, Europe and Russia and can go back to being real sovereign nations.
And it's allowed them to be extraordinarily successful. You act like they aren't very powerful. You also pretend that they haven't come back every single time hey get knocked down.
But I remember you. You aren't very smart asian dog
Except that's bullshit, it was illegal for kikes to charge interest to Christians, they were only allowed to charge it on other kikes. Of course they don't follow the law, because they are kikes. Hence why there were exiled from 837 cities and states.
Faggots like you want a "smoking gun" but fail to realize there is a thing called "classified" which is essentially "judge and jury"
Whistle blower? - trial can't go on record cause of "classified national security"
Question government agents on any variety of shady shit "we are not at liberty to say it is a classified investigation "
So anyway... retarded faggots like you bury your head so deep in the sand that the only thing you consider "proof" would be someone going on tv and admitting all the shady shit they've done
But what about videos or other evidence right? Go on you tube faggot... They delete all the incriminating or contradicting evidence.
Jesus Christ you're stupid as fuck.
vile, disgusting, leech, assumes control, looks like a jew to me!
No one should doubt that they haven't been a formidable enemy. They are. But they are enemies. They don't bring anything good, only destruction. They are not producers, they are a swarm of locusts.
At this point, we need everyone to wake up.
>Reddit spacing