Why are cigarettes openly accepted in society? There is nothing good about smoking, nevertheless people don't see it as something as bad as other substances. It is extremely popular amoung young people, and in Europe it is just disgusting; white teenagers start smoking at 14 years old or even before and so in many other places in the world. I've smoked a few times and it's not a big deal, but it's still bad in most cases. So why is this shit allowed and accepted? Another Jew thing or are there any "cultural" reasons?
Why are cigarettes openly accepted in society? There is nothing good about smoking...
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>Why are cigarettes openly accepted in society?
because mind control.
we need more like this
I'm going to continue smoking and drinking because the nicotine high and getting drunk helps me to not want to blow my fucking head off after a day of dealing with fucking libtards and niggers that don't understand reality. It's like dealing with adult children. It's so stressful that I am literally poisoning myself every day after work because it's the only thing that helps me to forget about it.
I picked up smoking because I have a babyface and because it suppresses estrogen (There's no way my testosterone levels are even average).
Hell I'm a coke addict and I think cigarettes are disgusting. Keep judging the track marks on my arm whilst you slowly die of lung cancer faggots.
This is sad.
Have you tried not paying attention? It's not hard and the world ends uo the same either way.
where is the happy finnish man??
everytime you smoke it's like putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger with a 1/25,000 chance it's going to go off.
>there is nothing good
There is one benefit, although outweighed by the many cons, and that is nicotine's ability to stave off memory related illnesses like dementia and alzheimers, even if you're genetically disposed to them.
Because people like them
"Understand reality"
like anyone actually does.
But I definitely understand the desire to blow ones brains out from seeing shit smeared all over everything every waking moment.
How about you just lift weights, eat clean and get some sunlight you lazy faggot. You probably have a nice phat ass and child bearing hips from sitting on your ass all day. Nicotine raises testerone just a little. Not enough to make a difference
>da joos
Just vape. You get the nootropic effects of nicotine without the cancer risk.
Why the fuck are you allowing yourself to put up with their bullshit instead of moving to a place where you're happier? Make that your goal to save up and find a job elsewhere, you can focus on that while all the rest of the bullshit melts away into the background.
i picked up smoking earlier this year, just quit and fuck it is hard. at first i would only have maybe 1 or 2 a day after work, but that quickly became 3 or 4 or 5 when i would hang out with my friends who also smoke.
i have been about a week and a half without a cigarette and i still have the urge every day to go pick up a pack, but i know if i do i will be hooked again
>because population control.
Easy tax revenue. Cigarettes also help save money by reducing the lifespan of poor people, who generally don't produce enough in their lifetime to offset the tax money diverted to the social programs that they depend on.
Exactly. Pipes are also up there with cigars, but it's a skill.
We're all going to die someday, Pablo
Yeah so why even bother to get up in the morning right faggot?
Cigarettes is like a drug, the second you are on it, the second you can't get rid of it because it's addictive as fuck
(((they))) know it, and this is why it's still kept around, too much good money from it
This is what I get up for every morning
A blank piece of paper in a helmet ?
I thought it was akari not satania
cause they feel good in the beginning. then you just savagely crave them, even as your lungs fill up with phlem and you cant stop coughing or walk up stairs. youll cough up gray sandy shit and when you catch your breathe youll light a smoke
the fear of death at 40 doesnt really compute but its there in the form of anxiety. so youll keep smoking thinking it helps the anxiety but it doesnt, food loses flavor and you start pouring mounds of salt on everything just to taste something. cereal, apples, lettuce everything. you wont be able to tell how shitty you smell, youll ruin your vehicles etc. its a great habit
I thought it was one of those things we were oddly schizophrenic about, where it was legal but smokers were looked down on. Marijuana on the other hand is illegal but smokers of this substance are not looked down on so much.
It's neither allowed nor accepted to smoke in public spaces or at age 14.
You must be from some third world country.
>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?
I love this pasta
let me smoke in peace, warn the children but im a lost cause
Because after sex they are incredible and absolutely fine.
BASED pipes
>Lived until late 80s
this guy gets it. there's nothing better after a long day of work than smoking a cigarette. Just don't do it everyday and you'll be fine
So you'll instantly drop dead as you take a drag?
That you know of. I can only imagine the shit the chinks put in that.
It is a drug
The tobacco industry is a trillion dollar industry with major players all around the world. Also, tobacco is the best means of incognito tax revenue stream, as less than 10% of it's value goes to the businesses, it's all taxes.
tl;dr : huge industry that yields roughly around 90% of its sales to gov't through taxes
Tobacco is proven to raise testosterone. Its all the extra shit they add in to drive more nicotine into your system that causes most of the cancer.
It seems to be a trans-national or trans-cultural thing too.
There are many smokers in Asia, for example. Also the Arabs also smoke, just not in the form of cigarettes (mind you, I'm not sure how this breaks down by region).
>Why are cigarettes openly accepted in society?
Where the fuck do you live? Asia?
Tobacco is okay in moderation, kind of like alcohol or sugary foods.
I honestly don't care if people smoke cigarettes as long as they do it outside and away from me. It doesn't impair people, so why make it illegal? Because it's unhealthy.
Make ur own if ur scared bruh
I (24 year old American southerner.). started smoking around 14 because the girls who smoked would put out, and if I smoked cigarettes I would get to have sex with these girls.
10 years later I have quit and have settled down with a very smart girl. Universally I think smoking is a fun and indirectly sexual habit for young people, but like lots of those things it is meant to be outgrown. If a teenager smokes I think they are having fun, if an adult smokes I think they are hopeless.
>Buying e-liquid from chinks
Weed smokers are absolutely looked down apon you delusional pothead.
I buy mine from NZ. Who knows what those chinks put in it.
Don't forget you will lose your arms and legs and bottom jaw, fuck all you niggers if a man wants tobbaco who are you to deny him? Even if what you say is true op it's not your fucking place to say
Pipe smoking>cigars>cigarettes>chewing>vaping like a huge faggot
This never happens. I think your lungs and respiratory system are innately shit. Nor do i ever put extra salt on my food--non-smoking relatives do that far more than i ever have.
You're just the typical moron who blames smoking for his own inadequacies.
And if you're afraid do do something just because of an increased risk of death 40 years down the line, and let that control your behaviours, then you're just a cowardly fgt who deserves to die anyway.
Bertrand Russell went to 98 and smoked a pipe pretty much 24/7.
Why hahahaha I'm just following what you said.
this was literally created by philllip morris
drugs are only accepted in society if they in someway confrom to the 'worker', if they in some way contribute or fit with the economic roles of the people. I find this hard to articulate but just think about it:
smoking is accepted because everyone smokes on their smoke breaks, it's a way for the workers to 'destress'
caffeine is accepted because all the workers drink it to work longer and harder and not be tired
alcohol is accepted because it's a 'deserved' relaxant for having AFTER YOU WORKED, a pint after work, work drinks, why is friday even considered the drinking night? because it's the end of the working week
if people want socety to accept other drugs they need to find a way to sell the idea of it to the workers, for example weed being touted as a deserved relaxant for smoking after a long stressful day at work, amphetamines to keep the worker going harder and longer, opiates to destress and relax the hard worker
these 3 drugs (plus betelnut in SEA) only BECAME so popular in the first place precicely because society could legitimate structure their use ARONUD WORK
drugs like lsd, dmt, ketamine, nitrous, these could never fit into the worker society. no way society will accept their use because to what use are these to the worker? a well deserved k-hole after work? makes no sense, society wil never accept that
I buy the ingredient in nz and make my own pg, vg, flavour, nicotine
Know that it has diminishing returns and does nothing to numb the pain in the long run
>Why are cigarettes openly accepted in society?
because faggots love to suck on fags
Tbhfam a well deserved MD cap at the end of a hard weeks work and party til 10am after Cherry sounds good to me.
>coke addict
>track marks
Asuka best anime girl tho
I'm not a pothead. I look down on both cigarette smokers and marijuana smokers. I just drink tons of wodka and krupnik.
>thinks his habit is better or superior
Jap cigs are fine. It's the Jews putting chemicals in them that are the problem, not tobacco.
for a board that claims to know wtf is going on in the world, you people clearly don't know shit
that's what they get
The evil white goyim and their tricks.
Cigarette companies are owned by subversive whites who are trying to poison the world
*hears whistling teapot*
well, I don't understand. You work. You have money. And you don't go in bars or do some crazy shit with strange people you just met. I mean, you work. Since that just can do whatever you want, you could shit on the streets and you would still be an reliable person to the society.
because its an extremely addictive old school traditional drug used for thousands of years by humans. It also makes a shitload of money and can be taxed out the ass because of its addictive properties. People will pay to kill themselves to smoke cigarettes because its enjoyable and makes you feel good while you are doing it. Tobacco use is not smart but you can't say its not fun.
I want to add that this thread literally makes me want to go smoke right now and I probably will
I have a right to smoke. Fuck you.
>never experienced the rush of IV coke, let alone a speedball
missing out
MAO-B inhibitor
It's about money you morons. It's that simple. The tobacco industry is giving jobs to millions of people worldwide. Of course they want people to smoke. It's the same with Coca Cola, all they want is for more people to drink their useless and nutrition-less piss so they can make more money. It's all about money and profit. If people stopped consuming these pointless things like brand clothes and cigarettes and soda and god knows what, then the corporations would go out of business. Millions would lose their jobs. The entire global economy is a giant card house and we just keep building it taller and taller pretending it will never collapse.
Don't you see why they want immigration from the third world so badly? Third-worlders are stupid, and thus make for perfect consumers. They buy smartphones, they buy brand clothes, coca cola and cigarettes. It's really this simple. Without immigration, the card house WILL collapse. We NEED the immigrants. Sup Forums will not accept this, because Sup Forums prefers the blue pill.
This and the lottery are the only way to get people who otherwise don’t pay taxes to pay up.
I literally smoke so I will die sooner.
And you need Tyrone's dick in your mouth Sven
>these are the same posters calling to ban other drugs because muh degeneracy
Top kek, weak lil bitch ass.
Oh look the cockroach can talk. How's your failed state coming along?
Very addictive drug, also profitable.
because it's chad-tier sexy. get with it, faggot
After having "drugs are bad" hammered into my head for most of my education, I dare not touch a cigarette, although I remain open to non-nicotine vaping because blowing smoke rings is cool yo.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Google "freedom torch", spoiler alert, it was the kikes
>All these shills supporting cigarettes
Any kind of addiction makes you weaker as a person. I'm currently in the process of quitting and the urge to run out and give the jew some shekels for more nicotine sticks is intense.
Cigarettes are there to take your money, nothing else. Show yourself you can control your own life and start quitting today. It'll be tough but the day you wake up not wanting those fucking things will be the day you feel like you finally have control over what you want and need.
Start the quitting process today, stop throwing your money away.
>mfw writing this made me crave even more
Good goy, control yourself and impose discipline on your body.
Name a good place in America that won't be poisoned with undesirables and Muslims in the next few years
Es el sabor de Colombia, es el sabor Nacional
Go into the sauna this will help to fight the urge start working out.
I started smoking when I was 15 years old stopped now a the age of 22.
If you feel often tired or have a general lack of energy or motivation it is due to your smoking habit.
That's the saddest thing I ever saw
>Is it a letter from his girl?
>A pic of his family?
>No it's some cunting Chinese cartoon
>user gets killed and his mates finally realise he's a fucking faggot
Buy stuff that's trustworthy. I buy UK made and if I'm feeling brave, US made.
And I still have the odd cig, rare but there you go.