>Gets house majority
>Gets senate majority
>Wins presidency
>Still can't get shit done.
How incompetent are conservatives?
>Gets house majority
>Gets senate majority
>Wins presidency
>Still can't get shit done.
How incompetent are conservatives?
Other urls found in this thread:
You show your ignorance when you post this.
compared to the nigger that did nothing for 8 years
Sage for the fag
He got nothing done, except for what he got done.
>implying presidents actually do things
figure head, dumbass.
>cant repeal ocare
>cant pass tax cuts
>cant even confirm all his nominees.
Right wing retard Republicans are absolute shit at policy and legislation. They don't belong anywhere near government except maybe shitholes that nobody cares about like Idaho and Wyoming.
The house is still almost (((literally))) 50/50 with regards to numbers of Democrats v. Republicans and with "republicans" like Wojak McCain LARPING as Conservative, whilst openly supporting Democrat agendas, deliberately throwing spanners in the works it's hardly surprising that Trump can't get much shit done.
In 2018 the general elections are expected to shift this situation against the Democrats as many Democrat voters are heavily dismayed by the tantrum attitudes of their elected 'leaders' and the party is also very much bankrupt both morally and financially.
>IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY Trump also has bout 200+ nominate administration staff that are still due to be passed by the senate of which are being stonewalled by Democrat overseers. Seriously, Democrats are truly the largest faggots on the planet.
>senate majority
worng, he will next election though
>Obama leaf is here
Guess who's not surprised
A true legend among the image board community
wew saved
thx bro
>being this thirsty
that's 1/10 of what i got
LOL, i guess I'm going to be famous now. And finally be able to do famous things.
Trump will get re-elected, the Dems have nothing to put up against him to run.
lol i can't make any promises
no he is right dude, you are showing your ignorance with this.
1) this isn't trump's issue, it's congress and 2) this isn't a case of "can't" it's an issue of "wont".
you guys all think you're "proving conservatives wrong" with this "oh look! they got into office and did all democrat things!" meme, but in reality this is just what we've always been saying for time immemorial.
doesn't matter who gets elected in washington, whether it's democrats or republicans, it's always the dem agenda that gets passed. we all know it. it's because half of the republicans in congress are dems LARPing. like george bush, famous "progressive liberal" republican. gave us a token tax cut that wasn't that great and then funded medicare part D / gave amnesty / started endless war.
wake up man. if you're going to criticize us at least fucking criticize us for something other than something that proves us right. for fucks sake.
What conservatives?
you mean RINOs?
every time
i know srsly, these lefties with this "hahahahaha look ur congress isn't passing ur agenda" meme.
it's like yeah, no shit bro, this is what we've been saying for a million years. politicians are puppets run by globalists and will always uphold the dem agenda because global communism and ultimately slavery is your ultimate fate.
>far-left extremists like Paul Ryan, McCain and Marco Rubio
Haha oh wow.
>being this thirsty
>being this gullible
>being Obamaleaf
you should add this one.
i mean if they get into office and don't repeal obamacare, give amnesty, and do a 180 on everything else can you please tell me how they're "real conservatives"?
this really isn't analogous to the "not real socialism" meme in any concrete way. sounds like you're really stretching to draw a false equivalence here to me.
There's not a single conservative in the GOP since the leftist Neocons ousted them in the 90s, the last mainstream conservative was Pat Buchanan.
btfo right wing retards across multiple platforms
>still identifying as conservatives
We are nationalists
lol u cucks keep re-electing those fools
pls post more "obama greatest president" files user. pls. pls post more. i need to see them.
>it's impossible for a republican to not be for Trump
Your totally right, I'm mean the R next to their name is the same so they hold hands and world together like their comrades in the Democrats party.
Hide the slide.
>leftist bankers use their money to prop up their controlled opposition puppets
>boomer normies are retarded and fall for it errytime
Tell me something I don't know already.
jesus christ 27 profile views
i shoulda spent more time on it
trump can't even work with his own party
what a failed leader
>White-knighting for Moldylocks
The absolute state of Obamaleaf
>btfo right wing retards means im whiteknighting for moldylocks
>i called her moldylocks ffs
>lol u retards
>his own party
they have an 8 year president behind them that put down a mine field of high positions in all facets of government. It was going to be a cluster fuck for anyone, especially difficult for an un- seasoned leader amongst a bunch of bureaucrats.
Nobody really notices, but a hefty percentage of republicans and democrats are only faking party lines to secure reelection in specific areas. They'd flip of it suited them. They have no values beyond job security, and by job security I mean the ability to manipulate policy for monetary gain and kickbacks, especially inside information on policy that drastically effects the stock market. Note they are exempt from insider trading laws for such cases. Funny, isn't it?
At any rate, Trump is the guy that threatens their job security. Neither fake republican nor democrat can let him succeed, because that means their jobs are in jeopardy. Not their paycheck, but their insane gains on power, influence, and unregulated insider information on the market that they get full access to.
There are many republicans that are only republicans because they wanted to get voted in within that district. Someone like Trump threatens their entire slimy existence. Hence why they are gumbing up the works. They can't let Trump succeed.
lol that was u
i remember that
all my complis triggered u and u made that post then capped yourself lol
no on in politics is real OP. except for trump. he is the first genuine article i have seen in washington in my entire life :(
>bothering to make an account there
>bothering to even post there on said account
>not realizing he's BTFOed himself
How much gay porn do you consume?
he's getting everything important done, like showing how Congress is really in control of policy and how they are a bunch of bums.
blaming the president, any president, for not getting policy change is ridiculous. King Nigger had 2 years of solid Democrap control, and they had all kinds of trouble passing shit. and they don't have the massive swing of ideologies or cliques that the Republicans do.
no just some random guy like this one too you get BTFOed so often there are so many to choose from.
Hey I'm famous :)
>How much gay porn do you consume?
That nz weirdo creeper was obsessed with me and made that. You can clearly see where he edited my words as the text is all blown up. I still have the original posts. Look.
And he put a pic of gay guys in the middle lol wtf. You guys are so gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it but why do u post gay porn and fake news?
ur getting btfo badly
i wonder if i replied to that
probably had a witty reply too
lol man u sure are triggered by me
Have you not seen the stock market?
All time high.
Thanks Trump
obamaleaf is like my favorite user ever. this thread has got to get bumped. this shit is high level comedy.
his filenames are unironically titled "obama greatest president ever" wtf lmfao!
lol did u see the clip of trump claiming that means the national debt went down
fucking retard
you're a fucking retard
Fake ancap poster. Sage.
holy fuck dude how can you unironically post that? do you even know what quantitative easing was?
The GOP is a retirement center, it's a bit smelly in there so they can't think straight.
wtf i hate the stock market all the sudden now!
>newtard getting his first experience
IT'S OBAMALEAF! Right wingers are about to get btfo!
Their policies are such shit that they shouldn't be codified in law
>ur getting btfo badly
thinking I give a shit if it's real or not, it's hilarious either way and it's not far feched enough that we posted people belive it at face value.
thx leafbro
The economy has been on a up since like 2009 or 2010 no thanks to Trump. That's a fact, Sam Harris retweeted that information on his Twitter I remember it.
u think it's hilarious that u saved gay porn on your computer?
ok dude srsly, you obviously don't know what quantitative easing was. obama policy after the 08 crash to prop up the markets by basically dipping into our savings account and investing in the country ourselves. he doubled our national debt doing this.
i won't say whether or not QE (which obama did 3 rounds of) was the right thing for the country or not in that time (complicated subject) but the "growth" you are citing and that the left frequently cites was not "growth" at all, it was the US investing in business and markets with its own funds.
it's about as much of a "success" as when you dip into your childrens college funds to pay your mortage
these are just the facts and they're totally non-partisan. this is a matter of historical record and not debatable
>a collage of Obama leaf posts
>gay porn
shit you are funny
QE ended years ago sweetie. Obama handed Trump one of the best American economies ever.
this your first day retard? plz go back to t_d. it's one of the few things i agree with Sup Forums on
u have to go back
>ignores Trump general threads with links to all the things he's done so far
why are there 2 gay guys in the middle of it? u can clearly see my posts were edited as the text is all blown up
i hve the originals see the diff?
why r u posting gay porn and fake news?
wew lad.
>doesn't know about QE
And you can basically thank the FED and Obama for this, subchimp.
If you deny this, don't ever put money in the stock market, you will lose it.
Trump hasn't done anything?
Oh sweetie...
>Obama handed Trump one of the best American economies ever.
>beliving this
>Senate Majority
There are 51 Democrats in the Senate, at least.
what are you talking about? it ended in 2014, growth was extremely lax for 2016.
what the hell are you saying?
>has never experienced a ObamaLeaf boss battle
>spolier ObamaLeaf has ∞ HP
He's wrecking OBAMAS judicial system, filling it with scalia like justices in all the district courts. 200+ justices who will be there long after we rake your shitty country
>he thinks gdp growth affects his well being
u retards fall for it every time
u really do want more immigration and more govt spending to boost gdp don't u?
Uhh, the national debt did go down. For the first time since the 'debt clock' was created. Even super leftist 'Snopes' confirmed it.
What did she mean by that?
Yeah thanks for doubling the debt, obama
>Run as paleocon nationalist
>House and senate entirely stacked with neocons and cuckservative zionists
>Can't get anything done
Gee whiz, I wonder why.
>focuses on the gay dudes
>"I'm not gay"
suuuuuuuuuuuuurrre thing buddy
Having a majority means nothing when both sides work for the same people. Bannon should be ale to purge some of the fake republicans though.
this when u know right wing retards are losing badly
they go full milton friedman and start talking about JewDP growth
lol i get it. u conservashits want more immigration and govt spending to boost gdp growth. i don't think that's necessary
user do you understand that even WITH quantitative easing (3 rounds of it) the GDP growth was pretty lax? you can't just point to growing GDP and say "look see? good!" it's supposed to grow every single year and grow by a lot. the growth was objectively shitty under obama and that is even considering that he was buying bonds
lol do u mean when they hit the debt ceiling and had to take temporary extraordinary measures?
u fucking retards are so dumb
look at the debt now
u retards don't even know what ceiling means do u
what are you talking about full friedman? dude this is a matter of historical record. Quantitative Easing was the bond buying program he used to get us out of the recession. he used US funds to buy EVERYTHING so the markets wouldn't crash. the "growth" you cite, factually, as a matter of historical record, is due to the US buying up everything it could and investing in the economy. it left us 20 trillion in debt.
i'm not even sitting here being a partisan shill, saying "QE was the wrong move" (which i could make a good argument for) i'm just explaining the pure historical reality that the "growth" you cite for those years (which wasn't even that good) was due to that program. wtf man.
You left out 9 months that are all record setting.
this retard is shilling gdp growth
jesus christ u fucking moron
why r u shilling for more immigration and govt spending just to boost 1 metric that u have been programmed to obsess over?
It was the OBama stimulus that saved America from a 2nd Great Republican depression. Are you full blown fucking retarded?
>he used
You do know Obama isn't in charge of the Federal Reserve right?
holy shit u learned 1 thing (QE) and u splerg it incessantly
>being this young
>being this unemployed
>having to point to Sweden's GDP
>think this matters
>being Obama leaf
You have a rough life don't you?
>Only president to never achieve 3% GDP
>Stimulus package hampers the economies recovery and funnels money to your wallstreet friends who funnel that TARP money back to Democrat SuperPACs
>Kill off jobs with bad trade deals such as NAFTA, and eventually (almost) the TPP
>Kill jobs with an abundance of regulations
>Kill jobs with Obamacare
>Lose jobs thanks to H1B1 visa abuse
>Lose jobs thanks to open border bullshit and preventing ICE from doing their job
>Be the least business friendly president to ever exist and do everything you can to stall and kill any growth
>Be Trump
>Literally platform and dismantling and rescinding every single unnecessary business killing regulation
>Businesses see this and confidence in growth skyrockets
>He actually rescinds a fuck ton
>Stock Market/Businesses continue to hit record levels of confidence
>He wants to keep going
>The ride never ends
>Record levels are continually shattered the next week
>This phenomenal turnaround happens immediately, a fucking DAY, after he gets elected and never stops
>This never occurred once under Obama's 8 years
>Muh Obama
Just kys