This is the pure definition of trash.
Why do I enjoy it?
This is the pure definition of trash
Because she's in it.
It's like the show itself it self aware of the trashiness, a satire.
Because I unironically enjoy trash and you can't do anything about it
What's wrong with Bluesy Fluesy?
>the backgrounds are ugly, looking like a hentai OVA from the 90s
>the content is embarrassing in how cliched it is
>the tonal whiplash between gory action and """""""comedy""""""" is jarring as fuck
>the characters are stereotypes
>the premise is poor at best
I especially like how random US soldiers keep dying but nobody seems to care for more than a second.
But I'll have to conceit that the action itself is very kinetic and exciting. And all the bullshit in between is weirdly entertaining because of how it keeps topping itself in the bullshit department
Because it's not Trash: The Anime of the Manga of the Web Novel
stop this meme
Because Silver Saber is sex.
I think the point where I completely realized that this shit is taking the piss is when the MC is earnestly talking about his ideals while the princess is fondling childhood friends ginormous juggs and her moaning bleeds into the conversation.
There's almost nothing trash about it.
Action scenes(the thing you should watch this show for) are amazing and one of the best this season, plus they happen almost every episode. Characters are pretty generic, but not in annoying way, except maybe the MC. The girls are cute. The voice acting is good. Story is nothing interesting, but who cares.
In my opinion, it is much better than the shows like Alderamin, Servamp, Orange, Qualidea Code, or Hitori no Shita. If you shit on this show, you might as well go shit on 90% of the anime that's airing right now.
>you might as well go shit on 90% of the anime that's airing right now.
But that's what Sup Forums does. Hell, it's more like 95%.
>the content is embarrassing in how cliched it is
>the tonal whiplash between gory action and """""""comedy""""""" is jarring as fuck
>the characters are stereotypes
>the premise is poor at best
Sounds like most of the anime in the last few seasons.
Sup Forums is honestly too aggressive towards it's home medium. It's like Sup Forums but with even more acidic hatred.
Calm the FUCK down and just enjoy shit.
While I don't disagree, I saw shows being thrown to the wolves for far less than Taboo Tattoo.
I mean the show/manga gives literally no fucks. And that makes it nearly critic proof.
I'd just like to understand the difference between something like it and say Tokyo ESP, which got basically mauled around here.
>Dude saves a homeless man, gets Chuuni power in return
>Beats up a literal monster of a man
>Tongue piercing man and ragged loli enemies
>Tongue is a surprisingly normal fellow, outside of his cruel fighting and tongue piercings
>Loli is dark and mysterious. As mysterious as a blank book, anyway.
>Loli gets surprise development; becomes Guts Ghost with a cute cyclops cat
>Main villain shows herself to MC to save her two subordinates.
>Loli is 110% lesbian cat girl now
>Tongue gets shot to hell and back. Will likely sleep it off.
>Villain pals around with the MC the day after
>Molests childhood friend in public while revealing she's not actually bad (or so we think)
I've got mixed feelings about the villains so far.
>People hated this
This show was FUN.
Don't forget:
>half of US army dies in any confrontation but more thought is given to the loss of one character's otaku memorabilia than to any of the extras
It is FUN, but that doesn't mean it's not BAD.
The fight scenes are bretty good
>Silver Saber
You mean the one from Hiden no Aria?
They are extremely good. Hope the guy behind them will get more work in the future.
See if this helps.
Hottest cast of the season, that's why.
Oh my. Pure sex.
1. Most of the american forces die during the island battle. Sanders gets cut up like a bitch but survives somehow.
2. Childhood friends gets eaten by the loli MC decided not to kill earlier.
3. BB beats Sword chick (Kuro?) and then gets absorbed by MC.
4. Lisa gets captured and the crew decide to rescue her.
5. MC fights against Kuro and wins.
6. Bluesy finally kills the snake fag.
7. MC beats up Twintails but she retreats.
8. Clones? start their attack on the MC and friends (not sure whats happening here desu, only looked at raws).
I have no idea where they gonna end the anime. It's probably for the best to change up the island battle and wrap up most of the stuff because with these sales S2 won't happen.
It has the feeling of a trashy older shounen animu series. It's sort of like a breath of nostalgic stale air after seasonal battle harems.
I am pretty sure Trash is pure difinition of trash, but it`ll never get animated.
Taboo Tatoo is just garbage.
It actually was supposed to be "Index Killer" created and riding on the wave of its popularity, but turned into complete boring garbage so everyone forgot about it. Its surprising it actually got anime in the end - probably the monthly chapters no one cares about piled up so much they at least hope to sell tonkobouns
Post more webms.
>waifu bait
Really makes you think
Rejoice, user with no taste! You get to laugh at the snobs in their ivory towers dropping shows they consider too shit to watch, while you're left with hundreds, nay, thousands of hours worth of entertainment.
eh can't be worse than masou gakuen hxh
Here is the top rated comment on Taboo Tatoo's Kissanime page:
>In respect to the load of hate comments below, I feel the need to defend this unfairly and too-soon critically judged anime. Yes, it is "cliche" but no so much as you would think. And please keep in mind that just because an anime is cliche, doesnt mean its boring, bland, or simply not worth watching. Honestly, this reminds me of Index - which was a pretty damn good anime. "Tried is true", right? And now that Ive tempered the only hate-argument theme that Ive seen below, Ill move on to the pros of this anime. The action scene in episode 1 is pretty satisfying. The art, realism, and fluidity (not to mention the good length of the fight) is something that requires effort, know-how, time, devotion, and money. And although there seems to be a forboding number of seemingly important female characters- implicative to the "cheap thrill" type of anime (you know what Im talking about), its not like there is an ungodly amount of scandalous fan service. And the fullness of the characters Ive seen so far are pretty respectable. Our protagonist knows how to fight and has a good reason as to why he does what he does accompanied by a supporting past, the generic childhood friend has a rare full personality, and no one's too flashy (coughthehaircough). All in all, I think this anime is pretty worth sticking with for now. Its promising. But please, watch the first episode and make your own judgement.
touka dies in the manga.
Oh look. Comments as insipid and uninspired as the show.
She becomes part of a better girl, so all is good.
It's fun.
>but turned into complete boring garbage
So, just like Index?
From MAL:
"Justice is power.Power is justice."
This quote is from Seigi,which keeps him wants to become stronger.
"You must pay off after gain."
This quote is from Bluesy,which is the main thought in Bluesy's mind.
I have strong feelings with these two quotes,as I'm just a teenager who doesn't know much about the cruelty of the society.Just like if you have the power of wealth and most people are only using them for their own leisure,while you can actually denote some for charity.People are just gaining things from their parents but not much of them really pay back to them.As you can see,these two messages are related to our daily lifes and I'm impressed so much with the story that has messages inside.
You can also easily bond with the characters if there's messages inside,but this anime not only have messages,but it also have good introduction of characters and story setting,which they could be seen through characters conversions,battles,their thoughts,background stories and their decisions.
As I have mentioned,the story has a rich introduction and the story is bonded with the characters,which is easy to get along with the characters.
This anime also shows individuality of different characters of personalities.Seigi is affected by his grandpa so therefore he wants to become stronger.Bluesy is smart and a good-decision maker but naughty and mean.Toko is a caring person who knows Seigi thought a lot and want to protect Seigi.All of these shows a lot of diversification among characters personalities.
What I expect more is the character development,such as effects on characters due to the different events.
>cute girls
>a lot of well animated and directed fights
>almost no dumb drama
>story moves fast
Honestly don't see the reason to hate on it.
/fit/ girls
top tier semen demons in this show
>the generic childhood friend has a rare full personality
There are always shows which have the bad luck to have teens flocking to it who just want some op prota beats everything or self-gratification shit.
And when they dont get this they are shitting endlessly on the show and writing everywhere how shit it is.
Thóse are fans who just love hating on something, instead of moving on.
Taboo-Tatoo is average but not worse than any of the other shounen shit honestly.
Episode 4 was so poorly directed I honestly had no idea what was happening. It's definitely worse than average.
>MC arrives a fight bad guys
>they're actually not really "bad" guys trope
>they met at the end and explained it
What's there hard to understand?
Do you need 15 minutes of talking and shit to get the point?
and fights*
Well to be honest only read the manga,
so i assumed it would be the same mostly..
The manga is actually also on what most people shit on, it is like you are cool if you hate on it and if you read their comments you get they are barely twelve, basically the hateable Naruto crows.
It was just really badly done. Disjointed scenes, characters popping out of nowhere, poor sound, and so on. I've seen better cut together films at a high school festival.
I can guarantee you it's exactly like this in the manga.
Author is a plain hack. No idea why this trash got adapted.
>Everyone's bad
>Except the cute girls that get forgiven because they're cute
The only "disjoined" scenes were the fanservice one in the middle of the episode, when the MC wanted to kill the loli and the last few minutes. Everything else was fine, especially the sound.
Valid answer.
The animation reminds me of early 2000 flash videos. It's really jarring, but I can't stop watching. It's like a beautiful disaster.
I'd say its on the average tier, it has all the trashy elements but not at their worst, MC is meh but at least not hugely retarded, budget is low but they know how to manage it to look acceptable, plot is nosense but at least they don't try to explain it too much, battles are short but at least are well done.
Is a good example of how to make lemonade with lemons. Considering the budget and the plot this could be far worse.
>just because an anime is cliche, doesnt mean its boring, bland, or simply not worth watching.
Completely agree with this. For some reason there are people that think Generic/Cliché=Bad/Trash/Garbage. Personally I would rather watch a "Generic" series then one that tries too hard to stand out and falls flat on its face.
Well, I can mostly agree but to be fair japanese media trends to go a bit too much by the book when it comes to genericness.
I mean, its not bad that you follow a formula that its known that works, but manga/LN stick to the formula way too much to the point that sometimes you don't even know if its trying to be a parody or a serious thing.
Lot of times thing happens because that's what the formula says, not because it goes with the flow of story.
For example don't tell me that the line "See, You are not alone" when appears the cat wasn't completly weird in this week episode. It was there just because is the thing a MC has to say like the "I don't like to hit a girl" not because it has any sort of relation with what is happening.
I'm just watching it for the Rin Tohsaka recolor.
>old hag stuck in a teenaged body
When will this shit stop?
What exactly is Taboo tattoo?
I really like it. There's some key points that are painfully generic but also some really creative stuff on stuff you less expect
The princess in the last episode was fucking glorious.
i think the trash award goes to berserk this season
post the cute loli