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Jesus christ you're fast. I don't know what to feel towards you.

Dub-user doko?


Yasuho makes me happy

Dub user's brother here, he's still recovering from dying in a car crash again.

>There are some people who won't live to see bite za dusto animated

just started Phantom Blood get keen

Dub-senpai is probably sleeping right now, because time-zones shit.


>There are some people who won't even live to see today's episode

I have an increased fear of death from here until the final episode.

>There are people who died before seeing DiU animated
>There are people who died before knowing Gappy's true identity

>There are some people who didn't and won't even watch JoJo's

I dont want to die because I want to see everything animated and I want to know how the manga will end

Hey user who posted the Pucci, he's pretty neat, but I don't see MEIDO IN HEBUN. You said he had all three standos.

also enjoy pucci_after's debut in a fighting game

>there are people in this very thread who won't live to see bites the dust animated
>you could be one of them

rubik's cube based stand?
you select an object/person and you can rotate without killing it.

wew lad

Pucci doesn't do this in EOH or ASB does he?




I could've been one of those people.
But Jump Ultimate Stars made me being interested in Jojo a lot of years ago.

>there are people who call jojo 'JoJo's' on this board

Quads confirm.

what is this feeling I am feeling right now


It's all the high energy I got from the God Emperor.

There are 17 posters here right now
I think it's pretty likely that we'll all survive for a few months

Did Koichi and Yukako fuck after Cinderella?

It's been a pleasure and a shame to have met and talk to you guys

Made in heaven is not yet programed.
But if you look through the files in something like fighter factory you can find mih sprites

Sheeeeit. Well, that at least should mean we'll see it in the future, hopefully.

Not if I kill myself right now.
[spoiler[Nah man, I'll wait until the end of Part 4 anime[/spoiler]

Yes, but it was beautiful. There was no place for luxury there.

Not if I go outside right now and I get shanked and shot by a rober

Not if I do THIS
*unzips exit bag*

How bad is the the Part 1/2 English dvd

Very. The only good part was cockney Joseph telling Suzie she had one job.

Please, take care of yourselves.
I want all of you alive to rage the day the last epìsode of DiU is filled with QUALITY. You know it's going to happen.

i'll post this everyday until you like it.

Not as bad as the future spanish dub.

Fuck this guy

I hate it as much as the fish.

Issue is i don't know what the fuck IT is

Read the manga then

>tfw he sees your dick

i'm finishing phantom blood i started with stardust crusaders gosh user :(

But that one already exists.

can't wait to see his reaction animated.

I'll try user but from where Im from getting killed by a robber is as common as shitposting in this threads

Get out before someone tells you something about gay priests doing something with the universe.

Hope you guys are ready for QUALITY.

Ah, you're the user who read all the other parts instead of reading the first 3 I think, am I correct?


Proper reading order:
Prove me wrong

Oh God, this is awful in so many levels.
Now I understand what native english speakers feel when animu characters talk engrish.

Let me guess, are you from some latin country?


Yeah man, we're all gonna m

I would, but the fact that you're not reading part 5 makes it acceptable.

Oh fuck, it's the guys who did RHCP part 1.

I don't care as long as SHA is decently animated.



Why read it or watch it when you can just play ASB?

>it's the guys who did RHCP part 1

>it's the guys who did RHCP part 1

user, what do you think of Whell of Fortune?

Well then, tell Messi his new hair is shit.
Not as shit as Josuke's, tho

>Oh fuck, it's the guys who did RHCP part 1.

Yeah, what was this guy's deal?
If the ticket is not fake then just do your fucking job and sign the check.

Fuck you guys, if I'm not able to see it, than no one else in this thread is allowed to survive the next 10 minutes.

>lol don't worry guys it won't be that bad

Boring fight, like most of Stardust Crusaders first half. Except the ones where Polpol was involved.

I've read the entire manga and I don't know what the fuck this is.

It is a pretty shitty hair cut but not as bad as Josukes tho, his tattos are worse though

The other two guys might be better and at least the PV doesn't have any obvious quality.

The 4th wall break at the end and the parts that reminded me of the movie Duel were the only good things about it

And who are other two ass clowns aside from Kim and Ryu? Never seen them.

And KIM MIN SUN is the dude who did Yukako pt. 2. This could potentially be the worst episode in DiU history

Just went through the episode list and couldn't find them credited anywhere before.
Some of the Koreans aren't all bad though so who knows, they might save it.

Guys dont worry its gonna be a great episode nothing will be wong

Giorno is for ______

Are you sure you have read the manga because she is Yasuho from Jojolion

At least we're getting all the shit out of the way now instead of two or three episodes from now when we're onto the stuff that actually matters.

Jail House Rock was the best fight of part 6, DIO's sons were small fry in comparison.

Egh, I still have some hopes, even if this was a QUALITY episode I wouldn't care too much, it's one of the shittiest arcs of part 4 anyway.

Can't really tell from the moon runes if he also worked on the animation or something else.
And was Yukako pt. 2 that bad aside from a few awkward shots of the squad near the end?

>Wanting David to spend the budget on fucking Harvest

Shigechi matters, even though he is a walking plot device.

I'm surprised nobody posted Josukebeingangryabouthishair.jpg yet.

David will surely deliver a decent episode, let's just wait.

His role could have been filled by literally anybody who wasn't too important.

I can't trust you, jew Dodoria.

The whole falling from the cliff scene was horrendous.

Like? Hazamada? It's even worse.

Like who would should've bite it for the crew to really care if it wasn't Fatty?


I think horrendous is a bit harsh, m8.
That shot lasted like one second.

Sure, by Hazamada. The important thing is that it doesn't matter, it just needs to be somebody they know.

But Hazamada is worst than Shigechi and Josuke didn't care about him.

Well you at least have to play ASB in that order