Why are white men getting huge?

Why are white men getting huge?
Are they scared of big black cock or something?

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looks like steroids to me

>big black cock
What the fuck is that?

Low populations skew stats all the hell.


is that achievable natty?

The amount of muscle easily is, but I doubt you can get body fat that low without some sort of drug or a really intense diet + cutting for years

you look like that when you either do steroids or the only hobby you have is working out

jeff is a manlet

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i don't wanna get like that but just strong. How can I do it, Sup Forums? I don't like /fit/

Aesthetic af

A lot of that is due to his flat ribcage. If you're a barrelbro like me you'll never have that look but can still get fawkin shredded like a madcunt.

Tren hard and eat clen.
Dnpt give up.
Always test your self.
Anavar give up.

Do Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5x5

seriously jeff
fuck off

>That guy

He's one step away from being a fucking skeleton, I doubt he has any functional strength.

To be a Greek Adonis or an Iron Gut

sucks that I didn't get started earlier could've been the former and not the later.

Thats steriods. Not achievable

he looks like his skin is going to split off

is this achievably natty?

I only have dumbbells here at home
not gonna hit the gym because people

>functional strength

You are black and using the muh dick argument. kill yourself nigeria

Get a bench with a squat rack and a weight set. I work out at home.

Dude looks like the everyday 15 year old high school student in every shounen ever

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Only faggots talk about the male genitalia when trying to make a political or societal point.

its a hobby really

It's not like niggers like self improv- oh wait

The idea that blacks possess bigger dicks than whites is a fucking meme based on shitty survery based "studies" out of africa. Any western study in which the dicks are actually measured show no difference between black and white dicks, with asians and hispanics having smaller dicks, because, holy shit, who would have guessed, penis length is pretty well correlated with height.

Dude may look cut, but strength wise he probably couldnt punch you as hard as a martial artist could. Some of the strongest people i know are heavy built, have like a 2 pack, and the muscle doesnt really show. This is why fitfags wonder why they can lift 300 pounds but cant do a one handstand to save their life.
Strength isnt pushing/pulling a weight, strength is what you can APPLY in any given situation.

Jeff Seid has native ancestry.

Big black cock is relatively untrue, white males are around the same size erect, they are smaller flaccid. Most blacks don't experience much lengthening with an erection. I have a fat long white cock and I always max out on bitches. Have you ever fucked a bitch so hard the tip of your dick gets bruised cuz you constantly max out? Yeah that's what I thought. Blacks smell and have horrible skin and hair.


to tell the truth i'm interested in this.
How do you achieve that kind of strenght?

Not without dehydrating the duck outta urself. U can only look like that for a couple day/couple hours

Men were made to hunt and survive and sheeeit.

When they don't have to do that they go crazy, and this is what results.

No most likely not. He was probably doing a competition or magazine shoot and got his bodyfat down that low for a day

With good reason, to be honest.

Also order online if you don't want to shop at the store because people. Hit up Walmart, have everything delivered and put it together yourself. Get the cheap stuff but make sure they have at least decent reviews and upgrade to better quality after you've been lifting for a while.

Yes. Imagine being a wh*Te dog (too sister to be called men, would insult masculinity) and having to work in a gym for hours every day to achieve a decent physique. Meanwhile the BLACK man is naturally stronger, more athletic, and more confident than a wh*Te dog could ever hope to be. The epitome of masculinity. Wh*Te dogs will never catch up to the natural strength and beauty of the BLACK man.

jesus how many hours a day must that guy spend at the gym

>White areas that aren't infested with beaners, chinks, and niggers skew stats all the hell.

>Why are white men getting huge?
huge unemployment rate in the youth.
No affirmative action for them.
So, they gonna fill up those empty day => hitting the gym come first to mind for most of them.
Or playing video games all day.

>Strength isnt pushing/pulling a weight
Yes it is you absolute fucking moron. That's literally what strength IS. And yeah, a normal weightlifter isn't going to strike as hard as a guy with formal fighting training, because he does not have the technique to transfer that force into speed. But there's a fucking reason that fighting has weight divisions, and that's because at the end of the day, the amount of muscle you have is the hard limit for how hard you can hit and how tight you can hold.
Also, the strength required for a handstand is not that great, it's much more a skill of coordination, balance, and practice. And it's also fucking dumb and has infinitely less practical application than picking something up and moving it. I loaded a trailer this morning, I have not been in a situation in my life where being able to do a 1 handed hand stand would have practically benefited me in any way.

I actually do believe the lifting trend is related to what is happening around us, which is that we are becoming minority and eradicated unless we do something.

Please post homosexual threads in /lgbt/ or /hm/.


Nice b8 m8

Balances. Stretching a shit ton (3 hours a day). Balanced diet. Learning how to swing your body and gaining full control of all your muscles.

Go watch some cirque de solei male performers. Those guys perform feats that take extreme strength, flexibility, control, etc.
Lifting 250 pounds doesnt even fucking compare.

You're right, deadlifting 250 pounds isn't particularly impressive, you DYEL faggot.

He's full of shit.

"functional strength" is a meme that lanklets use to feel better about being smaller - generally speaking. Strength is a function of the size of the cross-section of a muscle - the thicker the muscle, the more fibre it contains. The more fibre it contains, the more force is exerted when those fibres contract. A thicker muscle is always stronger than a thinner one in every situation save literal malnourishment. If someone spends their whole life only working out their biceps then yes, they're going to struggle to lift an engine block compared to someone who has been doing deadlifts and squats, but that doesn't happen. Virtually nobody is that retarded and anyone who is should be made fun of for being a retard, not for not being strong. They are strong, just only in their biceps.

There is a mental component to exertion as well. You have to have the "will" to do it - strong people with soft hands will probably bitch out of heavy lifting without even using all of their strength because it hurts and it's uncomfortable and so on.

t. my boyfriend is an amateur strongman/bodybuilder and I'm the brains behind his program. I've always been interested in muscle (it's a fetish) but never had the time/guts to actually get into it, but I have done a fair bit of research on it.

Trenbolone stage

Jeff, pls. Fuck off back to Minsc

I think a valid argument would be if he can perform any actual functions with those muscles. Having muscles for show is completely fine,but having muscles for the sake of doing actual work is superior.

t. nonwhite subhuman with small dick

Muscles do not have brains. They do not know if they are "for show" or "for work." A muscle is a muscle is a muscle.

Any inability to perform a strength-related task will have nothing to do with not being strong enough. He will only fail if he doesn't have the coordination required or bitches out.

Its ok, you’re naive to the potential of your body. Lifting weight till you get hulk status is not what our species suppised to be. We’re meant to be lean, strong, fast, and intellegent. Bruce lee is a great example of this. But you keep treading along with your hulk fascination.

jeff plz.

hell no, and even on drugs that look is temporary

mouse experiment

There is one case where "functional strength" isn't a meme, and that's in relation to strength training via machines instead of free weights. If someone only does chest with machines or squats only in the smith machine, their stabilizers are going to be relatively under developed, and so they're going to struggle to translate their increased strength to free weights either in the gym or real life. But that's an uncommon problem, and has nothing to do with how "functional strength" is normally, and completely incorrectly, used.

What if it was because they wanted the big black cock?

That's true, but I'd also argue that anyone who does no free weight exercises is never going to achieve hulk size anyway. Certainly that's been my experience.

Wrong. White, Pink, and Red muscle are a thing. Fuck off with your 1st grade intellect on muscles is a muscles is a muscles faggit

not that guy but bruce lee although lean and small (he was 5'6" kys manlet tier) but relative to his frame he had quite a bit of muscle on him. His lats are fucking huge relative to the rest of his body.

but hey you know what keep doing pull ups or whatever stay dyel.

Projecting much? I'm not a permabulking powerlifter you fucking faggot. And I'm no genius, but I'm certainly smarter than you, a dipshit who apparently doesn't realize that not only can you do weight lifting AND cardio, but that both are incorporated into the training of most highly active sports, including many martial arts.

>750,000 people isn't a proper sample size!

t. retard

Happened to me when I started just because of availability of equipment. Started with a multifunction meme machine and little else, 6 months down the line could go to a real gym and found out I was a lot fucking weaker than I thought. But yeah, I by no means had been packing on lean mass that way.

His fucking neck is thicker than his waist.
I don't think being this swole is even healthy.
I'm not saying it's not impressive, but the guy looks like a fucking anime character.

That kid weighs 150 at most. Shredded gives the illusion of being big but the amount of weight one would have to cut to look like that is sky high.

>without some sort of drug or a really intense diet + cutting for years
Or you can take Vyvanse for like a week.

i knew a male dance instructor who would get that lean and buff while putting together a big dance show. it was mostly stress and overworking and he usually ended up in the hospital before the last show. looking like that is really unhealthy.

He's big but not all THAT huge, just extremely lean.

>this entire post

That level of specificity is irrelevant to the discussion and, furthermore, is immutable anyway. You can't grow more muscle fibres, only train the ones that you have, so if you spend your whole life weightlifting you're not going to change your fibre distribution at all.

Are you trying to imply that only white muscles are for real work and that red muscles are just for show?

You're a fucking retard spouting off on shit you know nothing about and are devolving into irrelevant technicalities because your central point has been blown the fuck out. Kill yourself for real.

Yeah, the bullshit marketed to people is wildly ineffective. All you need is freeweights unless you're specifically trying to isolate one muscle, and you really don't need to do that unless you've fucked up your freeweights program in the first place.

I've been designing programs for my bf for the past two years and in that time he's made more significant strength gains than in the preceding five, solely because I threw out nearly all the machine work and went back to freeweights. People think that machines are for more "advanced" training and that you grow out of freeweights and stop having to do them after a while. Steroids help obviously but if your workout is shit then nothing will save you.

It's why it annoys me when people say "hurr bodybuilders are all for show." I fucking guarantee none of them got that big without doing extremely """functional""" compound lifts day in day out.

Yeah and he's evidently balding with that shove the hair forward thing he's doing. Poor kid took the steroids meme seriously, this is going to eliminate a lot of men in 15-30 years


u natty fgt?

balding must have been one of the biggest meme recently.

No, it's just perspective. Also his neck is fucking giraffe length. He really doesn't look very good in terms of how his body is put together - asymmetrical abs, weirdly shaped forearm muscles, his obliques and abdominal wall muscles are unaesthetic, and his biceps have terrible inserts. He's not even very big, and he wouldn't look like that for more than a week max.

It shows an impressive level of dedication but it's a shame that the results don't bear out the effort involved in achieving them.

so scared
>wat do?

HAHA NOT EVEN CLOSE. Pin some tren.

Steroids accelerate male pattern baldness if you have shit genes but I know two people who are on enough gear to kill a horse and one has a curly brown mop and the other past-shoulder-length long straight blonde hair. It's kinda greasy though.

The acne meme is real though.

They are preparing for the race war as the angry Saxon has awoken.

>Steroids accelerate male pattern baldness if you have shit genes but I know two people who are on enough gear to kill a horse and one has a curly brown mop and the other past-shoulder-length long straight blonde hair. It's kinda greasy though.
Ho, I agree on that one.
I'm just saying he just doesn't look like he is balding. Like at all.

Question. I've been strength training since early this year and I've been doing deadlifts for 1x5. At what point should I add more sets? I'm consistently adding weight but I just feel like one set of five once or twice a week is slowing my progress.

wtf is this shit, /pol is r9k nao

being this jelly holy moly, guy is aesthetic as fuck just go to the gym and stop being such sad cunts

>1 post by this id


>1 post by this ID
>same thread on other boards
And you faggots still fall for it, we all know this is a fucking sage thread by a scared shitskin - no need to go and eat the bait.

Lol triggered niggers? Brb going to go work out.

reality check

posting in this thread should be punishable by summary euthanasia

Looking like that is pretty much the complete opposite of what your body wants to look like. Having a body fat % that low would fuck up your internal organs if you tried to maintain it long term.

Nobody's taking it seriously. Everybody is pretty much talking among themselves about working out. Relax.

Holy shit this dude is going to die if he doesn't put on a bit of fat. These retards... kill themselves in order to appeal to gay men.

Do calisthenics as well. They often get overlooked but you work all your muscles and get good functional strength and well rounded physique. Combine them with weights and eat 3000 calories a day of healthy food and you'll be flying.

Yeah, I agree there. Even if he is on roids, which he may not necessarily be, he wouldn't have been on them for more than a year or two and that's really not long enough for baldness to kick in anyway, especially not at that age.

His hair looks fine.

I'd be doing 3-5 sets. 1 set is for if you're doing super duper heavy weight.

Basically the goal is to damage your muscles as much as you can, because that promotes growth. If you're only doing 1 set you need to be working so goddamn hard in that 1 set that it's equivalent in terms of stress to 3 sets of lighter weight. Unless the force involved is massive - i.e. you're deadlifting hundreds of kilograms - that's probably unlikely to happen. Even if you're lifting as much as you possibly can for 1 set it simply doesn't take enough force to do significant damage, even if it's all the force you can put out. For 1 set to really be effective your muscles have to be so big/strong that when they work at their maximum capacity they are self-destructive.

Who told you to start with only doing 1 set?

But you should always consider your deadlifts in the context of how many squats and other leg work you're doing or else you'll put yourself on the fast track to exploding knees. Deadlifts are a back exercise but they are still rough on joints.

He's really not that aesthetic. Asymmetrical abs ruin everything tbqh. If you've got them you may as well just go on an eternal bulk because nobody thinks your freakish clay-person torso looks good.