> be me, 30, handsome as fuck, literally a pussy magnet.
> have incurable erectile dysfunction
be me, 30, handsome as fuck, literally a pussy magnet
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me, 18, good looking
>be a sperg, incapable of proper social interaction.
Karma for being a narcistic whore?
Anyways... kek
Hey that's me but I'm 22 now, it doesn't get better
Just be upfront about it. Go on a dating site and say that. There exist women who would be OK with it, but you will have to go out of your way to find them.
no it isn't
me at 20
trust me nothing changes, i just justify it by telling myself that all the hot girls that ever liked me were hoes
Quit porn and do PC muscle excersises. If that doesn't work go see a doctor, you may have something fucked up.
Hide the slide.
Poor guy
even viagra doesnt work?
I have porn induced ED and Viagra works.
My best friend in the military was a pussy magnet. But he confided in me that he was a premature ejaculator. He ended up coping by collecting videos of them doing unspeakablely freaky things and then got long term satisfaction by having an archive that he shared with his friends.
Everyone has their cross to bear.
What a fucking nerd
Grow a pair and tell them to fuck off.
>porn induced
what? how does this work?
E.D. Is not cured, it is treated.
From one puss magnet with troubles to the next, what steps have you taken?
not easy when you wanna keep friends, goy
muh dick
Nothing competes with porn, as far as the brain is concerned. Not even real pussy.
>be 17
>handsome as fuck, fuck the hottest girl in school, athletic and perfect grades
>get in a car accident
>wake up after 3 weeks in coma
>paralyzed and brain damage
>fast forward 5 years
>zero friends
>stuck in a wheelchair
>taking a shit takes half an hour
such is life my friends
you dont have ED your just ghey
>8" cock
>good high paying job
>crippling social anxiety
>literally talk like an autist because speech disorder
>addicted to furry porn
>cant function in crowds without worrying myself to death about being judged
i really just want to die
>be me
>your dad
Sorry son
Jesus Christ what a fall from grace I know that feel to a way lesser extent
:( no good
You might be in the Twilight Zone, time to learn a lesson about yourself...
>>addicted to furry porn
Disgusting Freak
accreate Viagra exists
wow that sounds like shit
>be me
>30 yrs old
>green eyes, handsome
>9 inch long, thick hard cock
Too cynical to act like a novel plaything for women and can't pick up girls or find a suitable qt girlfriend anymore because I'm too honest and I know that deep down they're all shallow whorez
LMAO it's your mind, you fucking faggot.
You don't have any mental control. Real men can control their level of arousal in any situation. My god, I bet you have "anxiety" and "stress" problems too, you fucking pussy.
>b-b-but it's hard to make blood go in your penis
Man the fuck up, literally Jamal is better at being a man than you.
tell me more
also, do u have a social media?
>be me
>blond haired blue eyed 6'4 240 lb 8% bodyfat alpha male with an 8'"dick
>PhD in discrete mathematics
>get all the women i want
>have an incurable desire to dress up in lingerie and service gloryholes all day long
It's a strange feeling.
ITT NEETS larp as handsome losers
>be me, 21 ugly as fuck, tfw no gf
>hard as a rock all day long
Stop jerking off and stay celibate for 3 months.
Holy shit my sides just got rekt
yall need ching-a-ling
>be me
>decently good looking, good in social situations
>my dad, my ex and my best friend all stabbed me in the back at separate times
>emotionally crippled and self destructive
>can't connect with people emotionally anymore
Haha politics
I feel sorry for you OP
Being average-ugly, you just gave me some perspectives to reflect upon.
You should become a monk and tell people daz Y, then live as the unreachable womanizer
>be me
>read this thread
>still the virgin among autistic chads
>5.5 inch dick
Yeah. It's hard to describe the feeling as it's like you wake up to a reality that is different. I had times I thought I was in hell or something, it was just so profoundly bizarre to suddenly be paralyzed with no recollection of what happened.
No, I don't. You can ask me anything you want here though.
>phd in discrete maths
Try doing some research before you try to invent some fake bio.
Discrete Math is a meme undergrad subject that either goes into theoretical computer science or goes into number theory.
Everyone who goes the number theory path regrets it as there is no work and the research funding is non existent. The CS path just leads to people who give up on academia at the end of their masters and become well paid software engineers.
>all the women you want
>all the sub-7 yellow pussy you want
Fixed it for you STEM-bro.
What is this?
The Canterbury tales thread?
get viagra
Feels bad man
Fuck man, I'm sorry life dealt you such a brutal hand.
I really hope that someway, somehow, it all turns around for you.
not everyone can be chad
how the fuck do you have ED? I still get hard every single morning sometimes I have to piss really fucking badly
>haha look at how he cuts the cake
why would you want to do that though
It doesn't work that way. Women don't care about social shit when the guy is hot. You're not good looking.
>tfw got sick
>Medication ended up fucking me up more
>Someone who I love died
>Stop talking to my gf because meds didn't make me feel good plus my cousin death
>Ended getting in fight with her
>Two weeks later she dumps me for someone else
>be me
>9 inch dick
I have a girlfriend but I've been rejected by girls for my height which to this day I still find bizarre
What about sex with your gf while you watch porn
I took fin for my hair for a few months now I feel like a borderline tranny, the ED is improving now, especially if I nofap for a while but my thighs and lower abs have gotten meatier and recently my nipples get itchy and my breasts are tender and a little fatty. Not sure if I go further for science and a good head of hair or stop the degeneracy, fix my diet and hit the gym.
>mfw at the age of 25 my many years of doujin only masturbation means if it doesn't have lines odds are i won't care
Learn from me kids
I have read that garlic and cayenne pepper work well at treating it. Some people even claim that after taking them both for a while they were cured.
> be me, 23, handsome as fuck, literally a pussy magnet.
>be nervous around women and spill spaghetti everywhere
Nah I've been approached by a couple of grils. Looks are worthless if you are horrible at talking with people.
better get moneys
Well your mind genuinely seems to be on the porn, so the physical element seems to be irrelevant. But that is just my guess and I'm not sure.
how did it feel during ur coma?
how is it now?
when did it happen and when did it end?
how are the differences?
is is true that if you have high blood pressure you can't use viagra?
>find extroverted girl
>let her do most the talking so you can just respond the information she feeds you
Use your head, OP. I'm a huge sperg, and this worked out for me. can't date an introverted girl.
>tfw in 8th grade (2001)
>Friends tell's me to stop jacking off because it will mess with your dick
>30 now and can't get my dick hard like I used too
>Fuck my gf 2 times a week
:( Can't believe this fucker was right! I should have listened to bro science.
>be me, 26, handsome and charming
>disgusted by flesh and blood, prefer my tulpa wife
Meant to respond to
mixed up the posts
>I had times I thought I was in hell or something
You had dreams you we're in hell? If so what kind of dreams?
this, sadly.
Anyone know where to buy legit Viagra online?
darknet if you want to be 100% sure you're really getting viagra
>8/10, fit, successful
>want to get laid
>b-but women are shallow whores
>that's right, don't engage in degenerate hookup culture
>deep down I know it's just excuses justifying my beta behavior and lack of plowing bitches
Huh, same with me.
Around the same age too.
It is an absolute curse.
Why did yours happen?
Australians prove again why they're the better shitposters than Canada.
Both are shameless, both will attack anything and everything they want to.
The caveat is, there are some things which Aussies simply don't want to attack.
For the Aussies are benevolent dictators. They are strong men with hearts of gold. They feel for their fellow men, something in which the in many ways asocial and psychotic leaves see no reason to do.
If you do too many PC muscle exercises, kegels etc, you can overtighten that muscle and permanently ruin it - causing erectile disfunction.
Better to just do lower body exercise to maximise natural bloodflow.
This is like having an imaginary friend? I spontaneously had one as a kid and didn't even think about providing myself with a wife this way. Might be crazy enough to work, huh.
Quit porn and stop fapping completely.
If things don't change within a couple of months, go to the doctor and have some hormone blood tests.
that tends to happen when you become an old cunt
Look at the expression they put on his face..
It probably looked exactly like him when he saw the cake too
Hey thats me, i lvoe Sup Forums. wE arrent alone anymore.
i thought i had erectile dysfunction but it turned out I just couldn't get hard unless I had a genuine emotional connection with a girl.
What the fuck dude, stop taking the finestride right now.
Read about permanent libido loss from taking it and other hair drugs.
It simply isn't worth it unless you want to be a tranny.
Shave your head if need be, or just forget about it and keep it cut short.
Eat healthily, no processed crap and no fried foods, avoid sugar too.
Exercise will help a lot too for your self confidence and testosterone production as well as blood flow.
Good foods to eat: dark green vegetables, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, lean meat, chicken and eggs - organic if possible or free range, a variety of nuts and seeds for the good fats and minerals, mushrooms, whole grain cereals like muesli and wholewheat bread, brown rice and so on.
You can also take some vitamin supplements.
magnesium, omega 3, vit D, B vitamins, zinc.
>Not having a tulpa wife
Biggest test to see if you have physically rooted erectile disfunction is to no fap for 2 weeks.
If you have morning wood most mornings after 2 weeks no fap, it means you are probably physically fine.
Nighttime and morning spontaneous erections are what signify that physically things are working fine.
If you don't have them after 2 weeks no fap, or they are very weak - then go to the doctor and ask to be referred to a urologist.
Have blood tests for your hormones.
Yes, like having an imaginary friend. Except with practice, their responses become incredibly fast, they become somewhat spontaneous while still consistent with their character traits and if you're crazy enough, you can start to misinterpret various stimuli on purpose (ex. cold shivers as their touch).
Crazy and effective. Best moral and emotional support you'll ever get because it's from a fragment of yourself, for yourself.
I weened off months ago.
Don't believe the propaganda on either sides, it's not a miracle drug that will100% restore your preteen hair with no side effects on one hand but on the other, there is so many fearmongers and lies from organisations dominating the internet.
If you take low-dose finasteride you might get some results with very mild if any side effects. If you have major insecurity about your hair assuming it hasn't gone too far already, it's probably worth the gamble to get some prescribed.
Importantly, your local GPs don't know anything and will prescribe you with something dangerous like 5mg when you should be taking 0.25 and be getting the same results without destroying your prostate and turning into a woman
I think a lot depends on bad luck, if your endocrine system shuts down for some reason it can be extremely difficult to restart - and is sometimes permanent.
It isn't something to mess around with, even if the risk is 5% it just isn't worth it in my mind.
>be me at 19
>tall, green eye'd, handsome and decently fit
>would get pussy on a somewhat regular basis
>no gf despite opportunities because thought it would be easy.
>be me now
>22nd birthday next week
>in the army so buzzcut
>chubby with quite a beer gut because no time to work out because of all the work
>because of said work cannot sleep like properly since hours are so irregular fucked up
>constantly tired and somewhat lost my sharpness and focus
>because of said reasons lost most of my confidence
>cock doesn't work as well as it did
Still unsure if the depression is kicking in.
Though getting some shitty guard duty next to fucking Ramallah and getting some proper rest..
What disease do you have?
If you don't have one, it's psychological..
Only cybernetics can salvage his life now
Not true.
If he has any physical damage to veins or testicles, or any physical injury to the brain, or if it was caused by medicine/drugs, then it is not psychological.
There are a lot of possibilities.
Part of it is in your mind bro. Used to deal with sexual issues because of past sexual abuse.
Things that helped me:
1. Find an understanding women that will take things slow with you.
2. Use these supplements (Zinc, Vitamin D and take L-Arginine)
3. Do men's kegels
You'll be slaughtering in no time.
>be me, 20, fairly good looking
>be white nationalist
>only get hit on by non-whites and thots
Where do I find decent women?
Go get as many dates as possible and say this is the first time you can’t get it up. Break their egos. Wtf is wrong with you having this superpower and not abusing it?
Hang around more females of your own species.
Avoid ones from other species.
It is mostly about exposure to enough of them.
Join some clubs, hang out in other places.