Real Satanism in Antiquity

I posted a thread on /x/ about this but /x/ is very slow and it doesn't really seem appropriate for that board anyway. I think this is more political in nature. No conspiracies, just cold, hard facts. Let's see where this can go on Sup Forums

Post #1

I am a researcher of a few different topics. I have written 2 research papers,
one is about the assistance of the French in the American Revolution and the other
is on Apostolic Succession the Primacy of Kipha anglicized as Peter from greek Petros.

Currently I am researching Demonology and Satanism. I have a theory there were
numerous members of the nobility historically, who practiced forms of Satanism
such as sacrificing people/infants to idols of Demons in return for something
the Demon was capable of granting, such as restoring of youth, granting power, etc.
Elizabeth of Bathory is a good example, a member of the nobility with a peerage
who would request women from the peasanty to work in her estate and would later
drug them and butcher them so she could drink and bathe in their blood, she is known to have
said she did it because the ritual would restore her youth.

Books I am collecting are: La Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Compendium Maleficarum, Malleus Maleficarum,
Ars Goetia, information on Medieval "Black Mass" and Requiem Mass, Psuedomonarchia Daemonum,
Le Livre des Esperitz, books produced by the 19th Century Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
The Lesser Key of Solomon, Codex Gigas, Heptameron, Trithemius's Steganographia, Apocryphal Writings.

It's my theory actually, based on hard documentation of how certain rituals to Demons would work and how certain groups of people
are described as having practiced demonic rituals in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible as well as other historical books produced
from Hebrew, that there were indeed people who practiced genuine Satanism and Demonic rituals all throughout the
Middle Ages of Europe and they hid in plain site.

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here. This is Post #2

I understand completely how some of it would have been made up
so they could use it as a political weapon to dispose of certain people, like how a certain King of France accused
his step mother of practicing witchcraft and she was ultimately killed with the approval of Peers and peasants alike.
However, the fact remains there were real Satanic cults throughout the Middle Ages.

It's known that certain Demons are attributed to possess certain powers that can be conferred or granted to its
practitioner, such as Apollyon the power of Destruction and Deadly Sin of Wrath, Asmodeus the Deadly Sin of Lust,
Lucifer the Deadly Sin of Pride and power of causing people to follow you, etc.

I'm not saying any of this will actually grant a practitioner anything real, but the fact remains that people
throughout history have practiced this and have actually killed people or have practiced Demonic Rituals.

Throughout the 1980s and the 1990s the FBI investigated Satanic Cults in the United States, but I don't think
any of their investigations were published. And then of course there was the case of Charles Manson and his "Family"
who brutually killed the beautiful and innocent Sharon Tate and they attempted to remove the fetus child of her husband Roman Polanski from her womb,
and interestingly all of Roman Polanksi's films are centered on Satanic themes, e.g. Rosemary's Baby, The Ninth Gate of the Kingdom of Shadows,

Another interesting book about Satanism is LivreLe satanisme et la magie by Jules de Bois

ex-Satanist lurking

That's how I know you're not an ex-Satanist.. as far as my research has gone, anyone who is a Satanist cannot get out of their cult group. And a real Satanist practitioner would probably never admit being a Satanist.

You want bumps or not?
I practiced Chaos-Gnosticism and I'm a scholar of Demonology and the Occult. Come at me.


Can you explain demonic cults? because based on my research I think the word "satanist" would refer only to followers of the demon satan, whereas there is actually a whole classification of demons and satan is just the demon of X deadly sin. So there could be cults of Apollyonists or cults of Leviathan, etc.

No Marquis de Sade?

And again based on my research these cult groups would steal the eucharist from the parish and do sacrelidge to it and engage in inverted masses where they would baptize people in the name of Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan with the blood of infants or maybe even menstrual blood of the practitioners of the cult. This information actually comes from reliable sources, from books produced from the Catholic Church. There was also a letter from Paul that is considered noncannonical and shows him combating a church that was practicing a form of demonic rituals where they would use menstrual blood as the blood to transubstantiate into christ's blood.

I love Archangel Michael. He knows how to deal with Satan and satan's demons.

>Can you explain demonic cults? because based on my research I think the word "satanist" would refer only to followers of the demon satan

Demonolotry is becoming more popular than strict Satanism thanks to the works of S. Connolly and others. Satanism in its true sense is detached from personal ego in the pursuit of the culmination of super-Ego or the Shadow, whereas Demonolotry is more egotistic...its all about the practitioner having personal relationships with demons, and so on. This is much closer to how modern Christians view their Jesus -- a close personal relationship. You're right about Satanists only following Satan, as the demonic Host consists not of rulers and kings but co-conspirators of the Satanist who act in agreement with his/her will permitted it reflects the Will of the Satan. However, its important to understand that all demons are the one same Demon, so when a Demonoloter worships Lilith, for example, she only worships that feminine and aborting aspect of the Great Satan.

Just my take anyway...

>again based on my research these cult groups would steal the eucharist from the parish and do sacrelidge to it and engage in inverted masses
true but these acts are often done solely because its traditional. many satanists have no real reason for conducting the Black Mass beyond angst and edge. The first Black Mass was not conducted by Satanists but musicians and performers who mocked the rituals of, what was at the time, a very corrupt and abusive Catholic Church.

And moreover, I have found satanic imagery in la hypnerotomachia poliphili in it's engravings are what appear to be satanic rituals like blood sacrifices to false gods. All of it supposedly written by a Dominican friar Francesco Colonna, but never proved to be his work.

>jews are the real satanists

There's a difference between Black Mass and a Parody Mass. The mass you are referring to is just a parody mass. Are you sure you're an ex-Satanist?

Christianity is for cucks

where do you think the Black Mass originates? why do you think the Catholic Mass is paradied and mocked?

are you sure youve been studying this stuff?

The Marquis was the period equivalent of your typical Sup Forums poster, politics mixed with shock for the lulz. Gilles De Reyes (sp?) was a demonologist and had more in common with the fictional Marquis De Sade than the real Marquis did.

I have researched the whole Jew thing where they ate christian children to regain their youth. I found it interesting but it seemed like most of it was propaganda because europe was always very anti jewish. I did see a few cases where it was probably true.

Europe has always been anti-Jewish because Jews have always ate babies and stuff..


these jews man.. wtf do we do

Hide the slide.

Also, hello Styx.

>Gilles de Rais

But De Rais was a good chirstian and even on the stack he asked Jesus for redemption and said he was wrong doing all the satanic rituals he made.
OK, this fucker still needed to burn because he literally ate and sacrified hundreds of children and babies to demons.

You beat me to it. Bit too many coincidences IMHO

Bataille's book is an excellent into to Gilles de Rais.
Eros and magic in the Renaissance by Ioan Cullianu is worth a look for more info on how magic was conceptualized.


You might want to try some of the other chans. 8ch has a much more magical and slightly higher IQ than /x/ that doesn't devolve into how to summon a succubus as often. They'd be a lot more knowledgable about this.

nice fucking infograph. thanx


why not? this is more of a Sup Forums thread anyway and now it is. So fuck off user.

give me more nobles who did the kinds of shit de rais did.

What sources do you have on the medieval Black Mass?

I've also noticed that the bulk of your sources are from 1500 AD onwards. Doesn't that put a bit of a kink in your theory? I was always under the impression that Satanism wasn't so much a "Dark Ages" (500-999 AD) "Medieval" thing (1000-1499 AD), but more of a "Renaissance" thing (1500-1699 AD).

Perhaps you can elighten.

my theory is that it has been secretly practiced by people throughout history. There is definitely a pattern in the behavior of the nobles who were accused or caught doing such things. There was a letter from Paul the Apostle that is not canonical but in it the author (whether it really is Paul or not) talks about combating the heresy of a kind of gnosticism in a church that was using menstrual blood as the drink to transubstantiate into Christ's blood and they used flesh from children to transubstantiate it into Christ's body. Why menstrual blood? I haven't figured that out yet, but it goes to show things like that were practiced and that can be considered an inverted mass. The gnostics went to war with the Catholics many times.

This. I have read the confessions of Gilles de Rais, truly shocking stuff, even centuries later, it holds nothing back and is extremely graphic. He was one of the most depraved human beings ever.
I own a few de Sade books, he would certainly fit in with Sup Forums - he was quite the satirist, and somewhat of a whistleblower, revealing many unpleasant truths.
But worthy of note are two sections from "Julliette", which de Sade assures us actually happened, for real:
1) The "Loge du Nord" (The Northern Lodge), based in Sweden, plots to overthrow Gustav (?) the King of Sweden. They have a youth brought to them and he is sacrificed by all members to ensure their complicity and silence, as well as confirming their moral character.
2) Details of the sex life of Russian Queen Catherine the great, many castrations and murders.
There is also a section where Julliette meets the Pope (given de Sade's style, we can readily imagine the details) - and who knows if the events described in that scene (perhaps the longest in the book) had any basis in reality?