What's stopping (((them))) from shutting this place down?
What's stopping (((them))) from shutting this place down?
anons would scatter to where the normies gather and actually redpill people who matter.
nazi magic
I bet OP already nose the answer to this one
They don't want to. This is an easy place to herd autists and "threats" which can be monitored and shilled when necessary.
Put up some intentionally bullshit threads and predictions and discredt by association. Sup Forums has literally become the Jew.
Wait. Whats stopping us from doing this right now
cuz their normie sites are cancerous
your special brand of jewish programming keeping you from realizing the race war starts with killing your parents (boomer traitors to God and country)
lol then the nazi anime girls get released into the real world !
Sup Forums has the world hostage with nazi anime girls and theres nothing anyone can do about it.
what makes you think hardly organized people will do better when they become scattered? Sup Forums is just a circlejerk for frustrated shut-ins and no one will ever accomplish anything.
Mk-ultra Chan would probably start getting explody and writing manifestos
Sup Forums is nothing but the ether from irc you normie newfag
First they came after our vidya and they woke us up.
Then they came after our foosball and we stood
If they break our containment they will have raised us up only to then spread us like the plague.
they cant go after advertisers because there are none to go after, they cant single people out because of anonymity and 404's, simple
>why keep the fire burning down in the pit instead of scattering the embers across the entire forest?
oh and the pit is cuck porn
same reason I went to local town hall meetings and listened to police scanners back in the 90's ..
knowing is half the battle
Hey, shill.
>You must kill whites to save whites
>implying theyre not
>implying they havent
"they" own it
Do you think we're all on a list?
Good point, we could organize an operation later in the summer?
They want to keep us here were we can be monitorized and tracked down rather than looking for us in the deep web
Do people still fall for the whole (((deep web))) meme?
>"You know these people we're trying to monitor on the internet 24/7?"
>"Why don't we tell them about this super hidden part of the internet that's super anonymous and even harder for us to monitor them on?"
Get a fucking brain moran
pretty much this, and the fact that Sup Forums is essentially a "limited hangout"
Great place for data mining and other data analysis operations.