Be white

>be white
>destroy the planet

slit your throat, nigger

>be black
>wish you could do things that whitey could

>makes thread about planet going death
>posts water vapor pic
worst i've seen in years, op.

Methane from cows is worse

fuckin a hitler shoulda finished it

youre thinking of niggers and asians sweetie

>be non-white
>literally not even capable of effecting the planet

>be non-white
>destroy the planet

>be white
>spearhead all environmentalist movements
Sage. Bait theead

>be white
that's a funny way of saying chinese

>bromance parties in the rust belt when?
Somebody has to do it, that I cann tell ya folks!

hello (((vegan)))

I can sense the guilt in these replies

>be black
>destroy everything else
>and the planet

>Be any other race
>Wait till next mass extinction

>Not blaming the Chinese

>be white
>make it arrive sooner

Good can't wait for this planet to die.

The sun is the main driver of climate changes.

CO2 is not a pollutant.

AGW theory is anti-Life

AGW theory is for useful idiots.

>Be OP
>Suck a dick

Hide the slide.

>be white
>feed the planet

>be white
>infest every continent with niggers
>endlessly complain about the presence of niggers

cant wait for white subhumans to go extinct

>t. studied quantum physics at TU
>works at taco bell

>be white
>watch chinks destroy the planet
>watch brown skins hack each other to death

lol this, the irony is big in this one.
Friendly reminder that nobody but the US is responsible for the refugee crisis putting europe at brink.

>Be Asian
>literally copy everything whites have done and do it 10x the effect
>don't get any of the racist repercussions cause we aren't white!

>be nigger
>destroy civilization

>be black
>planet destroys you

Kill yourself you faggot Kraut, blame your faggot euro circle jerk


You created a mess with your retarded foreign policies to cater to your industrial-military complex.
Nothing funny abut that, dumb peasant.

Tell people to feel guilty for their race and they do the opposite.