How do we fix higher education?
How do we fix higher education?
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Free college amirite
Bernie 2020
It starts with providing healthy food for students. Also schools may choose to invest in a cell jammer
Jesus Christ I want to pound that girl on the right until she can't walk.
somebody post the webm
free college would make things worse would it not
Are you brain dead?
this is fake because of the compression leggings. she probably has no ass.
With the free market. Online colleges already exist, and may become even cheaper with AI being used for teaching. Brick and mortar schools are on their way out.
Holy shit, I'd eat that ass.
Collapsing education would be an improvement.
The only way is to get rid of affirmative action (less niggers and spics) then make it more difficult to actually graduate.
I had to get a Master's because today's bachelor's is yesterday's GED.
Less women would be better.
Ah yes here we see the 'compression ass'. The method employed by every lazy chick to give the impression that they have an ass.
Infiltration of higher education schools with communist staff and professors.
But but everyone loves compression ass right?
>"It really disgusts me that I can't post a picture of myself on Instagram without guys calling me names and making fun of me. Get over it."
Does anyone else here genuinely wish you could go back and attend college when it was much more civilized?
>Be major university in the 1800s/early 1900s
>All straight white christian males
>All wearing full suits with well kept hair
>No campus whores
>No stoners every 2nd seat
>No SJWs
>College was fully about learning and research, politics had little to nothing to do with it
>No student loans, so no communists trying to push for free college because they were too stupid to pick a good career for their $100K loan to be invested in
>No completely worthless degrees like gender studies
pretty sure she was a coal burner and not as hot as this picture appears
I've been thinking about this, If i had a chance to get a well-paying relatively cushy job that earned me enough to have a wife and a few kids living on it, i might actually consider that way of life.
As it is right now i'm shooting for the entertainment sphere, as it's one of the few places where i can be rewarded for working hard and redpill kids at the same time.
he said webm, not picture of plastic bimbo
that's pretty much how it is when you're a couple years in to any degree worth a shit. the science/math courses will weed out all the worthless stoners and nigs. At my school calc II is the filter, and for good reason, there are only like 3 professors and all of them are shite.
the SJWs tend to keep to the arts. but then of course you have to deal with pajeets and the odd affirmative action kid.
t. 3rd year spic MechEng major
That and girls who think they have an ass but really just have bad anterior pelvic tilt.
stop going to college, you don't want to be educated
End the student loan program and force schools to compete with their prices.
>mfw i have the video of this
t. FBI
Make rules against indoctrination. Both sides of an argument must be presented.
High school
get rid of ridiculous student loans
Fug I wasted trips
Here anons, have this as penance
By either reducing the time it takes to get degrees and replacing them with new/"better" degrees at a higher level (doctorates now worth only a bachelors, basically a 4 year degree in value) or by removing accreditation from degrees.
There is a bubble in the number of degrees floating around. The value of which has made the bachelors the equivalent of a high school diploma, which used to be respectable believe it or not.
On the bright side, trades are in low supply, so joining a currently booming industry into a unionized company is worthwhile. Pursue certification instead of education for wealth (unless you get into high finance or stem fields which actually require employees to think, relatively).
I find it hilarious that honkey girls are sexually attracted to walking turds with ballsack hair on top of their heads with a shitlog dick
Making the diplomas worth something would take care of that.
Reverse EVERYTHING that happened during the 1960s and 1970s.
I’d eat that white girls booty on the right as the white girl on the left sucks my dick
I have never 'ate ass' because that sounds gross af but with these girls I'd think about it.
Stop hiring teachers with (((education))) degrees.
Was talked through the "old school" university/college experienced by a lecturer many years ago. He studied in a place in the UK called Durham, which is one of their big Northern England colleges. The place where seriously working class kids, the kids of coal miners and farmers, could escape their assigned lot if they were smart enough. Legit scholarship kid, via the Grammar school system they had over there.
What he described was brutal. You had to be an expert in your field of study by the end. No bullshit. No SJW-style fakey language where you rattle on forever saying nothing. They sit you in the middle of a room, and a panel of experts interrogate you, essentially. Then your graduation papers come with a "classed" rating. Pleb, Normie, Patrician. That sort of thing. But I think it was just 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Anything below that and you were failed. At best you ended up with a low level clerk position somewhere if you didn't make the grade.
It basically meant for 4 years, for a serious degree, you did nothing but study and grind and run tests with your buddies until you knew everything backwards and forwards.
If they did that today, 90% of students would crash out. Suicide rates would skyrocket. Women would go back into the home.
Even the elite upper class kids had a regime of hardcore boarding schools from age 5 onwards. Systemic power is demonstrated and enacted upon them at every level until they themselves achieve the top of the pecking order. Family honor was still a big thing and to fail at school was to shame the family. Everyone in their social circles would know, and there wouldn't be anywhere for you to flee the effects of your failure.
>Not having the straw inserted in anus.
Get the government out of it, along with all the communists. It's not going to happen in a day, I know, but a slight improvement by the end of the decade would be nice.
I'm too old anyways to consider attending college, and given the state of things which they've become, I'm not sure how I'd hide my power level.
dumbass shill
The good ol' "it used to be harder in my time"
Newsflash: It's bullshit
Recent developments in science, education and technology made it obsolete to use log tables, calculate everything by hand, etc...
Don't reinvent the fire. Instead build forward...
Her face screams "Look dad! Are you mad yet?!"
All kikes have to go, together with the lefties. Books must be burned,
Please show us your whole folder, Sven.
the funniest part of the pic: I didn't see the nog on the thumbnail. Guess I don't even register them as anything...human.
Ban useless degrees, establish an actual rape culture and stop letting niggers and spics in with 40-60% of the qualifications of white or Asian students.
Also, find a way to solve the tendency for institutions to become leftist over time due to liberal intolerance of opposing viewpoints.
Mad at what, new material for him to jerk off too? Her dad fucking loves it, if he's lucky there will be grandchildren who don't look like him that he can parade around town to flaunt his enlightened ideals.
Firstly blanket subsidy clearly doesn't work. Some limits must be placed.
Put a minimum level of math to graduate. I think stats should be enough.
But many countries go up and through calculus. Which shouldn't be so bad but elementary education is dropping the ball hardcore.
You have to actively work to remove Jews from the system. Presidents board members etc...
Difficult to do but business owners of some means could do it. They get their positions through good relations with the Hebrew churches and their pull over finance.
You need to counter Jew them and make them either pay up bigly or walk.
It shouldn't be too difficult to pick them off one at a time. Then once you get board votes do viciously cut programs that do not serve students. Fire entire departments and move their resources. Force the departments to have figures for the graduates regarding employment including salary and qualities of positions. Once you have real metrics to move forward you can begin improving.
Fire teachers with speech impediments like accents. Or suspend them until they improve. Many chinks will get their shit together.
one day she'll get married to a white guy and that poor soul will probably find these pictures.
Please reconceptualize mathematics a new framework would be a boon to mankind particularly in ai. I bet this bitch still couldn't pass it. And her iq would still be shit.
Nope. cause normal intelligent people can enter university instead of spoiled snobs only. Keeps a healthy influx of rural knowledge into the uni.
Over here you can see extreme differences in unis without any students from rural areas and those who do; unis with students from rural areas do better in all exact sciences and actually have discussions about social justice shit instead of outright forcing it upon students
anterior pelvic tilt is the most important factor for a great ass. it looks great from behind, gets full access to pussy.
>The good ol' "it used to be harder in my time"Newsflash: It's bullshitRecent developments in science, education and technology made it obsolete to use log tables, calculate everything by hand, etc...
[citation needed]
Firstly free doesn't exist and never will. Secondly many colleges have scholarship grants for precisely this reason. And it's of such a nature that it can disallow idiots. Currently it is subverted and affirmative action is denying people who have earned it in earnest
What is the hand calculator?
Any program that can do pain in the ass curve fitting. Don't need a god damn week to do that shit by hand or an afternoon in the math department just need to hit analyze.
Renove women, separate blacks.
Very easy.
Your philosophy of being elite because of your rightness... I hate it.
You can't. I went to one of the most conservative, traditional, right wing colleges out there for a STEM degree and right before I graduated the professors were having to take "sensitivity and diversity" training and now one of our software engineering professors wears a hijab.
Seriously I remember talking with the professors because they usually do survey as the end of the program, and they said they were really hoping they could get more funding to hire more professors because they were stretching their slim budget already.
And then they just happen to hire a muslim teacher who also sucks fucking ass.
kys faggot
>wears rose colored glasses
>gets doubles anyway
>Not fucking 18 year olds until he spoted the tightest to get married
Seriously every college when the fresh girls arive, get them before all of them become damaged goods
>ctrl + f Prussian not found
>ctrl + f brainwashing not found
>ctrl + f propaganda
>ctfl + f rote memorisation
The way edication functions is flawed in the first place. This thread is useless.
>odd affirmative action kid.
>t. 3rd year spic MechEng major
You must have been that kid.
I already had that bookmarked desu.
just gas the kikes lmao.
srs tho this is the actual solution
Do what's the alternative?
I've got my own "system" I'd like to implement concerning "education"
It's supposed to be simple. The Basic eduaction for both sexes is the same maths, language etc but splits off at a certain age possibly 10, where the females are taught how to be mothers take care of the house etc and the men how to manage a family and begin looking for their first job/occupation where they start off as apprentices and learn on the job. This all is supposed to prepare them for marriage which would happen around 12+
>How do we fix higher education?
No fixing education in it's present form. It has to be privatized and paid for by the parents with their own hard cash so they have a voice.
it's about time education was purged of anti-Whites and communists.
Stop subsidizing it. If you can't get a full ride via private organizations and your parents can't pay for it you shouldn't go to college, you should be some working class plebian like a plumber, welder, or factory worker.
>No completely worthless degrees like gender studies
Wat? In the 19th century most degrees were worthless liberal arts degrees. Many people went to college as a formality before taking over a family business. Sure sciences were taught in universities but it isn't like up until the 1990s everyone who went to college studied engineering or chemistry, useless degrees were always the norm.
>Do what's the alternative?
>Separate boys and girls
>Have classes be more open and debate driven even STEM related courses can be very interactive if taught properly
>Give students greater freedom when selecting classes allowing them to be more motivate about their education
If Jim just wants to join the army as a grunt right out of high school why does he need to know pre-calculus or chemistry? If Dave wants to be an engineer why does he need to take PE? If Sarah wants to be a housewife why does she need to take Spanish?
I think classes should be more practical.
Why debate how to build a rocket when you can just get on with doing it?
they're not they're just being rebellious
>no campus whores
Try studying engineering you underage edgelord and you will curse every moment you wished for a "whoreless" college.
Because engineering is 99% seeing if your rocket will fail and where it will fail. Also in my experience group projects are exhausting and stressful. Beyond that not all fields are practical and focusing purely on the practical parts shuts down an entire area of possible interest.
For example I hate building shit, I hated it in college, I hated it as a kid, and I assume I will hate it in the future. I also hated any form of circuits or programming. That being said I fucking loved anything relating to physical forces (eg. what is the factor of safety for this part? how many cycles will it take for this part to fail? how much will this part deform under these forces?) and I also quite liked thermodynamics.
Anyway my point is that classes should be student and objective driven for example if a high school physics class decides they would rather do class projects they can work on a big project throughout the semester that will use what they learn. The students could also opt to have a conventional class format with tests and quizzes as the primary method of grading. The teacher shouldn't be caught up in making sure their students pass tests as long as their students learn the material.
Most importantly however I believe this needs to start early, give third graders some input over what they learn. We don't need to let them wander the halls on their own and choosing to take chemistry or grammar, but maybe have a sort of free day once a week where students can vote on a topic and the teacher will focus more heavily on that topic. If the students prefer science than maybe the teacher could spend an extra day that weak teaching science and getting the students more interested in their education.
Stop government programs for degrees that don't provide job prospects. Stop funding for schools that requires students to live on campus.
Perhaps focus on certification programs, where you don't have to go through brain wash camp (liberal arts)
kill the jews
>That being said I fucking loved anything relating to physical forces (eg. what is the factor of safety for this part? how many cycles will it take for this part to fail? how much will this part deform under these forces?) and I also quite liked thermodynamics.
Would you have liked to do that practically though?
I agree that we shouldn't force people to do things but I think letting people have a try at doing the real thing can help them discover what they like.
I think after the person discovers it they can do a "private course" in a field they're interested in by learning on the job (tying that in with my "system")
The video contains excellent advice.
Except if it were free in America, there would be a lot of mentally challenged spics and niggers polluting the campus eventually decreasing the attendance rate and make a college degree practically useless.
I see. Then I guess you could ask the teacher/tutor or employer for a different method of learning in my system.
But you can't rely on just theory because you need to use real world tests to make sure things work and don't fail.
How would your "only theory" learning apply to you proving to your employer that you're a capable engineer?
>Would you have liked to do that practically though?
No. As I said I found projects stressful and exhausting. Give me a rod rotating at a certain speed and I will find the fatigue limit and size some keys for it happily. Ask me to buy the rod, the keys, and to cut out the slots for the keys and I will pray for the sweet embrace of death. Of course most projects are much larger scale than that but it is an example of the issue.
>I agree that we shouldn't force people to do things but I think letting people have a try at doing the real thing can help them discover what they like.
The issue is that you are essentially tricking people into liking something. 0.01% of engineering is building anything, maybe 5% is making something in autocad if you are lucky. The vast majority of engineering is solving equations or using programs to solve equations for you. If you decide to go into engineering because you like building rockets you will be severly disappointed when even your junior year the vast majority of your work consists of making a matlab code (poorly) or deriving incredibly long equations by hand.
Why are you so mean??
I see what you mean, but you must be able to apply your theory through application? You wouldn't want to design something that works in software but doesn't when built because the software hasn't had a certain feature implemented yet/discovered or a bug
>That flag.
it would be so much worse go to a suny school to see
Yea, girl butts are gross rite lol?
>But you can't rely on just theory because you need to use real world tests to make sure things work and don't fail.
Those tests aren't as entertaining as you seem to think. Fatigue tests for example mostly involve just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and finally something fails after n cycles or it passes n cycles by a massive margin and you understand that it has infinite life.
>How would your "only theory" learning apply to you proving to your employer that you're a capable engineer?
By showing that you understand engineering, the processes, and can program. I mean projects look nice on a resume but oftentimes even college level projects don't actually teach you much. One of my projects involved building a padded wall that a kid with autism could run into and not hurt himself. I learned nothing except that I hated people with autism for existing and proved nothing about my knowledge.
They're publicly available on swedish government websites