
>EP6: 00d 01h 05m 39s

Pic related from the new episode

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This anime looks better episode after episode

Link to live stream?


Come on, it's been 6 weeks, how can you not know it already?

neetball is streaming

The first three episodes seems to have rushed things to get to the meat of the conviction arc. Really stupid move.

It's a shame they couldn't at least give a good first episode, most people have already dropped it.

5 min

get in here niggas

Has to be the worst quality image I ever seen. Nice potato pick fruit fuck.



Stream link pls


Please fuck off.

Are you retarded?

Well, after so much shit, it stop taste like shit

Spanking was cute.


>everything is terrible but I still kinda enjoy it because it's Berserk: the anime

I'm only watching it for the meltdown in these threads. Every single aspect in it is awful.

This episode was badly directed and kinda rushed. The no-manga reader won't understand anything. I thought that the episode 05 was good but this one was bad. It's weird.

(Spanking scene was nice though)

No you are. It gets better, not saying it's good but it's watchable.

>not saying it's good but it's watchable.

So you are retarded.

Who gives a fuck about the old berserk fanbase? I'm glad they are getting to the interesting part of conviction right away. It ensures that new viewers will maintain interest.

ded thread

Why does this even exist?


Makes me wanna play one of these old school games.
Any recomandations?

Dreamcast one first, then the PS2 one (you will need to google the fantranslation patch)

>FORCES 2016
>INDRA 2016


PS2 isn't old school kid.

holy fuck

Wasn't browsing a

What a nice Barbie and Ken Party that was

>forgetting ASH CROW (a new song we havent even heard yet that is supposed to be used in the anime at some point)

They cut down Farneze flashback, and the fapping scene got censored...


AOTS confirmed.



Post webm.

Episode was boring and rushed. Terrible.

>Every single aspect in it is awful.

I like Mozgus and Serpico's voices

>episode out for an hour+
>thread has 30 replies
Truly nobody watches this and if they are, they don't want to talk about how terrible it is,

Jesus Christ it looks even worse than we could ever have anticipated

What have they done to you, mister bones

Full Hai Yo when? My dick demands it.

I love how this adaptation takes otherwise great moments from the manga and makes them actively cringeworthy

The Berserk fanbase is dead other than the hardcore fans. Even if this anime was good the threads wouldn't be much more active.

This adaptation reminds me of Zelda WW for some reason. I can't stop thinking about it while watching.

Welcome to the [current year]! In the [current year] everything is chrome.

Man they really like spinning the fucking camera on every scene

please shut the fuck up, it's the only thing that looks remotely good



Maybe this anime is one giant effort to show us how everything looks like from post-Eclipse Caska's perspective.

will this be the Season final?
will there be season 2?

It's still pre-Schierke Berserk so it's better than anything airing this season by default

hay yo better fucking play in full, loud as fuck, no dialogue

So, what you're trying to say is it's shit, but without a loli to make it bearable?

Everything is raped to death.

nah he's trying to push the "post-schierke berserk is shit" meme


Now this is good news.

Wow, Loli-schierke is CUTE!

Isn't this 24 episodes? This is like a few episodes away.

There were so many jarring camera movements this episode

It's Farnese.

Whoops, you're right.
Schierke is already a loli, no idea how I got the names mixed up.


>not allocating the 2D budget for this

shamefur dispray

you realize he's kneeling right

>Who gives a fuck about the old berserk fanbase?
Well clearly Miura doesn't.


Wtf was that 1080 spanking scene...


This episode was too lewd.

This guy is SO PRETTY!

>already a loli
I don't why, but I find that phrasing funny.


He looks like Griffith after Guts is done with him.

dat typesetting

Dark Horse?

gracious lord....

Weirdly arousing

>Not Platinum stars.

C'mon dood

the motion looks like animated 3D porn sequences i've seen on pixiv. the only difference are the pencil shaders

holy fuck you're right it looks like sfm porn


>They didn't show her masturbating

Fuck you japan.

At least it was implied.

Fucking bullshit. 4kids berserk.

SFM porn is smoother than this.

They screwed up just about everything sexual. They gave the orgy fucking Chrono Trigger music and made it seem like a party instead of a twisted ritual.

By now, this became watchable. Still shit, but watchable.

Oh shit, that's why I got old JRPG flashbacks.

It's really not.

are you actually implying it's not shit


I'm implying it is.

Only reason I imagine anyone, including me, watching it is because it's a popular series that is adapted like dogshit thus it's funny.

I wonder whether she got cum on her hand from slapping her bottom.

There's no way they could show that scene on TV. We're lucky we got the sword masturbation.