Letting girls into the boy scouts is stupid.
Letting girls into the boy scouts is stupid
are you the girl in the vid?
gotta say not that i disagree but videos about commenting on sjw stuff is a pretty over saturated thing and kind of just regurgitates the same opinions over and over just by different youtubers.
i love tuckers face
bump for boobies.
Hide the slide.
true, the ones I was with in Scouts didn't even seem to want to be there
Why do "trad" girls always have such weathered faces?
Stop trying to shill your shitty videos here. Go see a therapist for your autism.
Post feet
It looks like those posters were put up like 10 seconds before the video started
yea the boy scouts are where parents send their boys to get molested. people are supposed to let the daughters creepy uncle molest them. this goes against the natural order and is a abomination
I for one support her entering the over saturated blonde girls becoming conservative ecelebs market. She's hotter than the other ones and doesn't use as much make-up. But I disagree with her assessment that she's autistic. Liberals probably told her that. Just because people have quirks doesn't mean they're autistic
Fuck off kike stop shilling your garbage videos here. Death to all e-celeb shekel grubbing alt-kike whores and their beta orbiting tools.
How is she 'weathered' looking?
it's cute imo
Why don’t they just combine the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts to make them all Scouts? Then they can all have a chance at being an Eagle Scout and sell more thin mint cookies in the process.
I’ll tell you why they didn’t combine them. Girl Scouts are good because America is an evil patriarchy and Boy Scouts are bad because they are the patriarchy. So the Boy Scouts must be altered while the Girl Scouts stay the same.
10 out of 10 would bury my cock so deep in her pussy whoever pulls it out would be crowned king arthur
They aren't sucking the life force of young males while riding the cock carousel
Angry roastie strikes again.
Go shill your video for beta bucks elsewhere
stop shilling your channel whore. this is the third thread i've seen in three days. >>>r/the_donald has plenty of beta males who are willing to pay for your existence.
plenty of beta males here. i would give her a nickel.
Not realizing that this girl literally fucks the "president" of BCR every day despite claiming to be "orthodox" and despite all of her "tradiness".
yeah why do all those other talentless bitches get to make all the money ? fuck lauren southwhore this chick is definitely hotter and probably smarter
Stop it Ashton. Many of the men here are emotionally damaged and weak, preying on them just isn't right.
too much sun exposure
wearing a niqab or hijab could fix that
white grils hit the wall at lightspeed after age 27 if they live unhealthy, whorish lives of staying up late and getting too much sun. this cunt should've had kids by now and she should be cooking them meals and caring for them instead of talking in front of the camera so she can "be political" and "speak her mind".
also, whites belong in cold temperatures. that's how they became white in the first place.
look all the trouble you fuckwits have caused by leaving your homeland...now there's niggers and pajeets and chinks everywhere, and the "united states" is a cancer growing, spreading, with patches of cement and shit buildings.
all the anti-white shit going on in the world right now is really the invisible hand of nature, guiding the jews and the niggers and muzzies to contain white people so they won't cover the entire earth in soulless cement strip malls.
i used to be pro-white but now i am just 100% anti-human. all humans, myself included, are scum and unnatural. we destroy our only habitat, polluting fucking everything including our water and air, sucking all the resources out of the earth before they can be replenished. "we are all the niggers of modernity"
oh, the Happening will happen. just be patient.
this guy gets it.
You would give a nickel to someone who unironically says "praise kek?"
E-celeb sluts. The alt right should not have women to lead their voices.
She's just a regular conservative.
she's cute.
still cute.
We seriously need to ban women
I have this sluts snapchat which I got off her kikebook. She's a promoter for a night club and she heavy promotes nigger shit. I think Sup Forums should have some fun with her.
go have fun in your funhole faggot.
>RL Grime
>Nigger shit
why is pol so retarded
I sense autism in this picture OP
Could it possibly be??
Yes, she is autistic.
roasties ruin everything. pray for nuclear cleansing.
>/ourautist/ shilling her own vids here
that's alright I like her more than the other alt-thots, she doesn't seem like she's hiding something like the others.
She's just fucking autistic and i like it
can boys get into girl scouts too?
just stop it ashton, this is pathetic
This cunt just copied a video Allsup made in January.
She's cute
Don't be silly user
You know the world is rigged one sided these days
>beeing this hard a cuck
It's not copying a video to talk about a subject that is currently in the news, idiot. They let girls into the boy scouts as of yesterday.
But I do want to know when she adds in the video "I should be in the kitchen making them" is that to get bonus beta points or is it legit?
To be fair this girl appears to be wearing very minimal makeup. She looks 18-22.
that's what happens when you're uncle rapes you when ur 17
true story ... she'll release a vid on it soon
And yet Allsup made the video in January nonetheless. It's in the related vids, addressing the same talking points. Do you think this toddler is coming up with her own thoughts just because she cuts in a short segment of her drinking a Coors light and being silly? She serves no purpose.
I'm saying she doesn't look "haggard" to me. She looks like a normal college aged person.
she is a normal college aged person
she doesn't *look* like a normal college aged person. Why? too much sex
I think any conservative will say the same thing. It isn't a very nuanced argument. We all want girls out of the boy scouts.
> this is why I don't like watching any political vids, they all say literally the same thing
>But I do want to know when she adds in the video "I should be in the kitchen making them" is that to get bonus beta points or is it legit?
Probably a little bit of both.
No she looks like a normal girl to me. Who knows if she's legit though.
Jut do porn if you want attention and money you stupid slut, no one cares about your political opinions.
who wants a quick rundown? no one cares you're getting one anyways ...
>started out as a thot
>raped by uncle at age 17
>muh depression and shit
>college years
>didn't make it into Cal like her parents did, upset about that
>now who would possibly want a dumb fuck girl like her in Berkeley?
>those people who need a poster grill
>befirends BCR starts acting like a normal reaganite cuckservative
>trolls antifa mildly
>makes YT
>thinks everybody hates her and sucks the energy out of everybody, except the BCR pres who is a desperate beta male who wants sex.
>now she's trying to use her bf's influence to advance her politiking career
there you have it Sup Forumsacks do what you want with it
Stop saying mean things about my autistic princess.
I'd lick this girls asshole
I want to so bad
go away faggot
are you her friend irl?
Does she drain the cum of the BCR president or not?
Does she have a boyfriend?
friend of a friend
Is she serious about him?
Is it because she's insecure about not getting into Berkeley and wanting to associate with Berkeley by LARPing as a student-activist and hanging out with BCR?
Her BF is pretty cool, you should respect that.
I know them both but not very well.
I wish I was her uncle
Fuck u. I will fuck him in front of her. I will emasculate that little pretty boy so hard, his bowtie will spin out into the multiverse.
as of know she's using him for her own politiking, and he gives in cause he's a spineless beta male who is being manipulated by the indian natsoc from behind the scenes(pic related).
he's a beta pawn in the hands of bigger natsocs. and it's not like there is opposition in the form of reaganites who almost broke the club recently. dailycal.org
whatever you say faggot. i think she has a hot ass.
Oh and neetbuks-slut e-celeb 101 –don't admit to having a BF so the virgins continue to lust after you.
Has this toddler read a single book on the shelf behind her, or does she buy them on Amazon for decoration?
feels comfy desu. Thnx.
Chadscout is gonna turn this into his summer camp orgy with the new wimmin, while the virgin Cubs watch from outside the window
I like her videos. Always good to see more people have a voice against the left. There's weird fags around here that think it's a bad thing.
feel free to screencap
I like how you can tell she's autistic just from the posters.
damn shes pretty hot, let me like all her vids and sub and comment.
maybe she will pay me some type of attention even though she has a boyfriend
Why are autistic people so predatory? Shouldn't they have empahty?
Fuck respecting boyfriends. You're a fag.
It's almost like her autism makes her more attractive because of the prospect of bullying her and manipulating her feeble mind.
She doesn't seem autistic to me at all. Perhaps some other issue though.
She should walk through the fire just like anybody else in that case, otherwise she is doing the exact same thing to the right that the girls will do to the BSA.
Is the BCR house of cars drama for reelzies? Who is the new Prez? Is Ashton going to leave the club now?
>convert millions of white youth to white nationalism
t-told you guys she was a j-jew
All while he's fighting Yvette felarca.. I'll have to start going to these meetings.
the drama is for realzies, because it's natsocs vs reagan dicksuckers. For now Troy stays, and the reaganites are slowly being fucked by Naweed, who is the chief natsoc. (((Brad))) the secretary tried to stage this coup, and he failed dramatically. BCR will be a natsoc club again within the next 2-3 weeks
- BCR member
Ashton is ridiculously qt
Boys aren't allowed to be boys anymore ,you know this. As for the bright side of this insanity more whites then any other race are interested in joining the boy and girl scouts, so expect a lot of white babies as a result
>wow someone tries to discuss the issue at hand in an ashton fap thread
Whit a name like that, how do we know it's not a tranny?
That selfie shit is traditional af.
can confirm, i've fucked her
pussy ain't tight anymore from all her previous partners tho
Like you wouldn't make babies with her
can confirm that she is no tranny that is
when did she ever claim to be traditional?
arent there girl scouts or something?
>making austistic babies in a time when the white race is dying out because of autism
This the BCR guy you talking about and who she's banging?
I want to snuggle with her and watch Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder's podcasts every night.
What is Naweed's official role? Are you Naweed?