Why are jews the cause of all our problems

I don't understand can anyone provide a sauce?

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a man needs sauce, but if he has too much sauce, he may lose himself in the same sauce.

Because Israel is the ZOG of all White European Nations. It's Called The Jew Criminal World Order, or The Jew Terrorist World Order. Freemasonry, etc. All the same.


Read Culture of Critique.

Jews enable & promote far-leftism - it's that simple.

they infiltrate all the top positions. That why Hitler wanted them gone. That is why Spain kicked them all out back in the old days. Why you think they used to keep them in the ghettos? They are like Gremlins

america has no currency
the USD belongs to a private company owned by israel

Do you smell it? That smell? A kind of smelly smell, a smelly smell that smells, smelly

The problem are't the Jew, my friends.
Once I hated liberals because of their polluted opinions and how they promote them through intimidation. But eventually when the hatred wore off I was left numb and thinking. In thought I realized liberals, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, they all share one thing in common: Jewish gurus and financiers. They too are victims of Semitic brainwashing and act accordingly, believing they're correct in fighting "evil Nazis." But many leftists were not even politically minded prior to Donald Trump's successful Presidential run. Even today they're unaware for what they truly fight. I began to pity these dangerous fools and useful idiots.

I had realized the real enemy was not on the Left nor the Right but outside all proper form, dwelling even in Chaos: the Jew. International Jewry, my friends, is behind the curtain of our woes. But I do not say only the Federalists are at fault, but Israel itself is culpable. Israel exists solely as the base from which it (through the diaspora) conquers the Earth. Israel is Globalist as much as Nationalistic. And this strategy helps Israel in her agenda. Israel conquers through the diaspora, that if anything does not go to plan, Israel will not take blame. Israel may even sacrifice liberal diasporic Jews when it benefits Israel, like Harvey Weinstein.

This may give the impression the Jew is to blame but he is not. The Jew, like a virus, behaves according to the manner in which he evolved. Today's Jews are Internationalists because they're descended from the Khazars, a Turkish peoples who converted to Judaism in 760AD. Under their Jewish king the Khazars were wealthy and powerful. They used banking, usury and merchandising to create a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia. Khazars engaged in the same corrupt financial practices as their modern-day descendants the Jews.

I blame the rest of humanity who permits all of this knowingly.

the plan

1. kill parents (traitors)
2. day of rope
3. politician witch hunt


white people are too stupid to withstand jewish mind games

jews aren't a problem, it's just an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. the real problem is muslims and blacks.

Look at who was behind the Armenian Genocide.

>protip, it was the Donmeh Jews

Here is a decent video by William Pierce on the subject of Jews in Eastern Europe.


Nice, Nige.

Blurry infographics are bullshit. People like you are why the real Sup Forums died.

nice quads but really Jews and Muslims are the biggest problem. blacks can be saved if we can stop Hollywood from promoting their degeneracy.


Something I've never been able to grasp is WHY they do it and continue to destroy us. You won Jews. Why kick us when we're down? Your lot helped still destroy Europe even though your communism did to us ten fold. They have isreal and hollywood to pump out anti nazi rhetoric for another millenia . When is it enough?

Is it just peverse sadism? What is gained in the whites destruction (which will incidently kill lots of these own when the Muslim hordes are not kept in check in Europe, also Jews are a religion so they cannot stop being interracially inpure in the long run..)

What's the payoff here? Global collapse with Jews the top of the ash pile? I thought they were suppose to be smart...

you've fallen for the narrative of the far-right, jews are normal people just like you and me. hate doesn't help anything.


>a zionist crab, who enjoys scheming

even christianity has some unfavourable quotes in it, what is your point?

Probably just for the expansion and increasing power of Israel desu, nothing more than that


I'm sure some are not engaging in this behaviour yet many are. All you have to do is ask the question: where does the money come from? Whenever you see insidious groups like BLM or Marxists or democrats or modern republicans. Everything is infected.

Point I'm trying to make is certain high position Jews orchestrate this poison. Big and small. I appogise if you are Jewish and my stance upsets you but given the chosen people's track record it's difficult to trust them. If a Jewish man said or did anything positive for not only his group but also whites he loves amongst I'd be more inclined toward him.



Post the Christian unfavourable quotes.

> The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
> Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini
Of course, both of these have been (((proven))) to be forgeries.

i don't have them because i don't have a bias agenda.
