Be American

>be American

>Go to elementary school
>Get Shot
>Go to high school
>Get Shot
>Go to college
>Get Shot
>Go to a movie theatre
>Get shot
>Go to a concert
>Get shot
>Go to a nightclub
>Get shot
>Go on a plane
>Fly into a building

Jesus Christ

I am a nuclear safety analyst (the safest, cleanest & most reliable, but also the most expensive way of generating electricity-taking historic cost overruns into account ) so obviously I seriously care about public safety... Since all of these mass shootings occured in the last 17.5 years it is clear that America doesn't give a flying fuck about public safety. I identify with Ron Paul's politics... He is pro public safety, and more precisely anti-violence at his core (that's why he's pro-life). If you think Canada is full of shitty politicans leading the country you're right! I'm trying to persuade all the retards I know to vote for Scheer.

But currenly America is the home of the Gun and the land of the Shot, so I think a few more regulations will potentially save lives. Is that so bad?


>be Canadian

just waiting for football fans to be shot in a stadium from center field at half-time

just to see how things will still not change

>have free society
>bad people take advantage of freedoms to do bad things

I wouldn't expect a leaf to understand liberty

>be Canadian

>(implying) Criminal give you chance to pick up the phone and call 911

motherfucker don't know why every single American Police drama shows Victims body not a Vitim

Feminist and Lib fag think if they call 911, cop gonna rescue from psycho within minutes

Cops shows up when you are fucking dead or already Things fucked up

>be American
>have N-problem
>live with the fear of getting shot at any moment
>have N-problem
>no healthcare
>have N-problem

do you think cars should have seat belts?

Liberty =Freedom

Freedom=Not shot when you watch a movie, go to school , go to a concert , go to a nightclub!!!!! You retard

>say "N-problem"

>be Canadian hiding behind a memeflag

>Be Scottish
>go to tiny school in middle of nowhere
>get raped
>get shot
Be French
go to capital
get shot
>Be Canadian
>go to mall
>get shot by security guard

ITT: OP is a giant faggot

Too bad all of these shootings where Deep State organised.

>You : I'm hurt, where is my doctor

>Hospital : Did you see a waiting line? You have to wait a month

Who gives a shit. kys

i've never seen a fucking mall cop w a gun

>be leaf
>hey man
>get clubbed by police
>get thrown in jail
>meet cellmate
>hey man how ar-
>get clubbed by guards
>life in prison

Yawn.murder is worse than rape

You wish.

America has more mass shootings than any other "peaceful" country in the world retard!

What you're referring to wasn't a even a mass shooting. So no comparison idiot. I cited 6 in USA on the last 17.5 years. Your brain is tiny.

Clearly you don't believe God. Or, more importantly any of the major religions that have survived for at least 1500 years...that say "treat your neighbour as yourself"

I don't want innocent people to die. If you think there's something wrong with me for expressing that... You clearly hate people and should not be taken seriously.
