As a white male, how does this historical depiction make you feel?
As a white male, how does this historical depiction make you feel?
I've taken the acceleration pill, so I say bring on the race hatred.
Stoke that fire you fucking Jews. I'm ready.
Absolutely abhorrent.
Race mixing is disgusting
Like a leaf.
>implying they would need to rape
Angry. Jesus was NOT a black man!
A kike on his ship suggestively touching a young nog woman? probably accurate.
I'd be disgusted touching a negroid.
Most sex between slave owners and slaves was consensual. Only an idiot thinks a slave woman wouldn't have jumped at the chance to get fucked by the Alpha and potentially get trinckets and shit. Of course it was mostly consensual.
>how does this make you feel whitey?
Incredibly aroused.
makes me feel smarter than white liberals
of what? my people were slaves too back then
>White granny was singing along and cackling when Dano was singing the nigger song
I'm betting alot of whities actually saw the film as comedy.
It makes me want to go back to the glory days...
Bestiality was never a good thing.
The funny thing is they're still fuckin slaves they're just wageslaves.
I was in NYC and everyone at the bottom was a nigger.
You're telling me that's better than having your house, your food, and everything paid for?
This. I'm not going to lay a hand on a nigger until the kikes and race traitors have been forcefully removed from this country or this plane of existence. A lot of places need to become piles of ashes in this country.
>acceleration pill
Sauce for the love of god
Just look at the huge difference in the prefrontal area.
destiny of black woman
imagine you're a fireman so you light fires so you can put out fires.
I doubt I could care less.
well this is propaganda, your average nigger slave would look much worse.
now IF you would only get submassive black qties to breed then, boy, would I love to be a slave owner. of course my heart would remain with my white wives for whom I would care and so on.
White people were the first to outlaw slavery. Every other shit skinned countries still practice slavery.
Niggers back then were actually good for something. So I guess I'm jealous.
A Jew slave owner raping a nigger? Plausible.
How does this make you feel nig boi?
you may be retarded if you think that guy looks like a kike
My family didn't come over to the states until after slavery, so I dont give a shit. My ancestors were also thrown into american internment camps and got their businesses ruined in the process, but I don't use that as an excuse for my own failures.
Crazy concepts, I know.
I love the scene when he wakes them up in the middle of the night while he's wasted to get them to dance and he's just bopping and clapping.
then his wife comes in and pelts the negress in the face with a glass bottle. only to have her dragged out while they still dance and make merry music.
there were no jewish slave owners at the time. its a fairy tale you made up so you don't feel bad about what your ancestors did
Makes me feel like I missed out on owning a plantation.
I never said he did, faggot. I'm saying what really happened.
I have no interest in taking responsibility or guilt for the actions of others. So in regards to how it makes me feel, it doesn't.
The absolute state of modern slave films:
>"historical" depiction of slavery
>all the slaves are proud and strong willed
>carry themselves with dignity and poise
>they're all highly aware of their situation and want to be free
This is the exact opposite of the reality that was slavery, especially American slavery. Whatever they were before, bondage turned them into broken animals. They vast majority were tame, docile beasts with no will to escape or even an understanding of what freedom meant. The only thing 12 Years A Slave got right (or really only scratched the surface of) is that sexual abuse was inherent to the institution and was more of the rule rather than the exception. Modern depictions of slavery rarely bring this up not only because it's doesn't fit the narrative of the noble slave, but it hints at the very real truth of modern """African""""-Americans being descended from slave-owners.
These depictions actually water-down the real horrors of slavery and replace them with some noble struggle of oppressed equals yearning to be free.
1. Nobody is feeling bad about what our ancestors did.
2. Actually Jews absolutely dominated the slave trade
>Depicts leftist vision of slave owner. Demonizing whites for the BLM movement.
>Career drops off a cliff. Flop after flop.
>GF revealed as one of Harvey's Girls.
Makes me feel good, OP.
I just thought they meant sisters were going to be coming in plastic
Is that Sinead O'Connor? What's she been up to all these years? Do you think she can deepthroat and does she swallow the jizz?
Reminds me of the heresiarchs in The Theologians who would commit all sorts of unspeakable attrocities to accelerate the coming of Heaven.
>touching a nigger
No wonder we had plagues.
Quit trying to sound smart Texas. We all know you're a bunch of inbred, sister-fucking rednecks
Y-yeah... haha, readnecks..
hmm my ancestors never owned slaves, they've never seen an african in their entire life.
what else can i say. lupita is a sexy woman and i wish her all the best. i hope she marries a wealthy white guy. just like tina turner did.
Like jews are nigger lovers. And they fucked over america for ever by importing boat loads of them. And forcing us to fight for their “equality” instead of fucking shipping them back. Its all a sick joke to get the goyim laying with beasts.
Like who the fuck wants to own a nigger. Its shitty enough sharing a country with them.