Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 84

Goodnight sweet prince.

Annie is love
Annie is life
I love Annie from the bottom of my heart and the core of my soul
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

I will miss him.

I'm still laughing

You will forever live in our hearts.
Commander Handsome.

I'm sorry, man.

Bert now literally a shit

One-eyed Hanji a cute. Only good character on the good side left

Is there a worse character in fiction than Armin?

I want RA to return home together and build a grave for Bert.;_;

Armin haters hating yet my home boy got a Titan power-up while making Titan feces out of Blortyhole while he was in complete utter bitch mode

Life is good

He had the nicest lamp.


EMA biggest fucking shit


The death that broke so many hearts.

I think Levi should take responsibly for that too.

>Annie is crystallized and Reiner will probably delude himself into thinking that Bert got away somehow


I'm dropping this shit. Was hoping things would turn out well and Armin would've met his fate already. Bert did literally nothing wrong

Well, that's a better excuse for Hanji's survival than I thought.


Eren and Armin can deal with it.

RIP best husbando. ;_; I'm thankful that Isayama was nice enough to show how he died at least.

So Hange also lost his husbando. Poor manlet and Hange.

Same. I might drop in once a month when the CR is out to skim through it but that's about it.



ERA will now definitely be able to go to the ocean with all those powers.

Also, who knows Bert would be the 2nd of the top 10 of the 104th Corps to be killed off. I thought either Sasha or Connie would.

It was a terrible death.

Well well welly well.

Kek. That's not really dropping since its a monthly manga anyway...

RIP based drawfag

RIP Mo. You are the best hasubando.

>ever since I joined the SL
>the day has come for us to part
Moblit ;_;

Skimming through it once a couple months is better than following every thread and being invested in it, so in a way it is.

EMA and Ymir deserve death.

I'm crying

I'm happy Bort is dead, but I never expected him out of BRA to be the first one to die.


>Moebiruto is confirmed ded
Now who will be the one to keep Hanjo in check?

Hanji dealt with his death in such a mature way. Eren putting Armin on a pedestal erased everyone's else efforts. Fuck EMA.

EMA, yes. Ymir, no.

RIP Moblit ;_;


Rip Bertolt and Erwin. May you have numerous flashback cameos.

I wonder where the butthurt is the biggest: here, leddit or dumblr?

Good for you. These threads are bad for all of your health and you guys need to find better hobbies.

Levi and Hange suffer too much.


Quads confirm. Numerous BRA flashbacks soon.

>Hanji just lost Moburrito
>manlet has lost everyone he has cared about


We're all butthurt for different reasons.

Bert here, Erwin tumblr and Japan.

Me too

It really won't soften the blow, they're dead.


Jesus fucking Christ he's talking about going to see the ocean together again.

I agree.

Bert a shit.

AAfags must be popping the champagne today.

A lot of people cheered for Bert's death here.

Does anyone genuinely CARE about these characters? They're so one-dimensional and die in such underwhelming uncreative ways. Isayama's writing is just as bad as his art.

>muh Armin a best
Forced drama by Isayama.

Not Jean has my ultimate respect.

At least an entire country is pissed rather than a chunk of the Western fandom on the internet.



Jesus Christ Levi looks like he's dead inside even before Erwin decides to die.

Poor manlet

>More muh ocean.
Just kill me.

Ironic considering that EMA lives and Ymir died.

I really hope Ymir dies off screen now that poor Bortie got such horrible death.

Tumblr can't stand when their pairings are destroyed. They're still convinced Reiner was in love with Bert.

Holy shit Eren is such a little faggot.

Why is Eren such a faggot?

Today will be marked as the day we lost the best two Husbands and a jobber


Honestly this might've been more touching if Isayama didn't constantly spend pages and pages of muh Ocean on the last 10 chapters.

That's harsh

EMA are all faggots

I actually felt sad when Armin died. It's amazing how Isayama made me utterly hate him in the span of two chapters.

Yeah. It would be fine in moderation, now it just seems annoyingly sappy and forced.

I never liked Levi and actually liked Eren way better but I'm so fed up with the Arminfagging that I wish Levi stomped Eren's head in here.

I think here is the only place where people are significantly butthurt about Bert dying, since he was one-dimensional as fuck all the way through and I mostly just see people cheering for his death on Tumblr.

The impact of Erwin's death is probably equally spread out though, he's been with us since chapter 1.

Did Bert even get any character development?
He was the most un-interesting and bland character and now he's just dead? Why the fuck do I even read this manga

Also it's just so crap. It's like implying that the rest of the SL have no dreams of their own and that muhh ocean is the most important thing ever.

isn't it

man l feel great right now

you think bert's brain jutted out of his skull when armin bit, sort of like when you eat a particularly juicy grape?

And I thought Eren was finally becoming a good character

Same here. He had a good satisfying sacrificial death and made it one of the best chapters in this series.

Too bad all of that is undone now.

What is the purpose of Mikasa now?

At least Isa makes sure the promise is very serious, not just characters babbling about to fill pages.

I think he'll either kill himself or just turn his back on the SC.

I haven't got the time for the little cretins. Neither does Levi.

>Isayama kills al the well liked characters
>Gives EMA the best ending
>"here is my masterpiece. This is pottery. Finally I become a true writer"
>Everybody hates the mango, no more sales. Isayama is forgotten forever.


Yeah it was tragic like many deaths in this series and would've served as a somewhat satisfying conclusion to his character about being brave and shit and entrusting Eren to see the ocean for him. But Ishida just had to asspull him back to life in such a shitty manner and ruined everything as a result.

Yes he became more assertive in this arc and didn't fall for Armin's Annie lure.

You probably shouldn't read this. Hajime despises his fans based on SnK became too popular in his opinion.

Same. He used to be among my favorites.

Everyone was turning down Armin and he only got it at the end because his and Erwin's bodies were the closest ones around and Erwin rejected it.

I wish EM gets told off at least.

Eternal third wheel

Be a cute pretty wallpaper.

>>Isayama kills al the well liked characters

But he killed Bert too.

Did she ever had one?

I never liked Armin but this arc just made me despise him.