Why are white gays who choose to have white kids frowned upon?
Cis Only
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Follow your dreams mate, most people don’t give a shit
Whites should unite, regardless of sexuality, gender or creed
Beacsue they are gay.
GTFO gay homosexual faggot! The trannie threads are on all the other boards.
Stop same fagging.
Homophiles can't have kids retard.
They will provide too successful and stable a household resulting in mentally resilient children
homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children. lesbians that get IVF and have children are literally trading in the natural for the un-natural.
Laws to prevent homosexuals from adopting should be codified. Every progress LGBTs have made must be rolled back. Rolled back until gays and lesbians are once again subject to being tied up and thrown into the sea.
Please die a horrifyingly gruesome self inflicted death.
Stop sameflagging.
Also, that';s not what samefagging means faggot. Samefagging is when you respond to own posts as if you were somebody else.
the last thing kids need is to be around disgusting faggots
neck yourself
their kids are human but they are subhuman
It's a shame we share the same ideologies as you all, such as supporting rightwing policies, voting for Trump etc. The only caveat is that we're gay. You'd never even know if you met us in the streets. We're the same as you and don't flaunt or wish ourselves to be defined by our sexuality.
Bad role models unfortunately.
Science on gays as parents:
Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.
How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?
Australia gay parenting survey:
>See them going out doing pervert shit in pride-events
>see them teaching their children bullshit values and behavior
>white gays who choose to have white kids
That's how I know you're retarded.
totally a coincidence that kids raised by fags always turn out to be deviants themselves
>We don't agree with their behavior either, flamers should be killed, keep it between the sheets.
Because gays are a public health risk.
HIV information:
White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:
We don’t know who Patient Zero for HIV was:
HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade
UK HIV decrease:
AU HIV decease:
HIV came from Haiti to New York
How does taking our rights away make us less of a public health risk?
You'll be the ones to die, antifa shill
Because Children should have both a mother and a father - they learn different life skills from each.
Now fuck off.
>teaching your children to be effiminate faggots who belive in feminism
But when the mom or dad is gay, the kids are more likely to be gay. Wouldn't you rather they adopt?
what is the fixation leftists have with stencil art, anyway? is it just because it looks edgy or is it because they can't be bothered to learn how to draw?
>all women are evil
No wonder you're a poofta.....
literally what are you trying to say here?
>having kids
Nigga what
>have kids
choose one
That allowing gays to adopt means they won't marry the opposite sex, divorce, and had kids who are both more likely to be gay and also more likely to be unhappy. Why would you want more gay unhappy kids?
>being an ausshit
Of course you can't even read because there's a spider in your ass,and an emu in your face.
Because they're kid-fuckers. Yes, all of them.
I only want to see lesbians and gays in the streets being hung up. When pride comes around we'll wack them down like pinatas.
Custody should never be granted to a homophile parent. In the case of a natural birth in the LGBT community, the child should be taken away.
So kids should grow up with their mother and fathers unless their mothers and fathers are gay? What about closeted gay men who marry women? Are you going to investigate all families to find them?
>stop same fagging
>We should unite with literal gays
How much money did you get for posting here?
yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. what is the fixation exactly? it looks like a kid drew it or something. what is a person looking at this ugly graffiti supposed to take away from it?
Cut me a fucking break.
>a closet gay in a straight relationship is likely to raise gay children
>so you should encourage gays to come out of the close and marry other gays and raise kids
>because kids raised by two gays are somehow less likely to become gay then kids raised by one closet gay and one straight parent
Literally what the fuck is wrong with your head cunt?
Compelling argument.
men generally parent better than women. a gay couple is a much better chance for a child than a single mother which is a crime factory. thd left has thrown white gay men under the bus anyway
Sodomite abominations should never be allowed near young kids boys in particular. The vast majority of sodomites are child predators and rapists
We will know for sure when the wife contracts an STD. Get Rekt. Gays and Lesbians should not be parents under any conditions. Laws should be passed to prevent the adoption of children by their "married" same-sex partners. Homosexuality must be stopped by force.
So what about lesbians who stay in the closet and marry men? They are not likely to contract disease but are likely to pass their gay on to the kids.
All the more reason to allow us to marry!
>Actually thinking this is an argument
Why are you so sad?
Btw that discord group is run by a jew and is used by sodomite freaks to groom and abuse kids. Absolutely sickening everyone report it to:
Sodomites are vile filthy reprobate animals they are not human they are hedonistic narcissistic abominations
Day of The Rope when?
>have kids
I do not understand.
.Why are white gays who choose to have white kids frowned upon?
White kids are worth a lot more in the pedo sex market.
It's plausible. If the child is mocked/ he walks into home at the wrong time maybe they'll be less likely, or, they want to distance themselves from their parents.
Also to consider is behavior of different gay parents- not all gays are lisping effeminates.