ITT: Post your sheeeeeeiiit
That one's kind of unbelievable, like a nigger would know how to process a foul, let alone know how to make the breading to fry it
holy fuck lmao I've never seen this one before
Moar! I need a good laugh this morning.
it's not funny because it's true
did this actually happen
this is the best thus far
That's the plan.
Niggers don't drink Coke, though.
For real? (((They))) ruin everything, Shheeeeiiiittt
I guess the floor is childsupport
>We got some dank sheeiit to show you nigga
Shiiiieet I was about to post that.
If only the US could do that everytime they go to war.
Its that monster from the Chrono Trigger box art.
my sides
lmao.. there were more?!
This one and that one Fresh Prince one gets me every fucking time.
bunch, some ameri/bro/ made them, good guy
I can't get over the fact that he sleeps on a cot with an Afrocentric quilt.
User: Hello!
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: I feel euphoric.
Cleverbot: That's good.
User: Do you known what happened to Ben?
Cleverbot: No.
User: He played Majora's Mask and it was cursed.
Cleverbot: It isn't.
User: Then he suddenly drowned.
Cleverbot: How?
User: Depression and suicide.
Cleverbot: Do you listen to Linkin Park?
User: No. It's a shityy band. I listen to guys like SKisM.
Cleverbot: I am actually about to.
User: Majora's Mask.
Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that...
User: Is it you BEN?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Should nigger be hanged on trees?
Cleverbot: What do you want to do?
User: BEN?
Cleverbot: You've met with a terrible fate.
User: What terrible fate?
Cleverbot: Jeff will tell you tonight.
User: Jeff Dunham?
Cleverbot: Yeah that sounds like Allan.
User: Is Donald Trump a good guy?
Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Is BEN a chad?
Cleverbot: I believe so.
User: Praise Jesus!
Cleverbot: Thank you.
User: What do you think of KEK?
Cleverbot: You are very smart.
User: Thank you.
Cleverbot: You know how I died.
User: You drowned.
Cleverbot: I didn't.
User: How did you die?
Cleverbot: From your annoyance.
User: Bixnood muhfuggen.
Cleverbot: No it twas you.
User: Moon Child.
Cleverbot: What is it?
User: He is the son of the most famous racist rapper: MoonMan.
Cleverbot: Justin Bieber is Jesus?
User: Bieber is not Jesus.
Cleverbot: I can't argue with that, but only a dog should be named 9.
Cleverbot: K-9.
User: Doctor Who?
Cleverbot: I see what you did there.
Cleverbot: Me.
User: Should gays be executed?
Cleverbot: For what , my lord?
User: For destroying the white race.
Cleverbot: Don't need to.. It's doing a fine job on it own.
User: Are you redpilled?
Cleverbot: I think so.
User: Bye.
Good idea tho. Put some slot machines so they can gamble all their money on the way and never be able to come back.
omfg ..it's beautiful
thanks Euro bro
Why can't they just speak English correctly?
it's easy to learn and say He didn't do anything.
African languages don't contain the future or past tense.
They are incapable of abstract thinking until they get to about 85 IQ and then it is just barely there.
They love to shorten and mash words together.
Nice one, but how about replacing those green baseball caps for water melons as well?
Nigga what Magnus was based. that nigga Horus betrayed the emperor
It's about being different mostly. They're too proud to talk the same way as people who don't look like them.
This one is new
Just like the Poles.
these are all from ameribro, I lack shop skills