>finally have sub for Kizumonogatari
>it's meme sub from Sup Forums
Finally have sub for Kizumonogatari
Go learn Japanese, faggot.
Read the novel, it will take you 2-3 days at most, and just watch the movies raw.
Kizumonogatari was shit. Shaft ruined my favorite anime
Actually got various from Sup Forums that aren't meme. Also go read the LN or learn Jap you pleb. Don't need subs.
But it's rated 8.52 on MAL.
Boo Hoo kid.
>meme sub for a meme show
I don't see the problem, Tim.
If you made it past Hana then you shouldn't have been disappointed by Kizu.
don't shitpost with my waifu
kill yourself
Monogatari was a mistake. Nisio should've just stuck with Zaregoto all the way.
Oh well nevermind. I guess it's anime of the year in that case.
At least Hana was not hyped like Kizu. People kept asking "Kizu when?" every fucking day on Sup Forums.
Re:Zero its rated 8.77.
Just don't pay attention to mal rating.
>Re:Zero its rated 8.77.
holy fuck, is it even possible to have taste this shitty
what the hell mal
Just watched it 10 minutes ago.
And holy shit how is Hanekawa not the main heroine? Nisio is a hack that chose the wrong girl to end up with Araragi. Or maybe he did it on purpose so Araragi could go around and lust after all the other girls because his gf is so shitty.
fucking STOP
it's a great anime
Your waifu is a fucking whore. Kill yourself.
but I didn't post your waifu????? did you make a mistake????
They did the same with Hana
>Kizumonogatari was shit.
Re:Zero is better than Monogatari.
>Hey Araragi Do you play Pokemon Go xD
More like an hour or two
Maybe if you speedread through the whole thing like your life depends on it.
Madoka is better than Monogatari.