Accel Synchro SOON
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Getting the Lancers in a 5v5 vs a bunch of academia students, Colonel Sanders, and his pet monkey was also part of the plan.
How does the LDS rocket play into your keikaku?
He just wishes he was in his neetcave
Who REEEEEs the hardest internally?
Episode 118: サバイバル・デュエル – Sabaibaru Dyueru
(Survival Duel)
Yuya and co. arrived at Academia’s training facility. There, they find an Academia instructor, Sanders, waiting for them. He then orders his students to put their “special lesson” into practice: a Survival Duel, where the losers are turned into cards. Putting their survival on the line, the Lancers and the Academia's students duke it out in a 5 vs 5 Duel!
Episode 119: 闇に落ちた小鳥 – Yami ni Ochita Kotori
(The Little Bird Trapped in Darkness)
As they reunite after a long time, Ruri breaks down in tears while Kurosaki is happy that his sister is safe. But suddenly, Ruri challenges Kurosaki to a Duel! Kurosaki notices that Ruri is being controlled by someone. Resolving to save his sister with his own strength, he fights by himself, but…
Episode 120: バトル・ビースト – Batoru Bīsuto
(The Battle Beast)
Yuya and co. pursue an enemy lurking in the jungle Field, the Duelist called Battle Beast, who is Sanders’s strongest student. Against the Battle Beast, Yuya and Gongenzaka combine their strength to fight against him. However, his assault is much fiercer than they expected, and they are driven into a corner.
Episode 121: 最凶の烙印 – Saikyou no Rakuin
(The Brand of Misfortune)
Jack takes over for Gongenzaka, who has been wounded, and fight with Yuya. The two of them begin a counterattack with a well-coordinated strategy. As the Battle Beast is driven into a corner, Sanders grows impatient and suddenly intrudes into the Duel!
Death flags soon.
So we're finally getting to the full academia assault. Seeing each ep's spoilers on its own didn't make it seem all that great. But, the whole fighting through academia's ranks as a team thing is pretty cool and it's nice to see that Kaito is nowhere to be found.
I mean, he had to show up sometime. They printed cards for him to shill in destiny soldiers.
Kaiba in Arc-V when?
Dino DNA in Arc-V when?
José when
A Trap spirit cucking Yuzu when?
>Thje Battle Beast has Dino DNA
Misawa in Arc-V when?
>we going full GX now
Why did you remembered me about him? Fuck you.
Delicious brown girl returning when
She was brainwashed and even forgot what happened with her teacher.
Calling it, Shun will succeed in defeating Ruri, likewise with Yugo, however for some reason the Ruri's are still brainwashed. The only way to undo the brainwashing is the power of EGAO
On top of all this, Yugo is too physically fucked up to do shit, in which he'll fall into irrelevancy until he inevitably duels Yuri outside of Academia.
>he inevitably duels Yuri outside of Academia.
Just after the Lancers board the LDS rocket, right?
Jokes aside, that's what I'm expecting to happen too.
>Pirate reference
>Survival game reference
>S3 Jungle reference
Yubel and Haou reference when?
>As they reunite after a long time, Ruri breaks down in tears while Kurosaki is happy that his sister is safe.
Don't get too cosy, it'll only last for a few seconds.
>No Yuzu nor Serena mentioned in the summaries
So they're going to be the boss of this sub-plot? The two joblets?
That's enough for me. I've been waiting for this since forever.
Too bad it's all a lie on her part.
Shun's suffering will never stop.
Either way I want to see hugs and headpats.
>What is Hitotsu Ni?
>What is OmniYuzu?
Then she turns Izanami on his ass. I can't wait to hear Shun summon one of his birds and go RURRRRIIIII!!!! in his vain attempts to brain the brainwashing on him
>to brain the brainwashing on him
are you high user
>What is OmniYuzu?
A meme.
It was never implied the ruris would be some kind of malignant entity, that's the Yus. If anything they're the force that keeps Hitotsu ni at bay.
And now they are getting brainwashed to fight the heroes the chances of a rurifusion creating the final boss is beyond dead.
Dueling evil Yuzu could count as a stand in for Judai vs Johan, depending of how it plays out.
Fanwanking, that hasn't been confirmed canon?
I want to touch Ruri's Ruris!
why wont yuuya just carry a gun with him?
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Do we need to explain guns and giant antique gears and Seto Kaiba stopping a gun with a card again?
>turns out yuzu is being controlled by yuri who proceeds to die and live in yuya
>just like yubel
Because Arc-V isn't the least bit grounded in its story. Who needs a gun when you kill people with children's trading cards?
Remember what Reji said when Yuya tried to punch him?
A gun would be useless during a card game.
No, just kinda dumb.
what?just shoot the guy
Not to mention that Reiji's gotta spend 15 episodes teaching the Lancers and himself in gun handling and marksmanship training.
That wouldn't decrease the enemy's LP.
I hope we get flashbacks of young Ruri and Shun doing cute things together.
we can pray
Rin will survive, I'm sure.
Shark/Rio style flashbacks would be cool. Where Shun is teaching Ruri how to play the game.
>battle beast
>Battle Beast
its the fucking GX monkey isnt it?
Too right she is. After all, the winners are usually the ones that survive.
Seems more like Taizan crossed with the cage duelist Kaiser fought.
>Because Yu-Gi-Oh! isn't the least bit grounded in its story. Who needs a gun when you kill people with children's trading cards?
FTFY. That's not really a new thing.
>D-Wheel is destroyed
>Accel Synchro
come on user you don't have to rub it in
Real Solid Vision kinda makes that unviable
This is technically possible although very unlikely to happen. Even then DM remains the most grounded series of all 5.
If the next Yugioh Series would get a new director/writer would best fit it that's can easily equal out characters at best?
I really don't want Yoshida with the fact that he's already doing the Arc-V manga and Ono was doing a fine start but then began to lost it. Can't really be help much with him even admitting he's not very good at long running series which would explain why he likely dropped at the end of 64 of 5D's.
What really triggers me is that Konamy is a rich company and still do quick and rushed stupid things like a low budget studio. Can't they hire a team or just more writers to help?
The only good thing in this summaries except if Ruri kills Shun.
>Lancers teaming up for a 5v5
>Not a good thing
Like seriously, what?
>doing things
>fighting the GX Monkey team
>It's a GX makes everything worse episode.
So far Kuwabara is probably the best director we've had even if Zexal had a ton of problems. Ono starts strong but peaks very early. We've seen this twice now with 5Ds peaking at Dark Signers and Arc-V peaking in Standard. From there he loses control of his own story.
As far as writing goes, Tomioka who did the Fortune Cup before leaving to do Pokemon would be the best choice for writing. I don't mind Kamishiro either but he needs to take a back seat and not be the head writer.
Most likely scenario will be Kuwabara as director since DSOD was a huge success and Yoshida as writer since Arc-V is the first time he's not writing for any YGO series.
The first 2 are confirmed, the last 2 aren't
Gotta make a path to Leo somehow. He's not just gonna unlock the front door and say "please come stop my evil plan"
>Kuwabara and Yoshida again
Count me out. I'm not sitting through a Zexal III. No way in hell.
Can the lancers be really considered a team at all? From what Synchro showed at the beginning is that they make a shitty team that need a lot of devleopment which is what was one of the main issues with that arc in general:
>Reiji: Even though he's the leader he pretty much uses his team to try to get word from the councilmen(who were the most pointless additions to the arc).
>Shun: While in his PTSD didn't really took any value of the team until his duel with Crow(while it wasn't that great helped him to loosen up a bit).
>Serena: As most people have hyped her up for being straightforward and aggressive honestly did more harm than good for the team in the end. Her being reckless enough that caused them to get caught and put in jail.
>Sawatari: An egotistical dumbass that literally screams the enemy of their secret weapon after he himself got his ass kicked off screen. While chooses to follow Serena he doesn't really do much himself.
>Dennis: a spy who really made no connections to anyone which makes what he did later on pointless.
>Gongenzaka: he's toned down to being Yuya's groupy after display a bit of support and his infamous "believe in your friends".
>Yuya: which this arc was more about was thinking about ditching his friends that were in prison to save Yuzu(pretty sure even she would have disagreed to that decision). Then instantly dismisses Jack's advice declaring he's wrong since he's father his main idol.
In the end Tsukikage and Reira were the most developed out of that whole arc.
Didn't Ono dropped at 64 leaving Yoshida taking his place for the remainder of 5D's?
Being Gon is suffering
>It's a 5D's makes everything worse episode.
Yep, and now with Jack and other 5D people coming back again, be ready to seeing them completely forgotten in the history.
So I've finally getting caught up to the series after a few past issues, I want to ask why the series seems like it's restraining Yuzu far too much in dueling? Is it for some plot thing or just Yugioh terms of characters that aren't the main protagonist.
Regarding shun, that's not quite accurate.
Even though he behaved like he didn't care about them, he went out of his way to save their asses in 62-63 and even after Dennis's betrayal, he still showed approval of Yuya's dueling by smiling at him in 78. Ultimately this served to show in 81 that he was actually trying to keep himself from caring about the lancers with his whole thrice repeated "I have no comrades" rant when he actually truly did. It's not very well handled, but it was there.
Sawatari is certainly an egotistical dumbass, but he's a loyal dumbass who is shown to be willing to work toward the greater good when the situation calls for it like in 100 and 107 with returning the family's food and with sayaka/allen's departure respectively.
Ultimately, they're a clunky team. But they are a team.
She's a girl in a Yugioh series. She's lucky that she got so many duels already.
The writer for 5Ds dropped at 64. Ono stayed on as director. Yoshida became head writer after 64.
>women being relevant at all
lmao, literally turned into damsel in distress who wears a plot device
No. Ono directed all 154 episodes. It was Tomioka who left after episode 26 and Yoshida took over for writing after that.
>It's a Legacy character makes everything episode.
I wouldn't really say a damsel since she was only captured twice. Plus with most of the other characters being captured before in this series there's not much complaints about them compared to this.
So basically these spoilers don't look to be giving any new info on the important plot points. In other words 25 more episodes to explain EVERYTHING. This will be a trainwreck.
Please no Accel Synchro... if there must be a new CW upgrade it should be an OE-CW Synchro Pendulum
Most female characters become useless at this point. It's sad that she's going to only duel while brainwashed.
You need a d-wheel for accel.
Two of the worst series, GX and 5D's get the most focus while the best one gets the least.
Judai and Yusei weren't even popular, they were fucking card game jesuses Fucking hell, Yuya is heading that way too. This ridiculous man bullshit
That's because they actually duel, to pay off for their mishaps.
I do agree even if Shun's change wasn't that great. I wouldn't really call that whole thign Dennis' Betrayal since Shun already suspected him, he barely made any interaction with the team, and Reiji was implied he knew the whole time yet game him a shit ton of pendulum cards.
Sawatari while having many flaws and seen as the lovable loser there are certain things to him that work. Unfortunately it's usually downplayed way too often especially how he and Gogenzaka were treated in XYZ.
The main problem with me about the team was the way it was handled it felt very last second rather than something that would grow into a greater cause.
Judai is popular though.
>Best one
Fucking laughable.
>Card game jesus
>best one gets the least
We just had like 3 Kaito duels in a row. There's still a chance for one more legacy character from Zexal too.
She literally could have turned around and dueled Serena, but no she actually allowed herself to be captured
>I can protect myself!
>Daw, I can't!
It's almost laughable.
yeah, I'd definitely agree with that. The Lancers wasted a lot of the potential for growing together as teammates by being perpetually split up for their introductory arc and otherwise having their relevance downplayed amidst other things and while the end result's still functional, it absolutely feels really wonky.
I reall feel for Yuzu/serena's voice actress seeing as all the lines are