Trump will never build the wa-
Trump will never build the wa-
is drumpf aware of that you have to connect the panels?
>be cartel member
>charter plane
>routine flight to canada
>hit dropzones along the way
>pay pilot
>have money flown back in 6 months later
>laugh at new bridge to nowhere
>watch working class families fork over paycheck
>sides in orbit
>be illegal immigrant
>nothing to lose
>set sail
>bring others
>make landfall in northern california
>shit in a starbucks bathroom
>breathe in freedom
>stay with legal extended family
>get job under table
>giggle about wall
>no taxes, still not paying for it
those are the most native 'natives' ive ever seen in mexico
it's more expensive and high risk to charter planes and boats have a good shot at being intercepted by the coast guard
Yes, you tend to not see many American Indians and Mestizos in American vacation towns in Mexico.
If beaners weren't such garbage people we wouldn't need to build anything. The fact is however that non-whites just don't understand what civilization is and they never will
Don’t worry kids. Trump and the GOP Congress will never agree over how to pay for it. Even if it is built President Harris and a Democratic Congress will make sure it comes down. Fuck that wall and anyone that wants it.
"hit dropzones"
like you know what the fuck you're talking about. If that was so easy and untraceable the'd be already doing it you dumb piece of shit.
Define "beaners"
define civilization
>I have no idea what I'm talking about, but here's Salon/Vox/CNN/HuffPo's opinion that I'm regurgitating because it conforms with my world view
Illegals cost billions more each year in entitlements than the one-time cost of the wall. I'm sorry if your mud brain is too broken to understand this.
jokes on you, hippy. ive never lever my home state
In less than a year Trump has reduced the deficit by over $100B
That's not a wall. Those are 10m samples of different wall types. They aren't even adjacent, so a thousand Mexicans could walk through that per second.
I thought it would be bigger and thicker. I'm kind of disappointed. Looks like a sledge hammer and drill will easily take down a part of it and a ladder will just let them go over ir
Yeah and when they tear it down and illegals start pouring in im gonna open fire on an invading enemy.
>massive pile of drug money
>laugh in mexican
Still happens
Never claimed to know what i was talking about
They do do it and
>buys drone
>drops bundle on other side
What world view, moron? I'm providing examples of how to get around a fucking wall
>dusts off shovels used to dig el chapo out
There's a huge will between Juarez Mexico and El Paso Texas that runs for forty miles. After it was built in the mid 90s crime dropped 75% and El Paso is now one of the safest cities in the U.S. While Juarez is one of the most dangerous cities in the world...
Well, you took it by force, so they have as much right to take it back by whatever means necessary.
170 years is nothing. Here in Europe, many conquered lands reverted to their original inhabitants after much longer than that. Borders drawn 1000 years ago were drawn back to their initial form.
>invading enemy
Also, project much? Afraid of karma?
Look at those two white american kids watching proudly
really doesn't work like that, now or ever. sorry but you will have to go back.
You don't have to be white to be an american
I've been in Ciudad Juarez and I don't understand where that fame comes from.
Mexico D.F. was more dangerous for us and we had guards following us in cars to keep us safe towards our destination.
I wonder how much they paid those little beaner shits for a the photo op? Probably nothing, just an icecream and a soda.
>hey kids, come over to this fence and stare at the construction site
>perfect - now look anxious
Are you fucking retarded? Mexican territory was """"owned"""" by mexico for all of 9 years, and was completely unoccupied. Much of it was purchased from them before the war even happened, and the rest was seized easily since it was poorly defended.
It was never land inhabited by Mexicans. It was undeveloped, unincorporated territory that Mexico was showing zero inclination to colonize, due to their internal problems. Exception being southern California and southern Texas.
Fucking shithead european retard. Worry about your own worthless land, that you have handed over to literal african muslim niggers.
I am so glad that Europe will cease to exist in recognizable form, in my lifetime.
Of course not based jews and absed blacks are american too
No worries! The amerifats will say whatever it takes to maintain their burger-addled worldview.
>I am so glad that Europe will cease to exist in recognizable form, in my lifetime.
>liberal journalism
>hit dropzones
You've been playing way too much GTA
>oh shi- "stupid" European knows my history better than me
Bollocks. It belonged to New Spain for over 300 years. Furthermore, it belonged to Native Americans for tens of thousands of years, and since your gripe with Mexicans is that they're non-white BECAUSE they have Native American admixture they have much more right to that land than you. Could it be that knowing that you're in the wrong causes you to cover that with the rabid hatred you spout?
Your mental illness makes you much more of a danger to other white Americans than 1000 "beaners".
I'm friends with some very poor German Americans from Missouri, and I know it's parasitic, self-agrandising shit like you that have destroyed their lives.
>right to land is heritable based on race
It's whoever has the most money.
Being "German" is just an artificial social construct
>Don't even try to prevent drug lords from getting across the border goyim
The reason the cartels like to bring trucks over the border is because of supply and demand. If they are forced to use planes constantly, that is more expensive and it will limit their ability to transport large shipments.
Especially if security is tightened when it comes to checking plane cargo from other countries.
Are you aware using Drumpf makes you sound like a retard... just call him a cunt
You are both going in the ovan
So there are no borders but certain people have rights to particular swaths of land?
>>be illegal immigrant
>>nothing to lose
>>set sail
>>bring others
>>make landfall in northern california
Coast guard
Paying for the wall and taxes for coast guard etc will cost the economy more than beaners and spics being in this country illegally
>the state that declared itself a sanctuary state
>the state that just passed a law that would allow jail time for using the wrong pronouns
>the state that just passed a law that employers must warn employees if ICE is conducting investigations
>will allow their illegal beaners to be touched by the coast guard
fuck my state depresses me
Assuming this wall is actually built, is there anyway this isn't going to be a huge waste of money? The scale of this is insane, taking into account maintenance etc. too
Anyone have any figures about how much this will cost, compared to potential savings?
Wrong. Illegals cost this country over 300 billion dollars a years.
>be a cuck
>They will find another way. SO WE SHOULD DO NOTHING
Border wall in Israel cut illegal immigration from egypt by 90+%
Give me some sources
where’s your sources
i thought the EU hated austerity and that the government investing money was the way to create jobs? how is creating jobs by spending government money now a bad thing
I don't speak for the EU, why are you asking me
Can't put a price on keeping the dirty spics out. Try to keep America whiter for that much longer. Central American and Mexican """people""" are all disgusting subhuman fucks.
Well you can put a price on it and its important too
>implying spics aren’t atleast quarter white
Rich man is scared of poor people so he manipulates stupid people. Once America was great. Once, now it's just sad. How do I look my child in the eyes with any since of pride.
I found this, not specifically about the wall but deporting illegal immigrants too
>The federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to address the 11.2 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the United States.
guys I've been a fellow trump supporter since 2013 but don't you agree this is going too far? It was fun and games with peeepee the frog but now top scientists and engineers have confirmed that this wall will cost over 6 billion dollars and do nothing since those crafty irregular immigrants can just maneuver around it with their naval and air units. it's time to do the right thing and admit we made a mistake, it's time to stop focusing on impossible tasks like building a wall and return the nuclear codes.
U.s. coast guard here,
The southern California route is pretty hard to traverse. If you stay within 50 miles of land you're going to have to pass through a very active navy training area. It's closely monitored and the coast guard hangs around the edges keeping an eye out.
Outside that 50 miles the seas get pretty shitty and odds are a Mexican raft will just get swept and nobody would even know or care. I was stationed in l.a. for a while and all we did was patrol the border, we rarely got immigrants, most don't even bother attempting to try the Pacific route due to how hazardous it is. It's much safer and easier to cross via land in the southwestern states.
Most illegal immigrants in the US are because of visa overstays though
How is that related to my response to the post I was countering?
Just adding to what you are talking about. Most don't go the pacific route or by land.
This is a good argument for stricter gun control.
Sure, someone can make a semi-automatic rifle fire automatically, but why not just ban rifles outright?
People should only be able to allow semi-automatic pistols.
Ew, mexicans look like actual niggers.
The only difference is that I like semi automatic guns and I don't like Mexicans.
>mexicans sure not gona pay the wall
>ilegal migrants gona build the wall
>ha ha ha ha ha ha
>ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>mexicans must feel stupid now
>"hey Raul im working on a wall hombre"
>ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahaha
>2020 TRUMPO wins again for sure!!!
That pic doesnt look like a wall tbqh.
I hope you get raped to death
You have no idea how bad it really is
Well, it wouldn't be a very good photo-op otherwise. Wonder how long the auditions took.
I wish I lived next to the wall. I'd build a trebuchet and throw all my shit over there.
How is that possible, when he's obviously distracted by all his crazy tweeting?
More like:
>be Mexican
>load family up in bathtub boat
>set sail on ocean
>the end
Come on Hans, how can't you ID a machine gun choke point?
Kraut kuck, those are test walls. each section is made by a different company, they are all making small examples to try and win the government contract for the actual wall
Too bad the wall wont stop illegals coming in. The vast majority of illegals come on visas and never go back to their countries. The "run across the border" hasnt been a good option since the 80s.
I want the wall too, but it won’t be a one time cost btw, upkeep, repairs, sentry, etc
Sounds like you've never taken a sledge to good concrete. It will also be patrolled, so it's not like they'll have unlimited time to work on it. Besides, it doesn't have to stop an army with scaling ladders and dynamite. It has to stop people who are too lazy to improve their hometowns, so they figure they'll hop over the fence to the neighbor's backyard where there's free soda and chips sitting out.
>show your flag
No? The deficit increased and the debt is over 20.3 trillion now.
Wow... guess it’s over for the United States, time to wrap it up. Anyway most of the drug traffic comes in by foot, next would be by boat, air isn’t a thing. If it is, great, but we already elmiminated the primary vehicle, so that’s a win. Drones? Really nigger? You think that will be a primary method? Idiot.
nice try, Hillary.
What do you you mean “take it back”? Are you retarded? The Mexicans aren’t native you idiot they’re offspring of invaders raping the local indigenous peoples
>we made a mistake
>voted for Hillary Clinton
Illegal immigrants export 70 billions of dollars per year.
Money exported to Mexico is acutally now Mexicos BIGGEST industry. Bigger than their oil or tourism industries
Tax these at 10% for an easy 7 billion a year for wall funding.
>The scale of this is insane
No, you just make yourself sound innumerate. Israel has a 500 mile wall. America can handle five times as much wall without even noticing the cost. We blow more money on stupid shit like midnight basketball all the time. We built and maintain highways -- concrete walls lying down -- all across the country. This is tiny compared to that.
Even if we stop 30% of illegal immigration it still covers the cost of the wall in a year. Nobody thinks a wall by itself will suddenly solve our illegal problem, but it's necessary in the context of a complete system of ICE raids and deportations, so they can't come back across the permeable border after being deported for the 7th time.
Tax the illegal immigrants? Isn't the aim to get rid of them?
post more salt
Doesn't America basically pay for the wall in Israel too?
How is pointing out how someone is wrong hillary?
B-but where am I to get my cheap labor that won't cause a fuss because I can have them deported at a moment's notice?
Fucking racists.
He did not want to build the wall. Israel and Turkey shamed him by having walls. Trie story.
t. Insider
Fucking city kids..... "Why wont they just use Elon Musk's new bullet train to get passed the border guise?! it goes directly to Cali!"
Head north fuckwad, that flag needs more red, a leaf, and a lot less blue.
I'll tickle your fancy. Why are the Mexicants not using the coast to sail along if that was such a good idea?....Ohh yeah! What is the Coast Guard?
They do already fly bundles of drugs over in light planes with no gear. They end up crashing them most of the time. Never gonna get through undetected.
Probably. So we already have experience paying for one, now we'll get the benefits of it too.
Typical EU racist, these are human beings. How can a human being be illegal.
Is that better, leftist shill?
>Ask mohammad to kill you first
Germany the failure you've become.