Infertility in white men according to (((them)))

This fucking narrative is making me sick

Other urls found in this thread:!agBlXbYY!fxc5wrWrd9oqFeD-vGnhhAeINW2Xxo8GqiRC3G2Dt28

wh*Tes literally can't even secure their own existence
Get rekt by your own balls. Maybe we'll artificially breed some of you to keep around in zoos


Testosterone levels are being lowered by the kikes and globalists. INCREASE YOUR TESTOSTERONE NOW

Here's a PDF of the full TestShock Program book:!agBlXbYY!fxc5wrWrd9oqFeD-vGnhhAeINW2Xxo8GqiRC3G2Dt28

This will help you to naturally increase your testosterone. If you want it to remain high you should stop eating processed foods and filter your water.

hey nice selfie bro

Well white men are getting cucked more and more each day, going out of their way to make themselves located on the bottom of the pecking order and all. They are filled with white guilt. all for demasculinization and probably fall for that cuck polygamy fetish crap. This is not surprising at all.


Thanks, gookbro.

Suuuuurely it has nothing to do with the estrogen in the water.

I am noticing an increasing amount if invitro conceptions in my country. Something we didnt have 15-20 years ago. We're being genocided via our food.

And they're both getting less white, coincidence?

If this is real, there are multiple possible reasons for this.
>physical inactivity (e.g. sitting all day)
>food and water (estrogen in the water, soy in many products, not eating enough meat etc.)
>overmasturbation (due to exposure to pornography from an early age)
Pick your poison.

>Just the west
Bullshit, they've found BPA in the water at the north poll, th drop in sperm count is global.

All this means is that one time sex won't get a girl pregnant. Multiple times yes definitely.

Good thing that slavs are not white

>when your country's mongrels are so out of control brazil starts calling them out

Lol I find it funny that you think that. Maybe you live in NYC or some other cucked location. In the REST of the white world we are woke. The silent majority is waking up and the globalists are terrified. I cannot know my sperm count, but I have have a high sex drive, a beauriful wife and a son I am protecting from processed food and floride.
I dont hate other races or cultures, but I am unwilling to let myself or my race be dominated. You want to live in harmony, cool, we can do that. You try to dominate me or exterminate me? I will rain fire and brimstone down upon you. Dont piss me off.

Don't forget the
>and that's a good thing

This is fake news designed to subconsciously encourage inter-racialism among our female population.

What are we going to do about this?

Over masturbation is not a thing. Our organs work best when used. Basically use it a lot and your body thinks "oh shit I need to make this stronger!" This is why when you dont have sex for a long time you cum faster. The rest of your post is spot on though. If you are healthy your seed is healthy.

Christ is coming back why are you so focussed on make babby anyways

>Ever again

so bbc is comming to europe while being perfectly healthy, virile and able to produce kids... meanwhile white men with their tiny peckers, infertile and often erection problems. lmao, what do you think ladies chose after reading articles like this and seeing bbc in action?

this is because of plastic pollution.
if you care about the white race stop using so much fucking plastic.

Workout and make yourself look appealing. Raise children that are used to seeing other races but dont fetishize them. Have more than three kids. Eat healthy. Make your gov stop poisoning your food and water....fuck dude you already knkw what to do.

take some fenugreek, it increase sperm count by 40-50% according to alot of studies done

plus zinc, vitamin d.

they all increase testosterone.

Or biased data. Only people with infertility problems get sperm count checked.

I meant how are we going to stop the propaganda machine, fuckwit.

What's causing this? It's obviously something in either the food or air

You didn't have that technology 20 years ago.

The sperm loss is mostly a result of a sort of fetal chemical castrations. That is to say, the chemicals emulating estrogen aren't at such a level that it would have the effect of making you infertile.

Instead, the chemicals have the ability to disrupt fetal development in the uterus. The process in which your sperm producing cell masses form is disrupted by these chemicals and so you are born with less of an ability to produce sperm.

>Only people with infertility problems get sperm count checked.
If that's true then it was also true for the 70s, so no bias.

ive been taking every morning

>Vitamin D
>3-4 Concentrated omega 3 fish oil capsules
>ultra mens multi vitamin

Plus eat more beef, chicken, veges etc in my diet. not consuming much dairy, but moderate amounts of milk, cheese and yoghurt etc will not increase estrogen levels.

i am abstaining from soy products, and check most things i eat so i know im not having it.

feel stronger, feel more confident.

I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. put down the junk food, go to grocery store and cook your own food, stay away from manufactured foods as much as possible. it's not hard. and it ends up cheaper anyway.

im not new to this food shit etc.., just thought id share my experiences

so bbc is comming to europe while being perfectly healthy, virile and able to produce kids... meanwhile white men with their tiny peckers, infertile and often erection problems. lmao, what do you think ladies chose after reading articles like this and seeing bbc in action?

Endocrine disrupting chemicals. BPA which is found in many plastics, pesticides like DEET and Atrazine.

The hormone system is fragile, chemically primitive and so ancient even your most primitive fish has it. There are chemicals that mimic sex hormones and many are considered "safe" because hormone disrupting at the time being isn't considered a massive threat.

You could say it was intentional, but a lot of these chemicals have been in use since the industrial revolution, we didn't discover BPA functioned as estrogen until the 1990's where it was accidentally discovered at a cancer research institute.

Nobody will do shit until they figure out irrefutably that it's reason breast cancer rates are so high and men start becoming sterile. A lot of industrial "miracle chemicals" proven to not kill you that businesses ride on turn out to affect your hormones.

How do you filter estrogen out of the water? Will a distillation unit work?

Heard mass production chicken is loaded on estrogens unless bought at small farm or self farmed

Besides that, I totally support your point.

Also, guess what the rest of the article says...

so, to avoid contact with bpa,

eat only fresh food. veges, fruit, meat from the butcher, not from supermarket (meat in plastic trays etc)

he's such a cuck he ties their hands up.

It's obviously because of all the xenoestrogens from all the plastics and such we eat/drink from.

yeah, the rspca in australia is cracking down on hormones used in poultry farms.

can buy hormone free chicken quiet easily now, and i someones buy meat from small producers that get their livestock slaughtered on farm.

the more you live in a city the more you're exposed

its why black men are more likely to be gay than white men, they grow up in cities where endoctrine disrupting chemicals are everywhere

so bbc is comming to europe while being perfectly healthy, virile and able to produce kids... meanwhile white men with their tiny peckers, infertile and often erection problems. lmao, what do you think ladies chose after reading articles like this and seeing bbc in action?

>Filter estrogen out of water.
Reverse osmosis filter, but most of this stuff isn't estrogen it just functions as it in the body. The estrogen pissing meme is overhyped on Sup Forums above even BPA because it falls into the "dumb roastie whores get off birth control and have kids REEEE" narrative.

Don't eat out of plastic, don't drink anything stored in plastic. Try to avoid repellents with DEET, don't buy any crops from farms that use Atrazine.

You're going to get poisoned somehow though, the world is a filthy polluted place. with chemicals leeching everywhere.

fellas if there is any truth to this we need to take action. we need to cut out all this fucking nazi larping, be pragmatic and take practical steps to protect our people and our lands. we need scientists, researchers and politicians to help us overcome this issue and they will not do so if we try to appeal to them while waving nazi flags or spouting overtly racist things.
there isnt going to be a big war anytime soon by the time that happens it might already be too late for us if we all become infertile.
we need to become more politically viable, we need to use subtlety and perhaps even subterfuge but that is the position we are in.
while you have all been losing your minds over relatively trivial things this has been happening under our noses. if people on the right had been smarter and able to appeal to more people we would have been able to control our borders by now and in better position to counter this fertility issue.

anybody who disagrees or responds with some nazi nonsense is fucking shill and can go hang

the red pill is that obesity leads to low sperm count.

western countries have high levels of overweight and obese people.

Will a water distiller remove it or will only a reverse osmosis remove it

Wow, so the "(((AGING POPULATION"))) was not enough.

Porn perhaps?

Just need to get angry more often, that lets an outburst of testosterone take over your body.

I eat almonds too, they are suppose to help the test

how would that lower sperm count


Things that increase test:
>high quality protein
>saturated fat

And all your women are literal whores, Chechy Brechy.

Depends on the chemical. Distilled might work I'm not sure. Just remember that distilled water is bad for you as it leeches stuff from your cells due to containing zero solutes. You'll need to mineralize it somehow.

Children of men irl

by this logic wouldn't you not be able to drink RO water either

yeah but buddy, the nazi's were against all this shit, if there mindset was still used today, we would have stopped shit like this even happenings.

In the weimar republic in the 1920's many people were calling out what they labelled Sexual Boshevism (the introduction and encouragement of degeneracy in society), it was the communists/marxists doing it.

and look at what is happening today, outright homophobia and pedophilia propaganda ingrained in our societies with filthy degeneracy and immoral practices, it was called out 100 yrs ago, and its happening now.

This guy peats

Just start nuclear war if that happens and fuck up the earth

>people fap
>less sperm per ejaculation
>"white male are going sterile by 2060"

Let's start making 5 children each with our white women, to piss off these fucking Juice.

I always thought RO was less powerful? Either way yeah if your water can't "conduct" electricity it's probably is too pure.

ill tell you now.

if ww3 does kick off, this year, next year.. whatever

this will be the last world war the jews will be around to see. all those college's, all those bankers all those media whores and shills, all those communist, marxists and revolutionaries will be gutted in the streets.

mark my fucking words.

it doesnt matter if you were cumming in your wife or blow a load to some chick on the internet.

your body does not know the difference.

It'll be the last war any of us will see.

it doesnt matter that was then and this is now. conditions were ripe for them to say what they said back then and have people fall at their knees because people were much more conservative back then.
there are people who are more conservative than they realise at the moment but cannot voice their opinions or fully embrace that side because the only side that has similar views to them are too far right. plus there are many institutions which we need help from that wouldnt even go near any far right groups.
some of the most important things affecting our people and our lands today are:
border control
the economy
these things we should be focusing on everything else should go on the back bench temporarily. we cannot solve these issues in time on our current trajectory. people are stupid and need to be lead down the right path. you tell them what the real problems are too soon and they will scoff at you and call you crazy. they must be shown little by little not told

well said.

people are dumb, like sheep. follow each other and don't think individually.

society has a hive mind like conscience when it comes to things effecting society.

Don't forget:

Pick up Swiming or Rowing.

It doesn't say whether the sperm counts of only white men or all races of men who live in Western countries are dropping.

The picture says nothing about white men Hans, and this is happening in all developed nations because of chemical pollution of water and food


right but western is synonymous with white/european. this is an issue effecting whites primarily since western countries are majority white. couple this with our aggressive mass migration policies from undeveloped/poorer countries and it doesnt take a genius to figure out the outcome

Yeah but it's not like browner folk born in the west aren't just as fucked by it

Kill the writer of the article. Kill Chris Barratt

Confirmed for virgin.

It absolutely knows the difference. If you think the sensation is the same then you're a fucking retard.

yes but we keep importing more and more. the newly arrived migrants are not affected by this problem. they have 3 - 4 children when they arrive meanwhile western men struggle to have just 1 due to being born with defective reproductive capabilities

im gonna take up rowing next year.

looks good.

Kickboxing is really good too. Guys need to know how to fight

never said the sensation is the same.

not a virgin either. lost it 20 yrs ago.

Yes but look at OPs post again, it should be pretty fucking clear he is claiming this is (((their))) propaganda and that this is a racial issue, which it sort of is, but race isn't the cause of it, it's the enviroment


t. Ali Kuopala

probably did the sperm count studies in liberal sterile area's of the US like LA and New York

wouldnt surprise me if they did. they use what is happening in LA and NY to represent the whole west sometimes.

Sperm donor here since half a year. 2 pregnancies so far. I don't smoke or drink and I take vitamin pills and work out.


I'm a sperm donor too. Currently at 6 pregnancies, I donate through Cryos sperm bank in Denmark. Keep up the good work, but make sure you go through a bank that let's you screen the couples so you know that you donate to white couples only.

Stop being infertile then

i agree with you on that front. either way it's still a problem. dont worry about OP lets worry about how we can solve this issue

They didn't need that technology 20 years ago.

I tried via a sperm bank, but my sperm is not suitable for freezing. I donate directly to the couples or single women. All but one are white, one black couple.

But we already know how to solve it

what narrative and what do jews have to do with it?

Gott Mit Uns

One day God will wake up and then start throwing bolts of lightning.

We should channel his wrath.

>go to grocery store and cook your own food
The solution is to GROW our own food. You can't trust grocers.

>done in a systemic manner
>limited data from Asia, Africa and South America
Jew science, everybody!
Isn't replacing us a...jew plan?

Daily reminder to stop eating soy

[citation needed]

Maybe you should worry about this instead of bitching about narratives.

I just shot #5 into the pipe. IME this is fiction. YMMV
