Seriously, how can someone like JoJo over Fate/stay night.
I want actual answers not buzzwords.
Seriously, how can someone like JoJo over Fate/stay night.
I want actual answers not buzzwords.
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't need to consume hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content in order to "get it".
It's called subjective fag. For example both are shit, in my opinion
>thinly veiled popular fanbases war thread
I feel so much second hand embarrassment right now.
You're better than this Sup Forums, don't take the bait.
It's because Reddit has been forcing the JoJo meme.
It's called having an opinion, you faggot.
You know, fate would be actually better if Joseph replaced Shirou.
pic related
because your a simple minded twat
Everything is a buzzword these days so that's impossible. But anyway.
>memorable and entertaining protagonists
>wacky and fun powers
>each part has an interesting setting where bizzare shit happens
>battles are usually about outsmarting your enemies
>stands are cooler than anything in Fate Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night:
>poorly written teenage melodrama that you see in every typical hentai VN
>boring characters with boring powers and boring designs (Nasu has no creativity whatsoever)
>cast is too redundant, high school shit, almost everyone uses swords, 3 main characters are bishounens that spam swords, etc.
>romance is forced
>main characters has plot armor and is written specifically to counter the strongest servant, negating any kind of tension (even in a bad ending, he still gets a body somehow)
>takes itself too seriously despite the awful writing
I'm not a huge fan of either of these series and I do think Jojo is overrated. But I would take the Jojo manga over any Fate shit.
>unironically using the term melodrama
>thinking "boring" is an argument and saying Nasu has no creativity when he is objectively the most experimental VN and LN writer
>exposing that you didn't read it by saying everyone uses swords
>implying high school is a negative when little time is spent there and it's used to develop the characters
>calling romance with underlying reasons and parallels for the characters to like eachother forced
>saying main characters have plot armor when they all die several times in bad ends
>implying Fate takes itself "too seriously" when stuff like tiger dojos are about making fun of it
2/10 you tried
>biting the bait
What are you doing, senpai?
you just got butthurt on this thread
Apples and oranges. They're completely different and it's stupid to compare them.
>he probably watched Parts 1-3
>he thinks those are better written than Fate
>unrionically using the word "forced"
Okee dokee user-kun it's time to actually develop your own opinion
But "boring" is an argument. If an anime is boring I'm not going to like it.
But those are completely different. Why are you comparing them at all?
Finding something boring is subjective though
because fateshits easily get triggered when someone criticized it. They treat f/sn like some kind of masterpiece which is not.
The only one who answered this bait post seriously was a Jojofag, senpai
it's because jojo has fights every episode meanwhile fate has one fight each 10 episodes that last for 40 seconds so that fans can record it and post saying it's good
also there is this:
call me when one of your magical medieval anime girl protagonists kill an immortal faggot with a fucking rock
yes i took the bait
>reading F/SN for the fights
This is why it's stupid to compare the two.
you cannot even tell if this is a bait or not since fatefags are such cry babies.
I literally watched NGE only for the fights
and it was fucking worth it
same with jojo
except that part 2 first episode had joseph using a full machinegun round on a vampire destroying an entire cafè and blowing a shitload of grenades on him
i got bored of fate/zero and fate/stay night after the 10 minutes because literally nothing fucking happened or anything interesting
>fate zero
some girl is born and two faggots talk about kingdom policies
>fate stay night
some girl goes to school
those are boring as fuck
Another jojofag who took the bait here From what I see, user, only Jojofags are taking the bait
I know you are baiting but eva had less fights than fate.
And if your argument is that the fights did not happen in the first 10 minutes, then would you not get bored whenever 10 minutes without fighting pass?
Why would you even compare the two? They're both completely different.
>because you are a simple minded twat
Op you said acual answer that goes for both sides.
>Alt Universe in JoJo is a western featuring cowboys, dinosaurs, fabulous US presidents, and Jesus Christ
>Alt universe in Fate is some stupid pedo shit
This is why
Take your shitty fanboy wars to the youtube comment section.
This is a shit thread that exists for no reason other than to stir conflict between two fanbases with zero relation.
Why are Nasufags such terrible posters who make terrible threads?
Because this is just a bait and you fell for it thinking it was a legitimate post
OP sorry to tell you but baiting to get (you)s are not honorable so kill yourself my man
Is this the Bait Thread?
Op is probably just fishing for the fate bait images.
The main difference is Jojo is overflowing with personality and fun while Fate is just badly done romance and shounen 'hero' pretentiousness
Part 1 and 2 are fantastic, way better than F/SN and on par with F/Z. Part 3 and 4 were pretty bad though.
Why are we comparing these, anyways? They aren't very similar.
>everything who doesn't agree with me are just baiting.
I dunno, I just didn't liked Fate/stay night
JoJo meme:
>homosexual characters
>monster of the week shonen garbage
>m-muh stands
>Tohsaka's anus
Both meme shows to filter redditors
This is the most fucking retarded thread I've ever seen, even worse than the "I just saw eva and I'm confused" thread.
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself OP, Fate and JoJo have absolutely fucking nothing in common besides human characters and instances of physical conflict.
I've read and watched both series and they're so dissimilar if they touched it would probably result in a material annihilation due to being made out of completely opposed stuff.
Comparing JoJo and Fate is like combining antimatter and matter, it's a fucking retarded thing to do and will likely result in the most unorganized and destructive chaos the world has ever seen.
at least Jojo can be entertaining with how dumb it is. Fate takes itself way too seriously and is nowhere near as unique as what Araki puts in his manga
>how can people have different states
Gee I dunno OP
I'm going to bite the bait since I've read both.
Fate is too pretentious for my taste, I started with the VN and I feel like it takes itself way too seriously with long overdrawn dialogue explaining every last detail meticulously, I just personally don't enjoy the writing style at all. And while Fate isn't terribly bad, it just feels mediocre and done a million times before in other mediums, it does have original themes, granted but I feel like they're not worked on very creatively. You summon a hero, you have the hero fight for you, sometimes you team up and you trick other people and backstab them, with an extremely large emphasis on waifu wars and pandering to fans. One other thing, I feel like it relies too much on the grimdark nature of it's content, the depressing and brooding nature of these characters and their past feel a bit too centered around, having that be one of the major elements that carry the initial story make it a chore to sit through since I don't find mediums that rely on darkness and edge to be very compelling when they don't exactly show any other interesting themes. That's not to say It's entirely terrible, I believe one or two characters with a rough past is fine, but it seems like it's just too centered around in Fate/Stay.
JoJo just feels like a wild and enjoyable ride where you're bound to be surprised at every turn, not even Araki takes the manga too seriously and nothing is off limits. It's simultaneously extremely creative, inventive, and overall a breath of fresh air in comparison to a lot of stale "Fight for my friends" shows before, the main character can die, the villain can win, the main character can be even more villainous than the villain, each part is different yet still connected to eachother and unique to eachother.
But TLDR; JoJo is just more fun and unique.
They are extremely different, but Fate is still better objectively.
How can I into the Jojos guys?
>the main character can die, the villain can winthe main character can be even more villainous than the villain, each part is different yet still connected to eachother and unique to eachother
you literally just described F/SN
Joseph alone is better than the entirety of Fate
Try not to write idiocies with no explanations maybe.
Besides you can't really use fun as an argument, cause for example I find the first three jojo series boring to say the least, with DiU and VA being a huge improvement.
He didn't.
>Fate takes itself too seriously
>What is Tiger Dojo
>What is Carnival Phantasm
>The main character can die
If you get to a bad end, the canon "good ends" of Fate/Stay is broken up into multiple parts each with Shirou living at the end.
>The villain can win
Only in bad ends
>The main character can be even more villainous than the villain
Gilgamesh and the Priest are almost laughably "evil for the sake of evil because it's fun" the only time Gilgamesh gets redeemed is during Fate/Zero's VA.
>each part is different yet still connected to eachother
That's true, but each part is a bit too similar to eachother for them to be initially considered unique.
Once again, I don't think Fate/Stay is a bad series, it's just not in my taste, I feel like I grew out of it well over five years ago when I started maturing a little bit and getting over my taste for brooding material.
What kind of question is that?
Just do it faggot.
>Carnival Phantasm
>Lel so random spinoff showing all the characters interacting.
>Never been done before
Are you fucking shitting me?
Even fucking NARUTO has done this.
Nasu lacks the self awareness to see how hyperbolic and stupid his writing gets. Araki at least retains a sense of levity and camp.
>Taking the bait
It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things
Those aren't even canon, they only exist because Fate/Stay is a cash cow.
Then Naruto or whatever this shit is doesn't takes itself too seriously either
My point was that his point of "Fate takes itself too seriously" is wrong
I've had this on my mind for a while, I'm actually glad we get to discuss it in this thread.
>make a shitty story
>"it's ironical!"
>instant 10/10 best shounen ever
Bad ends are canon too in SN btw
> That's true, but each part is a bit too similar to eachother for them to be initially considered unique.
Each route only has the same prologue, after that they're different
>the main character can die
HF Normal and most bad ends
>the villain can win
Depending on who you consider the "villains" this is a more arguable one
>the main character can be even more villainous than the villain
Shirou lets countless people die in HF not to mention the sociopathic shit in the "Bye Shinji" ending
>each part is different yet still connected to eachother and unique to eachother
Fate, UBW, and HF
Bad ends are just as canon as "good ends", and Shirou dies in HF normal so this argument doesn't really hold up
>Gilgamesh and the Priest are almost laughably "evil for the sake of evil because it's fun"
Gilgamesh requires closer inspection, he cares about humanity, but Kirei absolutely isn't "evil for fun" and I don't know how you could say that if you read HF
>Tiger Dojo not canon
At least pretend to have read the novel, user.
My point is that plenty of generic Shōnen Anime have spinoffs only based on their popularity, and this is only due to the popularity of those franchises.
If you think Nasu wrote Carnival Phantasm or it's considered canon to the story in any way, you are retarded.
You can compare apple and oranges.
Oranges FTW, applefags go home.
Some things are objectively better than others
It's a well known fact that the F/SN translation is a fucking mess
>Nasu lacks the self awareness to see how hyperbolic and stupid his writing gets
>posts dialogue written by TakaJun
The Tiger Dojo is pretty disconnected from the actual story of the VN though (you could play the whole thing without reaching one) and they don't change how seriously the story takes itself when it does.
Jojo has just an overall lighter tone.
Everything in the Nasuverse is technically canon because of multiverse
Even shit like Neko-Arc
I'm not arguing with you about Tigers Dojo.
She's basically your token comedy relief stereotype.
There's no argument there.
However, that doesn't even effect the story itself.
>people seriously arguing by pointing at fucking bad ends
Just admit you lost.
You wrote your sentence as if Nasu wrote TD after SN's success.
I think the worst thing about this thread is that OP feels the need to respond to every post that shits on his garbage waifubait series. Look at how defensive and mad this faggot gets when a JoJofag gives a perfectly good argument with valid points and the only thing OP can do is say those points aren't valid because "no stop hating my favourite eroge I won't let you because saber is my waifu and I want to lick illya's tummy"
>I don't know how the Nasuverse works: the post
>Bad ends are just as canon as "good ends", and Shirou dies in HF normal so this argument doesn't really hold up
So why aren't bad ends animated?
Why aren't bad ends considered important enough for an adaption if they're deemed a canon enough ending as the Good endings?
Technically everything is canon in the Nasuverse because of multiverse
And even if you don't count Carnival Phantasm, there is still Hollow Ataraxia that is pretty light hearted
>HF normal ending
Now you can stop talking, user.
Your question is so dumb it hurts.
Because all F/SN anime adaptations are a mismanaged mess with no care for the source material?
Even without the Tiger Dojo the story still has some lighthearted and comedic moments. The entire story can't be serious all the time. The reader needs some way to release the tension once in a while.
Even Fate/Zero had its lighter moments.
Most CP sketches were taken directly from the fan-circle doujins, so I don't think the credit lies with Nasu. Tiger Dojo is too isolated from the main story, rather Taiga doesn't play a big enough role in the VN I would say. She basically disappears after the intro in all three routes, and the game is worse for it. The long dull points at the Emiya residence, especially in HF, would be much improved if Taiga was there to add some emotional support, reflection on Kiritsugu and Shirou growing up, and of course making light of the more serious events. When the humor is incorporated into the main story, Nasu is much more enjoyable. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia did this well.
All the bad endings are legitimate canon endings in the Nasuverse
They're considered bad because Shirou fucks himself over
What those over 30 bad endings means is that there are more chances for Shirou to die than survive in the war
Except I didn't, Taiga is the only character in the entire VN that isn't brooding with angst and I recognize that. However, that doesn't change the fact that she's your token comedy relief. Don't even let me bring up how she's still deep down another terrible angst hamfist, she also has that "Cheery smile even when sad" generic trope that didn't even hold up a couple years.
Because an adaptation can never be 100% like the original material
Taiga visiting Kiritsugu's grave is the only good addition the UBW anime made
>HF Normal and most bad ends
I wouldn't count what-if scenarios like that.
>Shirou lets countless people die in HF not to mention the sociopathic shit in the "Bye Shinji" ending
Shirou is still sort of trying to be a good person by protecting someone close to him. I wouldn't call that being villanous.
>Fate, UBW, and HF
Those are the same scenario played out in different ways. Obviously they aren't as different as the different Jojo parts.
The original material is worse, they did a good job cutting out half the hamfisted gore scenes.
>What if scenarios
>I don't know how the Nasuverse works
It's kind of apples and oranges. Araki is a visual storyteller, and has become more so with time---just compare the level of narration in stand fights between part 3 and part 8. Fate, in its original form, is almost completely a written work, to the extent that the visuals are just provide scaffolding for the story and character interactions.
No JoJo main character actually acts evil either. No, not even Johnny.
>Hamfisted gore scenes
>Confirmed for not playing the VN
Zeltretch literally shows up in HF and you still don't understand how the multiverse work
>censoring the original material and making everything like a generic shonen anime is an improvement
>Each route only has the same prologue, after that they're different
They are thematically the same with the same characters in the same time.
I'm definitely a Jojofag more than a Fatefag (though I enjoy both), but the enemy-of-the-week set up is one of the weaknesses of JoJo, not its strengths. That said, Araki's fights are usually masterful, so its easy to overlook.
Guys, if all endings of Fate/Stay is canon, Shirou never dies and he never lives.
He's in a state of limbo until you play through the game and pick what ending you want, stop being so fucking retarded.
I dropped Fate/Stay years ago because of how much of a beta waifu self insert game it was while having more teen angst than Twilight, seeing you squabbling idiots still eat that shit up like it's a masterpiece is disgusting.
No ending isn't canon, it's a self insert fantasy VN just like Tsukihime.
>normal end
>what if scenario
You're getting ridiculous.