Anyone familiar with this?

Anyone familiar with the image on ppg78's shirt here?

Why am I always amazed crazy dudes look crazy. Like they tell you they look like you or me, bs! They look crazy

This is Steve we're talking about here! He's just a goy!

idk man but i can enhance it for you

I think someone figured out it was some golf club.
but I forget!

whoah. this guy to the left seems like a fan of the cocaines

Why do I get the feeling it's more cartoon network shit.

Given this pic and no other knowledge if the event you'd probably assume that Eric "Comped" Paddock was the mass murderer.


He just looks stoned or drugged to me.

i absolutely agree, look at his empty gaze. that guy was obviously a psychopath.

i know this first wave otakufag was posting on message boards

looks like a cocktail, probably a casino club or something
it was the 1980's everyone was on coke and weed


left: billed
right: comped

Eric is supposed to be Stephens brother,
pic related

i think we determined it was a "frisbee golf" bucket or basket or goal with a flag in it
i have to run and can't look this up nor do i know anything about frisbee golf, but i remember this being the accepted conclusion a few days ago

It's a frisbee golf club shirt.

Lurk moar plz.


wow they're brothers so strange THEY LOOK THE SAME

Yes. IDENTICAL. Down to a mole in the face. Not likely.

Deep undercover.

this goes deeper than any of you are prepared for.

paddock was from a competing time traveling firm, 'comped sushi' is an anagram for the device they used to send him and his accomplice back, the 'chess podium' - this is what was stolen from his 'home' in reno.

his goal was to incite civil unrest in vegas as an excuse to crack down and make the entire area a 'secure zone'
the company that exists today is a security firm, the video of them evacuating their CEO and CFO is all over the internet, those two will use the resulting security crackdown to fund a private police force that will eventually be used to police time itself and stop titor from coming back, this is the reason the events he described have not transpired.

they failed because paddock fucked up and got a hooker who subsequently got coked out and shot a security guard, putting his plans in action, the result has created a tangent universe that we are all living in, the universe's goal now is to end itself resulting in a global extinction event, it's effectively quantum defragging.

yellowstone soon, brudders!


(lives as Eric Paddock now)

Marilou Danley = Our Mandalay lie


Steve was a guy who could wear whatever he wanted.AND HE DID!!!

I have a feeling you are the same german user making the flat earth thread.

Just because genetically you have an inability to recognize faces and to understand logic, you don't have to shit up my board.

It's Cuphead.

The virgin bill and the chad comp

Lazy shill.
Plus: The earth is round. FET is beyond retarded.

>shilling intensifies

Why do you not like the truth?

No it isn't

yes it is. FET is rock bottom of retardation.
We are not living in some randomizes, jazzy universe with no coherent laws where there is one flat disk and everything is just some type of mobile hovering above it.

Explain Polaris

Dunno, it doesn't have triangles so it's probably nothing.

Counter question: what keeps your disk in place?
Where is the disk?
What is space? In space?
What is underneath the disk?

Answer mine first and then I'll educate you

They can't accept the fact that they shit and fell back in it. For something like the 5th or 6th time.
It's like a damn Roadrunner cartoon, except nobody's laughing.

Quit derailing the thread you shits.

It's a sacred rune, passed down from generation to generation. It's meaning only known to those who possess it.

It's available at old navy I think.

Likely the most astute thing I've read this morning, thank you user

It's a disk Golf team.

Complimentary shirt.

was it COMPED?

You are missing an a.
See? One letter missing.

True. But Jesus Campos = Jams Sec. Op. U.S. / Ace Jumps S.O.S.

I'm just soooo sick of these shitheads.

Stay strong, brother, our day is coming

So here they are together - why did they crop out his brother in the ones circulating? Also Bruce Paddock degenerate criminal bro that's prob jealous of Steve was born 5 months after Eric - maybe their aliens?

So we are currently in the "everybody who comes here fucks up the plan" time line? That fits the reality I know!