Flat Earth - And why i don't believe in the NASA globe anymore

Since we were all children once and have grown even sure many of you remember the first attempts to understand our world and the interest in what it looks like and what kind of shape does it have.

Then you were probably the world shown by a globe of your parents / teachers / educators. You were a child and have these people familiar. That what they told you was an important anchor point in your life what would shape your additional perspective and attitude to the world.

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Sure you've always wondered how that could be because that other people are on the earth on the head and do not fall down. somehow a comic imagination. but this was by gravity - magic

Through years of conditioning and subliminal programming in educational institutions, television, internet, hollywood, magazines you have accepted the (round) world as a reality. You are blind followed a faith without checking ever because you get distracted anywhere, without the suspicion of fraud and having no interest in the truth.

I am concerned that are categorized by the mainstream press in the realm of conspiracy theories with controversial issues for several years. Did you that the term conspiracy theorists a battle cry is launched by the CIA in order to suppress information?

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The first time I heard of the Flat Earth in 2015 in the spring. A certain user alleged NASA and other institutions would be pleased kidding and lie after line and thread. The space program would be falsified, the moon landing did not take place and the earth is no ball. They were flat and covered with a kind of envelope firmament. At first I thought that would be the most absurd and craziest that I had ever heard. How is that supposed to lie to be so many people at the same time such a thing possible? And why?

But I could still very hard for me to imagine let me in on a little thought experiment and thought that I had this information that are declared as reality never verified as an adult. A bit queasy was me because I realized that this manipulation works so well because no one is counting on and it starts so early and is integrated into our lives.

That was the beginning of a wonderful journey in search of truth of our history and our place we call earth.

Many do not understand what the NASA which would pretend to us that the earth is round and just as the other planets. Would realize that the Earth is not a sphere and we would live in a kind of incubator they want to know like who hath built this incubator and where is he, people. The theory of evolution so that flies out of the window and as "foreign" worlds and other intelligent life forms from another star system. All this is part of the Alien Agenda which already for decades in Hollywood (Dream Factory) run at is around you to program on alien beings that are friendly to you and come to the rescue. Aliens are demons and thus minion of Satan.

I know how crazy must listen to all that. Please you tuh a favor and let you go through your head the whole and form thee not rush an opinion. There is already an information war on the Internet and there are various paid writers and disinformation agents on the go who will try this topic to discredit.

Listen to your heart the truth can not be stopped

Big if true

They hid God all these years, now we're finding Him.
''Knowledge shall be increased.''
The end is truly near.

As good entry point I recommend you to make you look at the search for a real photo of the Earth, already appeared Globuse by NASA to compare and search for the earth's curvature.

If you are a Christian you are welcome to first look in your Bible. It is the whole time been in there but hardly anybody reads correctly or try science with the word of God unite.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual darkness.

And the great dragon which hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. Hey what hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

It's all true senpai a lam.

Google Jack Parsons

whole pdf material download


Flat if true

If it's flat, it's hollow as well.


now you know where the nazis went ;-) if they really hit "inner earth"

they literally stepped into the underworld

the real stars

you shall not know - thats their agenda


NASA is a fraud, but that does not mean the earth is flat.

Could you post an image of this flat earth proof please

The North Pole mainly.
Could that be where the ''Yggdrasil'' is? The tree that holds up, and connects the worlds (Norse mythology)?
Himmler also believed the 7 Aryan races lived below us. Biblically speaking, the Nazis and Admiral Byrd were both deceived, and below us is hell.

Sound good, but need proofs first.


Consider a gas chamber

Below us is Hades

Earth is round. Please fuck off. If it was flat, I would just fall off the edge.

This should be banned


go to google maps / google earth and check

"our actual northpole"


The stars and the so-called ''planets'' are angels.
The planets in our ''galaxy'' were the 7 angels that left their fixed position in the firmament as described in The Book of Enoch. The ''wandering stars'' as the bible calls them.
These 7 angels were worshiped as gods:


There is only one God.


flat earth is bullshit most people who actually have a brain ended up deleting their you tube channel with shame , you would say they where shills all along





Shut the fuck up

you all get played believe better start to investigate NOW

you will feel soo stupid and maybe also fall for their "great deception"

this is one of the fucking biggest lies ever have been told to humanity.

they created a mind prison and kinda "stealed / betrayed" you about your true IDENTITY and your SOURCE

Im going to be so fucking pissed off if i die and find out the earth is flat. I swear to god i will haunt those NASA cunts!

The shills are trying hard to discredit the obvious. This is what brainwashing does to people. Even if they aren't paid, they'll lash out with malicious intent. Globetards are violent in their first stages of awakening.

They really got creative with this one...

Seriously though, what's the big deal about the earth being flat? Who benefits from lying about it

well i wrote it as simple as possible every idiot with an IQ < 90 should notice that there is so much weird stuff around NASA and their so presented DATA.

they contradict themselves

earth is a ball / showing perfect round cgi ball lol

then its a "geoid" lol kek ?

google sattelites in space youll only see CGI Bullshit haha

this is kinda funny because its only working because most people have too much trust in the media and IMAGES

truth hurts bitch ?


he deleted all his stuff when he realised the earth was round


user if you still believe in the CGI Globe youre still under fucking MINDCONTROL

go and break it! you wont regret it

>you shall not know - thats their agenda
The fact that there is no stellar paralax for thousands of years at all is strange though.


Itt: people that need a subscription for Scientific American.


The fact those NASA images are fakes doesn't prove the earth is flat though.

It might just be a scam to steal taxpayers money for black projects.

there is no edge to earth

How do flat earthers explain an eclipse?

>t. Oregonian

Disregard the flatheads. Electric Universe is the real redpill.

Everyone who believe in flat earth theory have secret wish for NASA to take them to see the world from space

they named their fucking mission



Cpt Obious is knocking on the door

Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. Flight-test vehicles were designed and manufactured by Avco Corporation.[1]

Just because nasa is dishonest because they need funding does not mean the earth is flat

Especially a lunar eclipse...


Citing fiction to try and prove your point? Everyone knows that the bible is basically an old book filled with numerous fictional pieces.

if it woulbd be so sad because so many people still fall for it i could laugh but this is just sad how successfully they went with their techniques



according the book of enoch some german women calculated this

find me the edge of the earth plz

Most "Flat earthers" are LARPers trying to make Christians look bad.
Vast majority do not buy this shit. Including me, obviously.



I just wonder, how it is that everything add up matematichally for globe earth, calculations is correlating with reality.
But kind of nothing is matematically proven for the flat eart theory.


im a christian and i believe in the WORD of GOD and the bible tells us

earth is fixed and does not move

PSALM 93:1

what I always wondered about is why is it always religious people who believe things like this? Surely someone would have fallen off the edge of the planet by now if it were flat.

I actually thought flat earthism was just a meme hory shit people actually believe in this and its getting popular. people are fucking autistic

beware of the shills

there are many


You can see the ISS through a hobbyist telescope. Can you stop?

You are basing your arguement that words and pictures in books are all a grand payop yet all you have for proof are words and books that are all a grand psyop, prove me wrong.

If you want to set tour mind at easy take a stick shove it in the ground and measure the shadow angle, then exactly one year later do the exact same thing 500 miles away, from there you will be able to simple geomtry and triganometry to calculate which one is a psyop, you will also learn to figure things out for yourself along the way andno longer be able to be lead by any form of authority, your welcome.

Try to justify trusting literally anything NASA has done since the moon landing and tell me we aren't being lied to about space.

Here is a simple one for you: NASA tells us about the environments of planets we haven't even sent a probe to, How? According to the they use spectrometry to determine it, but they have NO point of reference (a similarly appearing planet that we have personally investigated the atmosphere of).
Distance to stars? All we can fucking see is luminosity and color. There is no way to tell the difference between a brighter and further star from a dimmer and closer one.

They are LYING. No, that doesn't make the earth flat, but they are pretty fucking invested in a huge pack of lies, which really makes me think.

Pic related. Seasons are said to be caused by the tilt of the earth bringing one side closer to the sun than the other. The earth is 5 million km FURTHER away from the sun during the northern summer.

they are so desperate to get through the Firmament

lunar eclipse

The sun and the moon are lights or luminaries; they're the same size.

predictive programing

actually season are caused by the tilt causing greater amount of time in sun light per day at different times of the year

sun and moon are 2 different lights

reflection is their ((bullshit)) its hilarious

no one is falling for it flat earth shills
you're trying to make Sup Forums look bad

>Hey gov, we need 10 billion for a mars mission
>Gov: OK
>Fake a buggy in a desert for 100K dollar
>Wiretransfer 99.999.990.000 dollar to CIA for Vegas style shit


Other Lies from Satan and his ((kids))

24 hour Antartica sun completely disproves Flat Earth. Not possible there would be 24hrs of sunlight in Antartica if it was the outer landmass. As the sun rotates around the centre, it would not be able to light a section of Antartica for 24 hours straight

they already tried it - tower of babel

and they will try it again

If the moon reflects light from the sun, by that logic, the moon should be brighter during the day. Common sense.
We're so dumbed down, we forgot how to use our 5 senses.


>There is no way to tell the difference between a brighter and further star from a dimmer and closer one.


check the GRAVE of

Wernher von Braun



wrong in the day sun would be behind the moon so light reflected off it would bounce away from earth not towards, which is why the moon is visible in the day when its closer to the horizon

stfu cuck

NASA are confirmed frauds however, moon landing is complete bullshit. Travel 100,000s of miles through deadly radiation on a single tank of gas using 1960s technology, yet cant go up more than 300 miles since. OK

Why do they lie?

That reminds me: how could they construct a tower that reaches heaven if the Earth is a globe? Makes you think.