Dragon Ball Super thread

Dragon Ball Super thread

Are you ready for some SSJB bonding training?

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So is he a corpse being used by future Zamasu, or is this a Kami/King Piccolo split with Black being (or being controlled by) Zamasu's evil side?

We can only guess

what is this?

So the most recent episode basically shits on the established rule that Kaioshins are born as Kaioshins,
and they collectively call everyone in the universe "ningen" (humans?) even though there's plenty of other races

Dragon Ball Heroes ad. The situations shown might not be what actually happens, but we do see Zamasu with the same earring as black.

Something I've been wondering with Future Trunks timeline, why didn't Goku just come on down for the day like he did in Buu saga -- and obviously by extension this Black business, assuming they're even that strong to fight him?

Demigra, DB Xenoverse big boss

dying of natural causes seems to be different than dying in battle.

if you die of natural causes you cant be wished back by shenlong right?

can a disease really be called a natural cause? it's an outside force that takes the life of the person it infects.


we're getting into philosophy thats too deep for dbz

>So the most recent episode basically shits on the established rule that Kaioshins are born as Kaioshins

I'm wondering what Toriyama thinks about it or if it angers him at all.

>Inside the big ball I mentioned before, there is a planet, called the World Core [Kaishin-sei] where the Kaiō are born and raised. It’s a world like a gigantic Planet Kaiō, and Kaiō-sama and his peers are born as Core People [Shin-jin] from the fruit of the World Core’s giant World Tree [Kaiju]. The planet’s population is about 80. Core People are neither male nor female, and their average lifespan is said to be about 75,000 years. At a castle that’s like a school, they learn a variety of things, and live an easygoing life; however, if a Kaiō dies on one of the Kaiō Planets, the next Kaiō is chosen from among them by lottery. However, a Kaiōshin is chosen only from Core People who are born from a special golden fruit, which rarely occurs. In addition, there are occasionally delinquent Core People with evil hearts; these ones fall under the Makaiō.

natural causes is every kind of death besides being killed

Death by natural causes is any death that isn't caused by suicide, murder or accident.

Well the DB universe isn't ours. We made up the world human, that's why nothing outside our planet is called a human. There, the word human might have been made up by the gods in order to refer to their creations.

Coming back was a special privilege, he spent years getting bored in the netherworld, Grand Kaio allowed that only so he wouldn't hear about the training he should give Goku.

Zamatsu is killing a lot of people, but isn't an universe scale threat, so no one bothers bringing back dead heroes to deal with him.

>shits on the established rule that Kaioshins are born as Kaioshins,

>ningen" (humans?)
It means "mortal" in this context, Jesus many times does this need to be stated?

Kaioshins are mortal.
>their average lifespan is said to be about 75,000 years

>Kaioshins are mortal
Wrong. Kaioshin translates to "World King God" God is the keyword here.


isn't there some planet where Kai's are born from fruit and Supreme Kai are only born from special fruit? So there shouldn't be any regular Kai's like Zamasu (fighting prodigy or not) moving up to the position of Supreme Kai


Maybe they don't have any other Kaioshin and Gowazu is close to death so they upgraded the best they had.

>super thread
>best pics are not from super
why are you people still on this

There's also the possibility that it works differently in different universes.

There's also the possibility that something he wrote for a guidebook no longer matters to Toriyama.

>There's also the possibility that something he wrote for a guidebook no longer matters to Toriyama.

Most likely.

>le toriyama forgot xDDd meme

Grow the fuck up

Why do the gos in Super keep calling everything Humans? Wouldn't mortal be a better choice of word?

Or are they literally referring to Humans on Earth all the time?

Why do the gods*


Future Babidi should have won.

Oh wow, I'm guessing this gets asked quite a bit. I never noticed.

But yeah I guess that confirms what I was wondering. Human(s) is just a replacement word for mortal in the DB universe. Good to know! Thanks.


>Episode 55 " I want to see Son Goku. A request for Zeno sama
>Episode 56: " The Rematch of Goku vs Black! Super Saiyan Rose appears!!
>Episode 57: "Goku, Super Saiyan Blue"

Might be fake

It's fake

Fake as fuck

Don't have much to say. I just like this.

Also, Bulma hot af

>you will never impregnate Bulma with your Saiyan seed

Good Future Trunks/present Bulma incest porn when?

damn gains

Looks pretty fake


Zangya is love
Zangya is life
Zangya is everything
Zangya is a miracle of the universe
Zangya might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

from my dad who works at toei and knows toriyama personally

good meme

I'm guessing it's just future Zamasu (simplest explanation), and the reason why he acts so differently in the future (like when he's sadistic while using Goku's body) is because something makes him snap. Maybe Gowasu is killed by filthy ningen, or he sees some horrific stuff on planet Barbari.

totes bs but people in facebook ate it up

post 819: shiba.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime/1470063691

I hope people actually believe it

>people in facebook ate it up
Not surprising at all

>So there shouldn't be any regular Kai's like Zamasu (fighting prodigy or not) moving up to the position of Supreme Kai
Says who? Exceptions can be made you know.

episode when? anichart says it's been out for a while


>from the fruit of the World Core’s giant World Tree [Kaiju].
Hope we get to see that in the manga.

Forgetting and not caring are world's apart.

first of all:

>Super Saiyan Rose

That's not even confirmed, it's more realistic to expect a SSWhite+kaioken

they make it look like the arc ends after 10 eps

Not really, Kaioshins are assigned sectors of the universe. So as long as there's more than 4 born there's one or more not IN the position, but training for it.

Did you not see the leak?

pretty much confirmed also Trunks goes SSJB

Because he had... blue hair?



>Monster boy demigra

Towa when

They allegedly have either a hundred episodes or over a hundred, and they have only gone through three universes so far (barely). It wouldn't be surprising if this was a short saga.

when goten coming back?

I know it's Heroes, so it's literally all fanservice, but I think it's safe to assume Black isn't Zamasu. Perhaps Zamasu's creation.

Goku noted that Black and Zamasu's ki weren't exactly the same, just similar. Black's aura was far darker than Zamasu's light purple. I'm not sure if ki can change over time, but it feels like Black isn't a body puppet of Zamasu or a body swap.


I'll never give up on Goten.

>implying he's doing nothing

>You lost this time, dad. All the food is mine.

The japanese word for human is the same as their word for mortal. Just like their word for the color white is the same as the word for death and the number 4. Japs don't have a large vocabulary. Stop being retarded and stop asking stupid questions.

I don't think anyone was complaining about the "human" thing in this thread



I love goten

SSJB Trunks vs SSJR Black Goku will be the end game fight for Trunks involvement in this arc

So is Trunks getting SSJ3 or something from Vegeta?

>thinking someone other than Goku will beat the big bad guy

Don't worry Toriyama won't let me down. Trunks will get his revenge against Black you'll see.

If Trunks doesn't beat him I'm dropping this shit franchise for good.

No you fool. Obviously he's training F. Trunks to attain SSJB. Why else would F. Trunks be seen mediating in the preview? He's going to be unlocking god ki

why does toriyama hate him

at least he gets screen time and semi-character development. can't say the same for like half the cast

I wish toriyama would "hate" more characters.

I want Mai to kill black by shooting him in the back when he "lets his guard down".

>has a hot waifu to return to
>is going to attain SSJG/SSJB like Goku and Vegeta while Gohan is left to rot away

How does he hate him again?

>Goku winning an important fight in Super
>Implying it's not more probable that it's going to be something stupid like that while Beerus is watching them fight the shaking makes him drop his juice which causes him to become angry and Beerus using less than 0.00000000000000001% of his power is going to kill Black in one hit.

watch future hit or someone is going to randomly show up in trunks world and blow everything up like the androids and black did and hell have to time travel back again

The only person who'd come to Earth next would probably be Future Beerus and Future Whis. Well then again who knows since Goku is dead in that time line so the prophecy might not come to pass.

Unless them learning Trunks is a Super Saipan God appeases Beerus to come to Earth and fight him. SSJB Trunks would obviously put up a much better fight than SSJG Goku did so Beerus may or may not blow up Earth depending on what Trunks gives him.

>Present Earth
They gave Beerus delicious food
>Future Earth
They can only give Beerus cat food


>SSJB Trunks would obviously put up a much better fight than SSJG Goku did
Nah, because Beerus gets stronger retroactively every time someone gets a powerup

Then the next time he comes back in time again, Goku and Vegeta would already be SSJW aka Super Saiyan White.

Trunks is outclassed again and starts feeling sorry for himself again that he lost his waifu and child to Future Hit or whoever again so then Vegeta has to train his miserable existence again so he can become a SSJW so he won't have to come back ever....... again.

Well if Earth recovers enough somehow to produce places to make foods for Beerus, then maybe he'll fuck off. Or maybe Trunks tells him about the lack of people and what not and if they had the DragonBalls, he'd be able to restore the life on Earth that was taken away by Black. So Trunks, Beerus and Whis journey on to get the Super Dragon Balls

Why doesn't he just go to neo namek

>SSJB Trunks would obviously put up a much better fight than SSJG Goku did
>better than Goku
>a trunksfag actually thought this
my sides are in orbit

what the hell is SSJW and SSJR

also doesnt future trunks eventually have join the time patrol?

future earth doesnt have enough industrial capacity or scientists like bulma anymore to build a spaceship

Probably. Seems most likely unless Trunks talks his way out of it.

I know that. I'm just saying that Trunks would be able to put up a better fight against Future Beerus than Goku did against Present Beerus.

Why doesn't he take goku to the future so he can teleport them there
Why doesn't dead future goku use his free day to go to earth and teleport them there
Why doesn't King Kai ask the namekians to use the dragon balls to restore the earth

Stay mad Kakarotfag

>what the hell is SSJW and SSJR

Super Saiyan White like I already explained and SSJR is Super Saiyan Rose if those episode titles are to be believed concerning Black.

>also doesnt future trunks eventually have join the time patrol?

Xenoverse isn't canon.

>Why doesn't King Kai ask the namekians to use the dragon balls to restore the earth

>After all these years King Kai finally does something
