>mfw a 10 year old can write better code than 90% of the fags on this board
>mfw no face
Mfw a 10 year old can write better code than 90% of the fags on this board
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Why would I bother learning how to write code?
>uses language that parses indent
>uninitialised local variable s
>input function uses ; as a separator
>while and func don't use enclosing parentheses but if does
>no closing parenthesis at the end
Excuse me for having learned sensible languages.
I'm on Sup Forums of course I don't know how to do anything
At least I'm not a virgin
yeah but I kick his ass
What language is that supposed to be? C? C++? I'm not actually sure, because I don't see any semicolons at the end of any of the lines. And then there's shit like 'endwhile'. I'm guessing it might be PHP, but again, the structure is all wrong. And what the fuck is with the weird assembly line numbers on the side? That ain't how it works.
It's a cute attempt but it's not programming.
That shit won't even compile
How is s uninitialized? Literally initialized on the first line of code. It's a float.
Anyway OP I learned to code when I was 12 and that code you posted looks like a retard made the language. Suck me.
>digimon fan projects insecurity
I think a lot of BASIC variants used such "line" numbers?
Also while might use a parenthesis, but because there's only one line it's not necessary. And there is a closing parenthesis around the one statement that uses it.
Nope, PHP ends each line with semicolons and also looks fucking NOTHING like that. Looks a lot closer to a traditional OOP language than PHP.
Possibly, but that sure as hell isn't BASIC. It's some bastard programming language that won't ever work.
Looks so silly to have what is clearly a higher level language have those line numbers. You'd just code that shit in a notepad.
What exactly does this program do?
The context for this is that the guy is analyzing the program found written on the walls the inside of a huge ass battery which makes a whole factory operational
Once upon a time BASIC used line numbers as GOTO and GOSUB targets. More modern implementations use labels for GOTO and actual sub/function definition syntax.
It appears to be a function that draws a fractal on a screen. So... completely useless for a battery.
But can he block?
Honestly, the Digimon fanbase was even more autistic than MLPfags
I can't believe that whole "are you a believer" shit actually happened
this is how shitty Sup Forums fags code and try and fit in on Sup Forums
stop crossboarding faggots
Bitch I am literally at Microsoft right now, programming shit.
there are people who think coding requires skill outside of enterprise-scale design and competitive coding
I just... I don't know
He's apparently writing this in order to decipher the mysterious code written on the wall
Does that make any sense?
>Suck me
Huh? This is a Christain board.
How much you charge?
Just started learning Ruby so they probably could.
>more autistic
>"are you a believer"
Bamco know this and that they have it going for them. All they have to do is keep pulling the right heartstrings and rake in the money.
I'm never going to fit in. I don't have your surly bitch attitude.
Not in the slightest. It literally draws fractals, if it worked, which it does not.
>6 monitors with 2 vertical
wait a minute, that setup
>same screen positions
>taskbar, steam and Sup Forums in same screens
>How is s uninitialized? Literally initialized on the first line of code. It's a float.
Not him, but in some languages (C/++), it's good practice to assign the variable to an initial value (like 'float s = 0.0;'). Otherwise, it's possible that 's' will be created with some fucked up values, screwing things up down the line.
Stop talking like you know shit when you can't even differentiate between initialization and declaration.
it's not just "good practice", you're supposed to do do it if you're gonna start incrementing it from zero because C and C++ won't do this for you.
They were designed during a time when implicit variable initialization was seen as wasteful.
It's not like there arent text editors or use that display line numbers.
Do you do everything in notepad?
You guys are actually stupid as fuck. You just fixed this kids homework for him.
i do everything in nano, it's basically the linux equivalent
That's alright, we have sysadmin.
I see. I've only taken one C++ programming course, so I wasn't aware of any other useful reasons to initialize. The only times where I've incremented a variable explicitly from zero were in for-loops, but we generally declare/initialize the variable in the local scope: for (int i = 0; i < blah; ++i).
what's going on in this thread?
>not using emacs for everything
That's actually from an anime
Why are all programming classes this obtuse and wordy?
It reinforces bad habits and takes all the fun out of programming.
I took a java class once and it killed my interest in programming until I learned C from a book.
Then suddenly, every bizarre java concept made sense.
Schools are shit for programming in general.
>more than 90% of Sup Forums doesn't know how to do something that isn't considered to be basic/standard needs
OP is, as always, a faggot.
>Why are all programming classes this obtuse and wordy?
Because most of them are designed so anyone can understand and pass them, not just those with a knack for it.
I don't quite follow. I wrote pretty much the simplest for-loop I could think of, and I can't see what 'bad habit' comes from it.
Why, it's awful. use something better like vim, emacs or just a standard text editor. Nano is just plain awful.
Well koshiro is a genius.
My nigga, I can't wait for emacs 25 to get the browser so I can do literally everything including browsing the web and post on Sup Forums in emacs.
What's wrong with nano?
Are you dependent on babby-mode shit like autocomplete or something?
It's not like nano is devoid of features, you get bracket matching, regex-based syntax highlighting, search+replace, cutbuffer, etc.
>What's wrong with nano?
It makes you look like a pleb that can't use a decent text editor like vim or emacs. I bet your co-workers give you funny looks when they see you using it and talk about you behind your back.
Nano is for anons who want to feel smug they're not using notepad. It's great if you want to make a quick edit, but it's just notepad with syntax highlighting and line numbering, use a proper editor like vim or emacs.
Is swift language worth learning? I am an amateur programmer using C# atm but want to get into iOS.
Not using Butterflies to deflect incoming cosmic rays and strike the drive platter
I bet you spend more time ricing your editor and installing plugins than actually writing code.
vim is designed for people who type on homerow
the nav keys are purposefully non-standard shit like ghjk or whatever.
I don't type homerow, plus, I already have nano's shortcuts muscle memoried.
you might as well be asking me to relearn how to type
Damn I always wanted to learn how to code to create my own applications. What should I do first? Learn advanced maths or something like that?
>learning anything related to apple
Fuck off, back to your shithole.
math can be learned, you just need basic arithmetic and maybe some trig if you want to generate 2D shapes programatically
3D graphics requires a decent base in linear algebra
most programming is basically CRUD shit and this requires no math at all
Just learn Java, everyone loves Java right now.
I hate Java.
Depends on the application and the language. Math above a high school level isn't really necessary for a lot of what you'll do starting out.
Is your name pajeet?
Only diploma mill indians enjoy java.
They were taught to write it on paper and never even touched a computer until they were imported wholesale into the IT industry.
Digimon is written in Go
BTFO pokemon go
I mean, is there any guide for dummies? I was pretty average in maths and there was this nerdy guy programming cool stuff in his laptop years ago.
I would like to program applications in iOS for example, but seems like comments like makes me believe programming for Apple is not a good idea.
>believing shitposters
Just do whatever you want. Any "guide for dummies" isn't going to help you much in the long run, it's better to just go balls deep and see what you're capable of. There's nothing to offer here that you can't find on google.
You're locking yourself into a developer ecosystem that's actively hostile to it's developers and open source in general.
You're not allowed to run unsigned apps on iOS devices without purchasing a $99/year developer license that allows you to run non-app store apps on your devices for testing.
This is something that android lets you do for free and freely encourages using the android SDK and adb.
First google some tutorials. I dont know shit bout apple, but I've heard Swift is the new shit right now.
For windows go C++ or C#. Screw Java
1. Choose your language based on what you want to do. Android uses Java so for mobile software you'll need it. For desktops Python and C/++ will serve for almost all purposes. For web development you'll need PHP and markup languages.
2. Google "language_name for dummies".
3. Install software and start coding shit. You can copypaste errors and questions into google and it'll give you the tailored answer on stackoverflow.
>I've heard Swift is the new shit right now.
I've been doing some Swift programming and it's pretty neat.
Oh guys dont ruin it. Let him go into iOS. I probably wont see it, but feels good when someone fell for these apple faggets.
I rather have Sup Forums crossboarders than the cancerous Sup Forumsermin polluting Sup Forums right now.
>For web development you'll need PHP
What kind of a shithole did you crawl out of?
If I knew how to write code I wouldn't be a NEET.
Yes you would.
You act like you cannot be a NEET and programmer at the same time. Make it a hobby of yours or something, have fun with it.
I see, I thought you needed high skills in maths to be a programmer because this nerdy guy told me its better not to be a programmer or program at all if your math skills is not outstanding.
Yeah, the nerdy guy was top notch in my class
Plenty of NEETs write code, who do you think maintains Linux programs?
I thought Sup Forums loved to program?
Sup Forums does, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are good friends. Sup Forums is called techloli/g/y for a reason.
I sucked at maths, but for programming you only need basic operations and logic to create apps.
You see those subnormals called youtubers releasing their cheap ass games and apps? If those mongrels can do it, why you cant?
Its not easy, but its not hard either.
Post his desktop
learning to program wont change anything.
>its not easy
>its not hard
Then what is it?
How long did you take to learn programming? Weeks? Months? Years?
It took me about 6 months of self-study until it finally clicked with me.
Different user, but you get what you put into it user. If you practice very little, it'll take you forever to learn it.
3 weeks and I already knew the basics. 2 months and I already could create apps.
Just do it, Only annoying thing is is finding a language to start out with that you can get accustomed to.
Learning to program is easy, writing algorithms and writing good efficient program code is much harder.
If you want to really test yourself try:
a lot of the problems have an obvious "brute force" solution, but that solution will take hours maybe days to compute an answer, you need to implement a better more efficient solution to get to an answer in a reasonable amount of time. I've only managed to do about 10 of the questions so far, but it's good fun.
Dunno what kind of programmers and
are, but it will take some time. Anyone saying you can learn it in 6 months or even weeks is fucking lying and should cut their balls off for misinforming.
Guide for dummies.
First: Pick the language you want to learn and look up their pros and cons.
Second: Pick your IDE and learn what the fuck you can do with it. (For example, I use netbeans and Eclipse to program in Java).
Third: Start programing logic stuff before going into apps.
Lastly: Nver fucking stop practicing. Create shitty stuff like a calculator or whatever but never stop practicing. A colleague forgot how to program already after living 5 years in a shit 3rd world country and not programming at all.
And thats it.
But I really dont unserstand the pros and cons of each language.
>Anyone saying you can learn it in 6 months or even weeks is fucking lying and should cut their balls off for misinforming.
The guy asked how long it takes to learn "programming".
If you want to get technical you will never learn "programming"completely, but 6 months is a fair estimate for how long it takes to get into a programmer's "mindset", how to use variables, functions and be capable of both identifying problems and knowing where to look to find solutions.
Programming in its purest form is problem solving. If you know how to split a problem into smaller chunks until you get something you can manage with your current knowledge, then you're already set in my opinion.
Languages are just tools, the syntax can be learned in a day because they're almost all the same.
The only difference is the scope of what you'e doing.
Are you flipping bits at the CPU register level or are you working over an incredibly abstracted API designed to retrieve data from some website?
What can't be learned in a day is the fundamentals of programming because it takes time learning how to solve a problem programatically.
Then fuck off and go back to your shithole.
Damn I just wanted to create something like an app or a game like Flaping Bird.
These seem like pretty basic things you can do with the basic math operators and loops which are good to know well but seem more like math solving than programming.
I'd say programming is more about structure i.e. creating good and scalable solutions and learning to interact with already existing stuff.
The basic stuff is a lot of the same in each language. Just pick C++ or Java and go with it. Once you learn one it's not hard to pick another. Java is like easy version where you have no control over anything and it runs like shit. C++ is where you actually need to dive deeper and manage memory and stuff.
I'm going into engineering major and though it's not required, I feel like learning programming would help getting ahead.
What language should I learn? I guess C and C++ would be good to do shit with arduino? I also heard that PHP is a good language to start learning with.
Programming to make simple games is easier if you use programs like Gamemaker or Unity. I'd look up tutorials on the one you pick to make the game you want.
What about something like an online store or e commerce?
They are basic things you can do with simple math operators and for loops, but for many of the problems that approach will mean you're waiting days for your code to finish executing to give you an answer, the point is to create a solution that is efficient and can solve the problem in minutes which is a challenge and does teach you good programming skills. Though some of the stuff is far too mathematical for my taste.
Did you mean to post on Sup Forums, retard?