Really makes you think...
Bernie's Twitter
Out of curiosity, what is the median Jewish family's wealth?
Ban Michael Jordan sneakers!
er g-goyim you are asking the wrong question!
These statistics are based off bank statistics and they're misleading because blacks and mexicans don't trust (((banks))) and don't put their money in them.
Why are Jews always stirring the pot?
lol reading Sup Forums i would really actually believe that the median income is 100k seeing how we have so many millionaire jetsetters always posting about how their dad works at nintendo
>liberal reads this
Whites must be taxes
>non nigger reads this
niggers are retards who can't save money
Those that do put their money in banks don't keep it there for long because they blow it on luxuries.
What did he mean by this?
Also, define 'wealth'
>using median instead of the mean
According to a few statistics 44% of all Jews earn over 100k a year
What does he mean by wealth? Does that include the value of assets like houses, cars, etc? If it does that would mean my shitty ass car is worth more than the median black and latino family wealth combined. That doesn't sound right.
Its simple finish your school and university and youll make that money, but most blacks and latin prefer to be wannabe gangsters or rappers
This mother fucker has 5 large houses and numerous cars.
Race war is profitable
This. This is the punchline, folks. Pay attention retards
Latinx (pronounced: Latin-X) is a gender neutral term often used in lieu of Latino or Latina that refers to individuals with cultural ties to Latin America
Gender neutral form of latino/latina being pushed by the usual suspects.
Why don't these losers have any clue what they're talking about ?
Bernie Sanders, Public Servant.
Owns 3 homes.
Owns land.
Owns $100,000 sports car.
Makes you wonder.
Average American lives paycheck to paycheck.
imagine if he called in a tactical nuke when he hit 25 kills
Median nigger IQ: 70
Median spic IQ: 85
Median white IQ: 100
This is simply biology.
>implying you can't hear a gun with a suppressor
She's just upset that her books not selling user
Race is a social construct.
Modern Orthodox Jews are affluent. The study found that the group had a median household income of $158,000, nearly triple the American median of $59,000 in 2016. The highest earning were the Open Orthodox at $185,000.
A large portion of the income is dedicated to day school tuition, which in some places can top $40,000 per child per year. The survey found that 83 percent of Modern Orthodox parents send their kids to Orthodox day school; 90 percent of respondents called the cost of tuition a “serious problem.”
The group is also highly educated. More than 90 percent attained a bachelor’s degree, and more than 60 percent have a postgraduate or professional degree. And nearly one-fifth attended Yeshiva University, the flagship academic institution of Modern Orthodoxy.
Lmao was about to mention this perhaps median means something else in America or bernie cant be bothered to shill correctly.
But he doesn't get regular haircuts and dresses like shit so he is just like one of us ordinary plebs r-right?
Where's the Asian median wealth?
>Owns $100,000 sports car.
Dumb burger
Don't they also have that huge lump sum of money that they pay into so they can send their children to Israel? I wonder how much that normally is
What does latinX mean kurwa?
So Sup Forums why you think the average niggers and latinos are so fucking lazy and dumb ?
What can I say, superiority breeds jealousy
They would say "the area they live in" or that it's history's fault they're at a disadvantage but from what I've seen growing up in Texas, niggers and Latinos are counting on gibbs from the government so they can have 10 children and not pay for them.
That guy is so fucking pathetic.
What d-does the amount of m-money someone m-makes have to d-do with anything goy?
They do, they're spreading disinformation on purpose. They know anyone who still follows them doesn't fact-check, and (((Hollywood))) has been pushing that particular lie for decades
>superiority breeds jealousy
>muh jews
it sure does.
That's the problem with median. If you count Bill Gates and like 4 other mega rich people.
All of a sudden all sudden "median" wealth goes way up.
Median non Christian but actually Jewish (((white))) family wealth
>fucking kike bastard
And yet his solution would be to bring down whites instead of raising the others.
Israel is a shithole relying on US aids to survive.
You are the walfare queen of countries.
Silly goyim,
Is Latinx more accepted than simply Latin and how?
The United States of America never cease to amaze me.
Oh sweety, 3.8 billion a year is less than 1% of our GDP
>hurr durr whities go to college more and have higher paying jobs
>instead of encouraging everyone else to do better let's give whites a disadvantage to make everyone equal
It's like these people never have a coherent thought longer than a few seconds
bernie sanders is communist jew
There is a difference.
Disgusting fucking Jews fucking the American people from inside our government is not quite the same.
Bernie “I score cheap shots by sucking BBC”Sanders
All he is doing is demonstrating the dishonest kikery that you lot of rats are famous for.
>jealous of liars, shit stirrers and cheats?
Sure we are rat boy
What about Asian and Indian?
I remember an article that blacks and Mexicans wealth will be $0 by 2050. I think that will come sooner.
>GDP equates tax revenue on said GDP
Does he mean median Jewish family?
Why does everybody in government always assume race-based averages being drastically different must be because of "institutional racism". Why do they never consider the other possibilities?
Ok sweety, whatever you say
That cunt was pro-actively socialist DURING THE COLD WAR when people were dying trying to flee East Germany.
How can you give somebody that cold and inhuman any of your time? Leftists bewilder me.
Than why do you need handouts from foreign bodies kike?
The rest of your GDP is extorted from guilt ridden Germans.
No mention of Asian = fake news
I agree, niggers shouldn't even have a cent. Who did they steal that $1,700 from
It is used to refer to latino + latina together.
Look at you, like a little child that blames his big brother of cheating because he's losing in monopoly.
What's the median jewish family wealth ?
Anyone who is not Black or Latino is White in Bernie's world.
>direct descendants of hebrews
You are direct descendants of steppe gook rape babies in the Caucasus
Agree with Bernie. Blacks and Mexicans need to work harder.
Well maybe they should start working and stop nigging around.
Median is the proper analytical tool for non-symmetrical data such as household income.
Ideally mean household income should fall while median household income should rise.
Aww, did I make your face red? take a rest sweetypumpkins
Came here to post this
That's retarded, when you absolutely must use it, we do it like this latino/latina or latino(a).
Atah rotzeh lidfok b'pol?
Tell me, is Bernie Sanders white or Jewish? Or is he a deceptive little rat who flip flops identity when it suits him in order to benefit as much as possible, whilst race baiting.
>AKA typical kike
>No morals
>No integrity
>No soul
jew tactics
You're trying a bit to hard at this point.
>median nigger family wealth is what i make as a min wage dishwasher with overtime 4 days a week
No but seriously, where's the Median Jewish family?
>citing Jewish privilege
Remember the Holocaust.
>unironically using “Latinx”
kill me, I’m glad this kike didn’t get in office
The average IQ for Jews in the US is 107. 104 for Whites. 100 is the IQ for Whites in West Virginia. Also if Jews are so smart specifically ashkenazi Jews they why are they actually dying off? The US is just becoming less White as a %, the Jewish population is actually declining. Oh Btw 2.8% of White Americans are Jews but 10% of White Americans who die are Jews.
and the median white non-jewish wealth while we're at it
Where is my $116,800?
Bernie has obviously lumped them in with whites by (((accident)))
>unironically being this butthurt about being a kike
Isn't that the correct way to do it? If you used the mean it'd probably be even higher.
ani stam meshuamam verotze ligrom lestumim po lehitbachyen
Unlike whitey, Jews have morals
Bernie owns 3 houses. Bernie call fuck off and die now.
that's income, not net worth
blacks and whites have similar incomes (relative to jews), roughly 38k to 55k respectively. not a huge difference.
where they differ is in net worth - bernie's tweet is correct. However, what he fails to point out is that MOST of that difference in value is in the home. white families are more likely to own a home. they are more likely to own a home, because mom and dad are more likely to be married and be able to make mortgage payments together.
as with everything, they will point to anything else before admitting that the biggest problem with these racial divides is the behavior of black people, particularly the dissolution of the black family unit, due to welfare and democrats.
unfortunately, these trends are starting to infect white communities. it begins with the dissolution of the family.
>implying that wasn't his plan from the get go