The final blow to leftism

>coffee pot
>muh man kapernick
>our military

Was this the final blow to leftism? This permanently solidified leftist/hollywood as the lame out-of-touch establishment in the minds of any moderates or Gen Zers.

But it's just a music video right? Wrong, it is the desperate left's last ditch effort trying to win back the public on their side. They are wheeling out every celebrity they can think of, throwing anything against the wall to see if it will stick.

They have nothing left. There is literally nothing left. They think they are going to try and re-ignite the momentum they had during the Bush administration with all of their celebrities being contrarian but it is not working.

Coffee pot man was the end, I guarantee it.

Other urls found in this thread:

The fact that they used everything they have.
And they are still going to lose.
How demoralizing for them.

You think the Democrats will lose the 2020 election?

hahaha rural working class people are so dumb they're like "HE GON' GIT RID OF ALL IMMIGRUNTS"

t.Multi millionaire musician

How much further are they going to dig to try and find something?

I thought Bill Nye was fucking pathetic, but holy shit eminem? Are they going to track down Steve from Blue's Clues next and have him do a 3 minute video about the rising fascism in America with sad piano music behind it?

They are out of arguments. They're out of celebrities. They're social engineering platforms are crumbling.

What the fuck are they going to do?

that's all up to the economy. Bottomline in is that Americans vote with their wallets in mind, especially so when one of the canidates is an incumbent

the democrats are absolutely fucked from this presidency forth.
if trump doesn't get re-elected he'll put all his money into a rand paul ticket. They have been getting along fairly well recently.


We all know you Pakis are freaked out by Trump, I hope he wins for this reason alone.

The economy improved within a few weeks of Trump taking presidency simply because investors, business owners, and consumers knew that business-friendly policies were coming so they had no problem loosening up some money.

Obama couldn't have left a worse taste in the average American's mouth, financially speaking. That stupid faggot was out golfing every day while the midwest rustbelt was in fucking shambles. The stupid fat-lipped nigger never even addressed it, just pretended it wasn't happening.

Dems haven't helped with that since they still haven't put together a platform that even mentions economics (except that completely embarassing meme Schumer posted that was 100% identical to Trump's platform). Dems are still talking about completely retarded social issues that the average person doesn't give a fuck about

You almost have to wonder if they are intentionally destroying themselves on the world stage for some greater conspiracy

Why did he draw his beard on with shoe polish?

Why are the foreigners even scared of Trump? It's not like he even threatened to do anything more to them than implementing tougher immigration policies

Wouldn't mind if he got re-elected desu.

Coffee pot man thread?
Coffee pot man thread

Post your best coffee pots
New additions are welcome






Coffee pot
Coffee pot
Oh I love my coffee pot


Its a global organisation


Someone translate lyrics to video, I'm unfamiliar with that dialect of Ebonics.

Also, why is that niggers skin so light?

The pol response is unironically better

the most notable thing about the political swing, is that all these groups who were always "fuck politicians fuck news fuck the government" all of a sudden are like "oh our government is great the news is great politicians are great"

all the stuff these people have bitched about, is leading the opposition to trump. instead of embracing a challenger to the people they blamed for everything, they suddenly swapped sides

Wtf was this even?
>check my daily jewtubes
>Find Alex Jones in full on beast mode on guy i thought died of aids.
>search and find slim shady vid. Makes my balls shrivel, check Sup Forums , they have made autismo battle rap.
>get hammered fall asleep.

Is that the version with the edited coffee pot?
We don't take kindly to that
Honestly if we can get a good editor to cut the motorhead
We could cut that song to 4 minutes I'm sure

the right can't meme


was it all really one big starbucks ad?

the right can't meme enough for me to stop being a faggot you mean I'm sure

Hot coffee pot.

Or maybe an IHOP one?
Caught at a Speedway
And they're out of stirring sticks
Momma, just poured a cup
The coffee pot is gone
And the filters are used and done



god bless

>everyone behind him is a retarded looking nigger
Wow slimcuck is so cool and hip, look at all these retarded niggers who like him.

it's not him its an mkultra clone



>You almost have to wonder if they are intentionally destroying themselves on the world stage for some greater conspiracy
This is what I think is happening, because they are so obviously showing their hand.


The "line in the sand" is being drawn .. it's the degenerate rap thug and hollywood degeneracy vs the everyday normie and the country folks. I think for the most part, thuggin and buggin is on it's way out.

>when you find out the coffee is decaf
>and your boss tells you did you know it was decaf?

Had to explain to him what a placebo is.
He's a poo, but he's not a bad poo


fuck britney and nsync too

You do realize that these videos, anti-trump (((comedians))), etc are at an all time high in popularity

Sure it solidifies your hatred toward them, but it's working on normies

You have to admit, it was pretty funny seeing a white rapper who made his fortune with singles about doing drugs, killing homosexuals, and beating women, suddenly try to turn that around and shill every single dying leftist bulletpoint given to him by the ADL. He became everything he used to make fun of in an effort to buy his way back into relevancy.

He might have more money than you or me, but that was quantum-level patheticness you or I could never achieve.

Coffee pot tho

Someone please post the vacaroo so I can listen to it again.

>the best part of waking up
>is that black tar in your cup


>all time high in popularity

ok champ

What are you even typing about lol

>While America was laughing at Twitter and watching YouTube videos, late night was slipping. Writing in the Transom, Ben Domenech of The Federalist points out that the late-night viewership of ABC, CBS, plus NBC this week barely broke 8 million viewers. Not long ago retired NBC funnyman Jay Leno was bringing in 6 million viewers all on his own.

coffee pot did nothing wrong

I'm genuinely curious: what does the average gen z'er think of eminem? Is he cool or is he wack?


Got you famallama
Covfefe pot even

I'd be willing to bet it's mostly indifference.

Gen Z was born back when he was at his peak. They have no idea who this asshole even is.

He's 45 or something, lol.

Still too young to drink coffee
Skim Shady is targeting the millennials and boomers with this new one

Can this also be the death of Hip Hop "culture" too please? For christ's sake, it just doesn't go away. At least disco had the decency to die and go away, garbage urban music and culture just seems to be constantly lingering for the last 20 years

It's even better because he used to talk so much trash about older rappers desperately trying to claw their way back into relevancy.

Let's be real tho
If you drink it black
And if you take it with cream and sugar

Has edgy art always been this gay? I guess it makes sense that popular music can't be truely controversial, but I mean has it ever been not as embarassing as this?

lol @ the 50 year old and his nigger pets


Why did he rap about a coffee pot?

I think we're on the verge of turning away from Old Media en mass Won't be long until people start burning all their DVDs Cd magazines etc.

If the economy is good in 2020, democrats will lose badly

(TV) viewership numbers don't mean shit in the age of YouTube. On pretty much any weekday John Oliver, Colbert, Seth Meyers, or Trevor Noah have a video in the top 5 trending with a high ratio of likes:dislikes. You can say that YouTube is bumping them up all you want, but the reality is that these people have become annoyingly popular because all they do is shit talk trump all day

WE is not a good source if you want an actual opinion that would challenge you


Probably because it's easy to reach a mediocre level of ability with it. Sure, the good stuff takes talent, but you won't find a musical genre with a taller median point.

Disco you had to be able to sing and play bass and get a crowd going and shit, fuck, that's hard. For about $100 you can buy bleeding edge samples online and choke out a medicore hip hop thing.


holy shit that was actually legit good, RIP eminem

Ran Paul will be Trumps running mate in 2020. Check it.

i almost believe this. his nose seems weird. and wasn't he blond? i seem to remember blond stubble back in the day

with almost 100% certainty. One thing to know about the US, only twice in this nations history has the opposite party won after their opponents only serving one term.

Usually, if you win once, the party nominates you again and its in the bag with the public for a second term, then we will lose in 2024 (so long as everything hasn't started HAPPENING)

Yeah but no one makes money on YouTube

(((They))) also give them all the ads they can possibly have on their videos, they don't get demonetized like the rest of YouTube.

>all the stuff these people have bitched about, is leading the opposition to trump. instead of embracing a challenger to the people they blamed for everything, they suddenly swapped sides

That's been the game for decades. You just finally woke up.

Coffee pot, coffee pot
I'm a fucking laughing stock
Damigo punching Moldylocks
it's damn good, of course

blues clues
no jews
ted cruz
fake news
blowin on kazoos
niggers have low IQs


Cause there's an awful lot in his coffee pot
Comped till he rots
Barrels still hot

since when do rappers rap about lower taxes being bad? he's clearly just a mouth piece of the dnc.. makes you wonder what they've got on him.

Middle America starts their day off with a nice hearty fresh cup of piping hot joe
Speaking off Joe, isn't this gonna start a beef cuz he's stepping on his territory?

Hows life sniffing glue in Honduras?

>Out of touch
>Still worshipping rich loving and Jew controlled Trump

You're just blind

>One thing to know about the US, only twice in this nations history has the opposite party won after their opponents only serving one term.

This isn't true at all, I know of at least 3 from the top of my head. Bush (lost to Clinton), Carter (lost to Reagan), Hoover (FDR). I'm sure there's more.

They've already lost. Screen cap this :)

My coffee pot is charging
While I’m out there bargaining
With Jews while you’re being petty
Oops I drop moms spaghetti


*close up of intensely contemplative black person*

cause its hot should he? prolly not

God dam thats good shit.

I never claimed they were. Just that the left has only become more popular by shitting on trump. OP seems to think this stuff is backfiring, I don't think that is correct and support my position with the surge in popularity these late night show hosts had before and after trump

Eminem has THAT beard growth that always looks like it's painted on

>finger click, finger click, finger click

>democrats are leftists
>globalists are leftists
>jews are leftists
>capitalists are leftists
>anyone I don't like is a leftist

This is why I don't come here much.

inb4 leftypol

Read a fucking book.

Is coffee pot the mum's spaghetti of 2017?