The USA is finally losing its hegemony and there's nothing Trump and its master (Israel) can do about it

The USA is finally losing its hegemony and there's nothing Trump and its master (Israel) can do about it

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obviously not you subhuman sandnigger to fill the void

heil islem

I'd join jihad for that qt

What happened did al Tanf get abandoned or something

tfw no muslim qt to bear your 11 children

Most young muslim girls are hungry for white cock, they're just too scared of their dads to do anything more than hookups

give it a generation and muslim women will be the biggest skanks

islam will be eroded much like Christianity

I'd lick the whole crack. White women can't even compete.

I agree with you to some extent, I went for a job interview and this Pakistani chick walked in, she was fucking hot, she sat right next to me and we made eye contact even got to small talk to her before the interview.
The employer had to make us introduce ourselves and when I did, a lot of the girls giggled (in a sexual way) it was quite satisfying, although I didn't get the job

>in a sexual way
you remind me of a mate of mine when a woman looks at him for 2 seconds he thinks she wants his dick

No no no, I'm basically a shut in but there was an obvious difference in the sound tones. I did look my best and handsome that day.

I get a lot of sex to recognise the signs.

the white manlet frustration in 2 posts

meanwhile Marie and Jane are converting for marriage with Ahmed and Hakeem

is she assyrian?


judging by her headband she's palestinian & idk the gene pool of palestine

6'2" you insecure faggot

and another frustration post
>i have to prove that i'm alpha by posting my height on Sup Forums!!!
you might as well try to gain some confidence

why post your girls if you don't want us to lust over them?

Either Assyrian or Persian, she has a slightly receding chin, so I cannot tell for sure at least learn the major groups that existed in the middle east.
Palestenians are semites...

thats why you hurry up to die and get your 72 virgins?

Attention whoring, he's mostly posting whores.
Most of the really good looking muslim women don't whore themselves in social media, at least where I come from.

Fuuug iranian QTs

Newsflash. Everyone is climbing the hierarchy ladder. Men do it with their wallets. Women use a part of their anatomy.

palestin are mostly Egyptian arabs

>believes that the Quran talks about 72 virgins
you're more jihadi than me

>Height = Alpha
Do you want me to explain how I know you are a virgin?

>Egyptian Arabs
Somehow both Templarfags and ISIS fags seem to manage to exist on the same retarded wavelength.
Palestine are semites, like Yemen, or Saudi.
Egypt like all bufferpoint countries, like mine, are full of mongrels, that's why there were basically Egyptian pharaohs from basically every different race in the region, including Anatolians and Hellenics.

you're the one who used your height to prove that you're not a beta
never implied that palestinians weren't semites, semite doesn't mean 1 single ethnic groupe ya hmar

Actually it does, you're just simply ignorant in racial matters to know. :^)
A common mistake for beginners.

jews and arabs don't belong to the same ethnic group even though they share a lot of DNA

There was 1500 years between the first pharaoh, namer, and the building of the Pyramids of Giza, then 2600 years between the pyramids and the last pharaoh cleopatra who died 2000 years ago. Egypt is old.

You're both children of shem, by your own religious account even. It's like scottish/irish. Who gives a fuck.

She's a south american model with head band with those arabic letters badly photoshopped by OP.

Are you sure? She sure resembles Syrian and Iranian chicks.


Yes, man. Let try to find in the archive. She has an instagram or something

>uses Jihadi flag, the ideology that is funded by US/Israeli hegemony
If you're going to make a bait thread at least try not to show how blue pilled you are.

>Jihad was founded by US and Israel

I clearly said 'is funded' not 'was founded'.

Kek are you telling me Iran doesn't fund jihad

We'll mostly get Europeans if this passes.

>No no no, I'm basically a shut in but there was an obvious difference in the sound tones. I did look my best and handsome that day.
>I get a lot of sex to recognise the signs.
aussie shit posters are next level


Why would Iran fund groups that destabilise its allies?

>The USA is finally losing its hegemony
thats the plan
>and there's nothing Trump and its master (Israel) can do about it
do about it? that's the plan they came up with

| Sara Orrego.
Never trust the French Algerian OP

Yes their is. Countries like china we're built up on purpose as a pretend threat to justify military spending, just like islamic terrorists were funded for the same purpose. They could pull the plug on china, russia, india, any of these countries at any minute.

The degenerate era of American-Jewish hegemony is coming to an end.

Thanks Portubro, she's a looker.

>People on /pol are looking forward to the chink world order

If you retards had the cognitive ability to put two and two together you would be shilling US propaganda non-stop

>Most of the really good looking muslim women don't whore themselves in social media, at least where I come from.

Goat's can't use computers or smartphones anywhere in the world Mustafá

Shouldn’t you be worried about the collapse of your “country” Pedro

That decline lasted 8 seconds m8


The Western states are already going after Islam like they went after christianity

sorry bro but your dumb as fuck

I don't get it
why do muslims even keep fighting?
what's the point of fighting a country capable of producing assault drones and powered infantry exosekeltons when all the best you can produce on your own is a 17th century unguided iron rocket and stones to throw?

It keeps collapsing every few decades, why should I care, of all people?