As Native American, I demand an apology from whites.
As Native American, I demand an apology from whites
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shiny beads
*coughs at you*
95% of those 100 million deaths were from diseases before whitey ever showed up in large numbers. Sorry if you can't handle the truth.
When will Native Americans apologies for the genocide of the Greenlandic aboriginals in the 15th century?
red nigger btfo
Wow, 100 million of you and you couldn't stop a few hundred British farmers. That's embarrassing.
sorry you suck.
That's because unlike white devil we are peaceful people. Now apologize
in my country the natives got state-sized reserves, tax exemptions, all sorts of gibs and even immunity from the fucking law. Plus all the benefits of civilization like toilets, actual medicines (not jungle bullshit) and electricity. I'm sure you got the same benefits on the US, plus some casinos. You deserve nothing more.
sorry you couldn't handle your firewater chief
now hit me I'm splitting this pair of jacks
How many native americans did native americans kill?
I'm sorry
Practiced cannibalism right up until they all died of smallpox.
Suck a dick tipi nigger
they are inflating numbers. 100 million is 1/3rd of the usa now. where is the evidence of such a large past population?
>lived on the most resource rich continent for thousands of years
>never bothered to invent the wheel
Tough shit asshole. Maybe if you retards had pulled your heads out of your asses and learned what farming was you could have mounted some sort of defense when we showed up.
You were sitting on a goldmine and were too stupid to exploit it for your own benefit.
I wish We would have killed all of you.
You got conquered. It's the history of the world. Deal with it.
Why do LARPers, liberals and actual Indians always say this? Indigeneous North Americans were violent, warlike and cruel unto full-blown genocide before Whitey got here.
You can buy all the fire water you could ever want now, thanks to your shitty casino giving you a check for no reason other than you exist. Why are you complaining? How did you get to keep your phone in detox?
I have never fucked a girl with perfect tits like that, yet. I hope I will.
In their liberal shitmemes.
saddens me more than the natives
I could be out shooting buffalo with an AR while riding an ATV right now
My favorite part of this story is the Indian could have sued him and the city for millions. But guess what? He was no where you be found when his court date came, because surprise surprise. He was drinking instead
There weren't ever a hundred million people in the Americas before the Europeans came.
And why the fuck do leftist retards keep blaming Europeans for diseases? More Europeans died from those diseases than natives ever did, it isn't the Europeans fault that their ancestors developed resistance against them—and modern Europeans were the ones who eradicated them permanently as soon as they possibly could. It's such a stupid fucking accusation, I cannot believe people actually blame Whites for it.
Peaceful people! hahahahahaha
Check'd n Kek'd.
I didn't know diseases converted to christianity
Well for one it is referring to the entirety of the Americas not just the USA. But with that said 100 million is the absolute highest estimate for the amount of natives that lived in the Americas pre-contact and the vast majority of historians would put it at at least half that. More importantly as I'm sure all of you know the vast majority of natives that died were from disease and virtually all of that disease was spread unintentionally.
>biggest genocide
mainly due to disease and other indirect circumstances
So indirectly trying to kill a race of people on purpose is a genocide, eh?
but you can
Over 100 million were killed by communism last century.
So try again you double dipped red devil.
But like. My teacher told me it was an honor and a privilege to be sacrificed. They totally weren't just captured slaves from neighboring tribes.
the more the merrier
a population of 100,000,000 living a hunter gatherer lifestyle? Bull-fucking-shit
that's aztec you imbecile
you should come up with aztec meme when you are trying to point out how bloodthirsty mexicans are. now apologize.
Leaf, the meme says "American soil" . They are trying to guilt the USA. Noone has ever called Brazil "American soil".
100 million is probably a stretch for even both North and South America combined.
And the Caribbean Indians gave Europeans syphilis, and they died from that for centuries later. No memes for that now.
with that reasoning we can say that the biggest genocide was the mongols bringing the bubonic plague to europe.
But they didn't faggot. Smallpox did, and guess what? smallpox has bee eradicated all but for a yogurt tub of it in a fridge in moscow or washington.
You can hunt buffalo now, dude
I remember having to research the Mayans online at school in like 4th grade, and I found this website that described their rituals, and it involved a guy cutting his dick off.
Never even close to that many natives between Canada and Mexico for more than the entire time we colonized the new world. And Vikings were Pagans.
I shit on your sub-human culture every day.
Indians were busy enslaving and killing each other long before Columbus showed up.
'In one form or another cannibalism has been practiced among probably all peoples at some period of their tribal life. Among the tribes which practiced it, in one or another of these forms, may be mentioned the Montagnais, and some of the tribes of Maine; the Algonkin, Armouchiquois, Micmac, and Iroquois; farther w. the Assiniboin, Cree, Foxes, Miami, Ottawa, Chippewa, Illinois, Kickapoo, Sioux, and Winnebago; in the S. the people who built the mounds in Florida, and the Tonkawa, Attacapa, Karankawa, Kiowa, Caddo, and Comanche; in the N. W. and W, portions of the continent, the Thlingchadinneh and other Athapascan tribes, the Tlingit, Heiltsuk, Kwakiutl, Tsimshian, Nootka, Siksika, some of the Californian tribes, and the Ute. There is also a tradition of the practice among the Hopi, and allusions to the custom among other tribes of Arizona and New Mexico . The Mohawk, and the Attacapa, Tonkawa, and other Texas tribes were known to their neighbours as "man-eaters."
Among the Iroquois, according to one of the Jesuit fathers, the eating of captives was considered a religious duty. Among the Heiltsuk, and recently among the Taimshian and Kwalciutl, cannibalism formed a part of one of their ceremonies. Several instances are recorded in which cannibalism was indulged in by individuals while in a frenzied state. Finally, it seems that among a few tribes, as the Tonkawa, Iroquois, and others, man-eating, though still with captives as the victims, was practiced on a larger scale, and with the acquired taste for human flesh as one, if not the chief, incentive; yet the Tonkawa, as well as some men long associated with them, declared that the eating of human flesh by them was only ceremonial.'
Source: James WHITE, ed., Handbook of Indians of Canada , Published as an Appendix to the Tenth Report of the Geographic Board of Canada , Ottawa , 1913, 632p., pp. 77-78."
Vikings didn't really do much
No more safe sex for him.
Sorry for supporting your failing culture and communities
Post dick pic plz
Still, it's a "I made it here first" policy, don't deny that it's their land and European settlers took it from them, cause they were too retarded to protect it.
Don't be ashamed for your ancestors actions, the weaks loses and the powerful triumphs, that's America's doctrine even before European settlers showed up.
yea you can
but they used to be abundant like wild pigs the south
imagine a heard you can't even see the other side of
just you and a mounted Gatling
truly born too late
Your (((teacher))) is a commie and likely turd burglar
>demanding an apology for not evolving enough in millions of years to withstand basic diseases
Go back to Asia. This is not your land either.
sorry, you were worshiping the wrong god though
That number (highest estimate btw) is used to determine the amount of Native American deaths from European colonization over 400 years. The vast and I mean fucking vast majority of Native population decline occurred in the highly more populated central and South American regions where the natives had established civilizations and empires unlike their basically stone aged cousins to the North. its bullshit basically
1. the vast majority of those are south of usa
2. the vast majority were bred out of existence and not killed, latinos are literally part spanish part native american, think about how many natives would have to be bred out of existence for there to be 1b?
3. whites carried diseases that they were immune to that the natives weren't, it's not intentional. this still exists, there are uncontacted tribes in brazil that nobody has gone near because they'd likely die
now stop crying and learn the reality of the situation
You can say that about anyone
>Immigrated from Africa, act like I own Europe
Go back to Siberia. Nobody asked you to come here.
>*coughs on you*
>*genocides your entire race*
maybe you should have brewed some tea, chief
fake and gay, the muslim genocide on hindus has an estimated kill count of 400 million
actually not even that... the vast majority were just race-mixed out of existence. basically everyone south of usa is some part (like 30%+ ) native american, that doesn't happen out of nowhere
grow up
Spits on the graves of all you fucking savages.
We should have killed every one.
Liberal historical revisionism doesn't tell about what really happened. Redskins were despised and hated for a reason-- they perpetuated cruelty and tortures rarely seen:
Kill setters, cut his wiener off and sew his mouth shut. In front of his kids.
Impale woman on a spear and take off with kids as slaves.
Let's see, we would kill every man in the village. Sometimes cut his wiener off and sew his mouth shut. In front of his kids.
The we might impale his wife on a saber and take off with their kids as slaves.
Gang rape, grandmas, little kids, didn't matter.
Every conceivable means of torture, including burning off parts of the body, removing skin, that would go on for days just for enjoyment of these sick bastards.
You will never get an apology from me.
Why do you tell me that ?
It's really ironic that people still unwittingly use this picture to mock Americans after all these years.
The guy isn't an idiot. He is mocking the supporters of a politician named Jim Moran. It's political satire.
There are plenty of places in the USA for you to walk off the grid and live like your ancestors wanted to. If you're not doing it right now and still dwell in the creature comfort white men brought to you, you're nothing but an hypocrite and should probably start flagellating yourself first.
like any white gives a fuck about stone age savages
its a dog eats dog world chief
if you cant defend it you dont deserve it
Native Americans hunted a lot of species to extinction. Now they know how it feels to be dominated by someone smarter than them
You started it, quit being a sore loser.
Those red niggers would still be scalping everyone they seen. They were savages who would fight to the death at every opportunity. They had to go. Good riddance
>warring tribal people
>wheel has never been invented yet
>foreign people do the what ALL foreign people did during the time and colonize through force or diplomacy
>creates greatest nation on earth
>native americans get citizenship to the greatest nation every
>native americans get speical benifits
>native americans get their own land with thier own laws
>native americans want more more more
Eat shit.
The majority of your people are killed by the Spanish, not us.
There is no such thing as a "Noble indian." You were all stone-age primates who couldn't even catch up to the natives in Mexico and South America, and had to be taught everything.
So now you are most likely a conquistadore rape baby. Do you grow facial hair or hair anywhere on your body but scalp and eye brows? Spanish Conquistadore. Pure natives don't grow that, yet here in Texas all I see are spics with facial hair and spanish names claiming to be native, and their lies are all over their faces.
>Scalping, raping, and practicing cannibalism
Pick only one
>their rituals, and it involved a guy cutting his dick off.
Youre thinking of Sweden
amazing frag count ameribros, any proof tho?
Based, Sean O'McSeanoson
We gave you reservations and allow you to manage your own affairs.
We allow you to keep your cultures and customs.
We have shared our knowledge and technology with you.
We honor the treaties we have signed with you.
You are treated better than any other conquered people in the history of the world.
You'll receive no apology.