> Be german archaeologist
> Dedicate your life to finding a proof german heritage actually exist
> Work on countless excavations, dig sites across Central and East germany
> Find only Ancient Polish settlements
> Dont find a single german thing on this lands
> Cry a lot and shout on Sup Forums that all the central Europe is german
Be german archaeologist
Other urls found in this thread:
So Germans were Romans?
>be polish
>be permabutthurt for no reason
German = Aryan masterrace = MYTH
German = Viking/Nordic = MYTH
German = Cesars Ethnic Roman Empire = MYTH
German History = Falsified by:
- Marthin Luther in XVI century
- than by Nazi Germans
Recent studies in Archeology, in Linguistics, in Genetics proves german version of the history is an utter lie
There are no real evidences of where did they exacly come from. They randomly poped up at the borders of Great Ancient Cultures
"Germans are just Nordic/Slavic/Celt rape babies."
*no Italic ancient Romans and germans are 2 different things
So you're saying they came in space ships?
Gdańsk was built by Poles and it was Polish for more than 700 years of its 900 year long history
>Stealing other people's history
Polacks are literally nigger tier
and no place for your mixed race Polish genes in Germany still.
I can claim that the general share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means Poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel United States was 30 years ago
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees", gypsy infested Slovakia and gook-ape overrun Russia are all more European than Poland
Poles only settled that far west because the huns pushed the Germanics east. Before, all of what is now Poland and further east was all Germanic.
*pushed the Germanics west
Its hilarious because Poland is obviously still white and people constantly try to deny it but it's not possible. It's pure fact that Poland is 99% pure white.
Gdańsk is Polish clay tho.
Germans were basically the muslims of Europe. They exploited the good will of poles who allowed them to settle there and when they grew in numbers, they claimed that it was "their" city. It's ironic that now the same thing happens to them.
No, it literally wasn't all Germanic you fucking mong. Where is your shitty .ru source?
I don't recall many times in history that happened but countries always claimed against one another for land for 2 thousand years. Poland did it too.
Lmao never thought about it like that. come to think of it i did read a lot of shit that basically stated that after getting a community of germans up in slavic cities they tried to take control of it.
Educate yourself...
There are no "Germanics"
This term in relation to modern day German speaking nations was created by german Marthin Luther in XVI century and than reinvented by nazi germany to Bring their retarded Arian race myth to live
There is no evidence of any kind that germans existed on rightful Polish clay for centuries. Not a single archeological digsite or ancient corpse has german Y-DNA.
Yes and its what any country would to for hundreds of years to gain legit claims and go to war for more land. Not that I like to stand with Germany in any way but what I say is fact.
are Germans to romantics like chinese and japanese to whites? They can't create culture or high intellectual achievement on their own, but they excel and surpass us once we teach them the light?
this is my current mental construct explaining the Germanic historical phenomenon
That's what I told his dumbass too. Where are you living rn?
Reminder that full grown Polish people look like little children with tiny head shaped like footballs. Anything they say should be ignored.
I'm a warthunder fag too :(
Ancient Roman Empire = Italic people
Germany become a part of very late roman empire as a result of its expansion North. Romans pretty much incarnated tribes of wild german people
Nice shitpost you irrelevant faggot, your entire culture is about to be castrated so fuck off, youre already missing a nut. Fucking Mehmet...
Pretty much this.
All the poles that are here are pretty chilled bro tier, but the internet poles are completely different for some unknown reason.
best banter i've seen here in a while
why so aggressive? it made me laugh
Sources? I have no reason to believe you, to be honest. The reason is because it sounds false, why would every pole not on Sup Forums be aggressive for no reason? They're not fucking Russians.
You realize you're just admitting that the ancient Germans btfo of your ancestors, right? Who cares who lived there 2000 years ago? The Germans live there now and there not going to give you a third of their country because of that, their ancestors earned it by killing your's so hard that they had to run away into the Roman Empire for protection.
>ancient polish settlements
I'll take "things that don't exist" for 2000.
>Be a polish kid
>Dont have a life
>Shitpost on Sup Forums about how ur current territory is not enough and u want more German Lands.
Gj kiddo
> be polish
> only achievement is being raped from all sides by everybody else throughout every time period
> post shit on the 4chans explaining your irrelevant history as a victim
>doesn't know Tacitus
There is no such thing as "Germans"
Does that make Merkel an ethnic Pole then
Taucitus "copy" book was found in germany in XIV-XV century as single book and is considered just as fake as book describing ancient polish history from X century (Greater Lechia and staff). There are no archeological or linguistical or genetics evidences proving Tacitus fairytale is true.
not true, a lot of current german clay was Polish in the current millenium
>see documentary about poland as vaccation
>they show castles and palast of the region
>all built up by prussian royals
>poles and commies let these castles rot
>they were built up again by germans
>"we wuz germans"
i wouldnt call her ethnic Pole but she has Polish ancestry
"Angela Merkel is indeed "a quarter Polish". Now we know: Not only was her grandfather of Polish origin, the chancellor almost was born Angela Kazmierczak. Her grandfather was a Ludwig Kazmierczak, born 1896 in Poznan – then part of the German Reich. The family was proud of its Polish roots. "
no one cares
Sup hohol. Daily reminder that you're still worse than poles
>Be Polish
>Get fucked by all sides in all wars
>get clay 4 free
>complain and want more clay from germans
>Pretty much this.
literally no arguments
t. toilet cleaner
We didnt get the clay for free. We were always fighting for independence and we finnaly got it.
Whats more, we have never been attacked in a honourable fight 1 vs 1. This pussies always attacked us 3 vs 1 or 2 vs 1.
ok but when will you stop stealing cars in first world countries then?
how will you solve the automatic-self-cleaning toilet crisis that is inevitably going to render 100% of all poles unemployed?
Stealing cars is actually not a true for long time anymore. True stealing cars did happen after iron curtain felt down and there were huge differences in wealth.
But guess who thaught us how to steal?
Germans. Their grandparents and parents stole most of Polish wealth, even the furnitures. Germans havent returned a single piece of Polish art yet and its already so many years after the war
List of notable Germans: Endless.
Lìst of notable poles: Copernicus, actually nevermind he was a member of a German peoples organization.
swedes are literal niggers with no achievement
good one, mountain jew
Nibba stop trying to make Greater Poland cuz ur country is currently much bigger than it should be
So... when will you return Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia?
Lol Swedes will start cleaning toilets to Muslims if u dont stop imigration cuck
Polish people are subhuman. We should split their Land between us
Why would Poles return Ethnic Polish clay ?
show ur flag
i fucking dare u
Here ya go
that explains a lot
Nice meme facts
So they can shit it up with muslims. Ruining Europe is german's number two fetish, right behind scat porn.
so more muslims, means more toilets to clean, means more employment for you slavs
everybody is a winner
Well Pooland enjoy our land as long as you can. In the next 20 years we will come for you
Not this shit again. If you bring that argument, you're in the wrong.
>meme facts
literal facts
that all u can do, krauts?
Yes, it is. Your argument:
>Slavs were there first
My argument:
>Germanics were there even before that
You’re nothing but a Slav so why don’t you just move to Russia? You’re all the same
More muslims also means more dicks your mother has to service. Are you sure she's up to the challenge?
You do realize this map you just posted is an utter lie? its the same shit tier of map like Greater Lechia Empire map.
We will see if german minority in its own country will be able to do shit. as for now some german families already seeking asylum in Russia
>You do realize this map you just posted is an utter lie?
In the 1st century AD, the mouth of the Vistula was indicated as the land of the Gutones (Pliny the Elder) or Gothones (Tacitus):
Beyond the Lygians dwell the Gothones, under the rule of a king; and thence held in subjection somewhat stricter than the other German[ic] nations, yet not so strict as to extinguish all their liberty. Immediately adjoining are the Rugians and Lemovians upon the coast of the ocean, and of these several nations the characteristics are a round shield, a short sword and kingly government.
—Tacitus, Germania, chapter 44
> Find only Ancient Polish settlements
Actualy they are Ancient Serb settlements.
You dont understand, do you?
Ok i will put it this way, Tacitus you are talking about, is a german book from around Marthin Luther period who falsified history and Fcked up Europe.
Lets look at Polish version of history, from X century, not like your version from XV-XVI century.
look at graph in 1st post again.
For example Tollenese river battle => Y-DNA of a modern day Poles
countless "Biskupin" type of settlements in central germany. They are specific only to Poles. South Slavs lived more to the south
are u stupid?
that statement so far from substantive that i will not even bother responding to this trash, subhuman
>Germans are just Nordic/Slavic/Celt rape babies
So they are the result of eugenics tier breeding of the strongest and most skilled of European tribes?
>Tacitus is a german book from around Marthin Luther period
Holy shit you're extremely deluded, even for a Pole
>Strongest and most skilled.
Scandinavia was the last place to have literacy imported to it. Fucking Finns couldn't write or read until the 20th Century.
Where do you think the Poles came from, out of curiosity. Do you think your special Catholic God created Poles from the ribs of Adam, and ethnic Poles sprouted from the ground to claim their "rightful land"? You inherited and amalgamated tribes into one united nation from the forefathers of the lands.
Not to mention, if you hate persecution and being a minority group only to be put into a position of decaying influence, what about the Ukrainians and their religious/cultural identity? You did the same shit to them yet you sit on your high horse.
Do you think being 'there first' means the land is yours? You sound like Israelis right now. Nobody 'owns' land they cannot defend. The natives were 'first' to the new world and that didn't mean shit if they could not defend it. Throughout history, this 'we were here first' literally never works. Grow up.
You are trying to prove where they were not. Instead, you must prove where they came from.
>what about the Ukrainians and their religious/cultural identity?
Ukrainians had no identity on their own until about 20th century when germans invented it.
protip: white ppl share one heritage.
Nations=/=cultural identity. "Ukrainians" had their own traditions and cultures, they are a distinct ethnic group. Culture isn't 'invented' by another and bestowed upon someone else, it is inherited and preserved.
But I'll entertain your mode of thought. Using your own logic, Poles had no culture up until around the ninth century until the Celts invented it for them.
Prussian master race
eastern germans are the true master race
perfect combination of slavic and germanic genes
>Do you think your special Catholic God created Poles from the ribs of Adam
of course
are u fucking retarded, leaf?
>Culture isn't 'invented' by another and bestowed upon someone else, it is inherited and preserved.
They sure tried that with Belgium.
You slavshit subhumans are from ukraine. You are vermin living on other peoples land.
It's called strategy. You're allowed to win, you know.
>of course
Explain to me how this is different from lebensraum or any other "Manifest Destiny" ideology? I'm fine if you want to be a Polish nationalist, but when other nationalist ideologies clash with yours, don't get too butthurt about it.
To my knowledge, Belgian culture is just a smorgasbord of various other cultures that have been nitpicked for the parts the citizens find desirable to identify with. That doesn't mean others literally came and said "speak in this dialect, wear this garb, treat people this way on these days, celebrate so and so, etc.". I mean, like I said, to the best of my knowledge, that wasn't the case. That sounds tyrannical and I don't think that is within the realm of possibility in civilized European nations such as Belgium.
>Mtn Jew
>are u fucking retarded, leaf?
you know, they are leaf... don't feed the pidgeon sir
>pole posting
>Literally feel bad to have contributed little history or innovation despite being between two great powers. Just a backwards people
>btfo by its fucking fief
I'll let Poles have this one.
mandatory piece on german history
>swedes are literal niggers with no achievement
No, this is wrong. Swedes have contributed a lot to society. Especially chemistry. For example: careerchem.com
Control-F: Sweden. It isn't fair to say they have done nothing.
Perhaps you should learn how to properly spell your insult before calling others idiots.