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Did I see Nathan Damigo in that? What's the context of this video?
Low IQ shitskins stalking alt right faggots
Who even is that? Just some random guy?
The left is far more obsessed with white supremacy than anyone.
Most of Sup Forums really doesn't care. They defend white people. But also recognize races that do well like the Japanese.
Maybe like 5 people will be triggered.
thats nathan damigo in the video. A literal white separatist. while they are acting stupid, at least they are accurately venting their anger towards racist assholes
Context? Are boons literally just finding well-dressed white guys with fashy haircuts and calling them nazis now?
>racist assholes
dunno man seems like the guy has a point, judging by the video
>Oy Vey!!! Take that white people!!!
At least they all admit whites are supreme.
>white separatist
Why do you consider this a bad thing? Honestly interested in your response.
>implying they said this shit before nathan damingo founded a racist white separatist group
There's literally nothing wrong with white supremacy in white countries, much like how there's nothing wrong with Chinese supremacy in China. Just admit you're an anti-white wall street shill.
yes. Why segregate again? you think you're better than the rest of us?
autistic screeching is not an argument
US isn't white and never really was. get over it
You don't belong here. There's nothing wrong with advocating for your people's interests.
found the nigger
>USA roughly 90% white until 1965
>it never really was!
No one believes your lies, leftist shitter.
No, but this is what is going to happen in a few years from now, all white people living their life will be considered oppression against minorities
woman sounds like a crow being beaten to death, christ
I thought “The Supremes” were black.
Lol get the fuck outta here you fucking kike
People prefer to be with other people who are like themselves and are like minded
when advocating for your people's interest mean forcing other people outside of 'your people' to relocate for the fantasy land you dreamt of.
I would say you don't belong here in the US
white separatism is not racism, faggot
I'm american first, father second, thirdly asian. fuck you
90% white isnt a homogenized utopia
Europe was, so we can have have White supremacy here.. right ?
then why live in a country like UNITED states or UNITED kingdom?
Your countries are about uniting people. not dividing...
>whites have no right to self-advocacy and determination
sounds pretty racist to me tbqh
I've just about had enough.
Ok but you understand you're basically supporting White Supremacy in Europe ?
Yes it is. what happens to those people who are forced to relocate to appease the white separatist?
Fuck off back to /r/Asianmasculinity you gook
they are relocated in a nation of their ethnicity
If that means segregating. Then I'm not the racist one. you are
...they get to live with their people away from the evil whites ? isnt that what you faggots want jej
Boo hoo?
Not for colonial countries. no
>faggot hapa scared of white people
fuck off gaylord
Massive fucking bait
It was, back then most blacks lived in black areas, Mexicans in Mexican areas and so on. Most big cities were 95% or more white, while today NONE of them are.
They're so weak, you can hear it in their voice.
screeching harpies. When the day comes...
I wonder if blacks are so oppressed and concerned with white supremacy, why wouldn't they want to live as separate races and govern themselves. There could be no white supremacy if blacks and whites ruled themselves right?
by force. or even if they did, you accepted them to BECOME american/british/german whatever. Then once they become citizens you say they are not TRUE american? fuck out of here. I pay taxes like every other american
are you retarded ?
Uniting OUR people, blacks are not our people.
So... since you're argument for White nationalism to not exist in US is based on "never being white", and Europe was always white - You should have no Problem with Europe ending Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism.
>Country created by white people for white people grows quantifiably worse with every mud person allowed in
>White people who want the nation built by their forefathers and entrusted to them to remain nice are the problem
i don't think whites are evil. I think SOME whites are assholes, the ones who think white separatism is cool
I liked you better as a nigger
Racial purity was one of the founding principals. People seem to have forgotten that under the original definition of the constitution only white people where considered people.
Now you know what "we the people" really means.
Who said it need to be forced? Why can't whites voluntarily choose to form communities and blacks do the same?
There would be no gibs for nigs taken from whitey and crime in black communities would probably skyrocket, but at least they won't have white supremacy.
not scared. just history repeating itself. it's so obvious. We can stop it from re-occurring by talking about it, not chanting fuck white people.
90% at its highest. thats not bait.. thats a fact
Why? If thats what whites want, who's to say they aren't allowed to? Kinda implies to me that the collective wants of whites always take second place to those of minority groups, which seems pretty racist to me
Nevermind the fact that minorities seem to want to get rid of whitey too, so it seems like a win-win to me
Separatism is not "cool", it is natural and necessary. Forcing groups with conflicting interests to live together ALWAYS ends in violence, that is a fact. See: practically every civil war ever.
Do you support open borders for Israel ?
honestly, i think hes too retarded to realise that
okay? Still, white identity was hardly a thing in the US. many of your 'white' people werent even considered white at the time. Like the irish. The same will happen with hispanics (speaking spanish and have european last names.
RIGHT NOW you don't accept hispanics are white but in the future you will. So whats the point? your whiteness is all relative to the population
It was around 90% from it's conception until about the mid 1960s with the Hart-Celler act. That's hundreds of years of being 90% white. The US is a white country. Why do you want whites not to have their own countries?
The UK had many kingdoms in it, not just european ones. I think you know that
hes racist
I don't get it. What did they think they were going to accomplish?
i have no idea what you're talking about
can't speak for them. only myself.
I do not feel oppressed by whites. So I feel this whole white separatist bullshit is completely unnecessary
>Who said it need to be forced? Why can't whites voluntarily choose to form communities and blacks do the same?
they already do that. But apparently thats just not enough.
Fuck you nigger you have no say if whites only want to live with whites you fucking parasite
>Why segregate again?
Because nobody wants to live with inferior races
>Why? If thats what whites want, who's to say they aren't allowed to?
What if the others don't want you to? What about that one? Ever think of others?
You accept a group of people into your country and then you repel away from them and do everything in your power to run away. How do you think that make them feel?
As citizens, do they not have the right to be treated as a citizen?
I was thinking more along the lines of buying out entire areas, neighborhoods, city blocks, rural areas and developing communities for white people.
Literally ethno-capitalism.
You can use your reason though. If someone is dedicated enough to publicly shout obscenities and harass someone one can assume cohabitation is not wanted.
not israeli. So I don't care. But if they do open their borders, they should treat their citizens know.....CITIZENS
Now THIS is post modern shitposting.
>okay? Still, white identity was hardly a thing in the US
Wrong, pic related. I guess the founding father were EVIL WHITE SEPARATISTS by your standards.
>many of your 'white' people werent even considered white at the time. Like the irish
Wrong again. In before the cartoons from the satire magazine.
>RIGHT NOW you don't accept hispanics are white but in the future you will.
Wrong again. It's not like Hispanics didn't existed until recently.
fucky fucky sucky sucky go back to honk kong wonton wonton
90% white is not homogenized.
get over it. seriously. You can make that argument for any other european country BUT the USA
oh okay
Are you White or Black ?
...cause you care about this issue on "white supremacy, white separatism" etc
he should of asked the women why they bought niggers along, then they'd chimp out and the cop at the back could arrest them.
well, it sorta is.
The Irish and slavs were literally not considered 'white' but now they are
So explain lol
Of course he has something to say, he wants the free gibs. Duuh
>muh gibs. don't go whitey
then you should probably not have supported immigration to your country. Don't get pissed at us. Get pissed at the people who said:
Yes, the asian, hispanic, arab, african can be considered legally 'british' or 'american' or 'finnish'
We are protected by the state to be considered citizens. Its time the native citizens start treating us as countrymen
That's not legal...
Except someone earlier in this thread addressed that point. The vast majority of counties were 100% white for the vast majority of the existence of the US. Non-whites would invariably congregate in ghettos and neighbourhoods specifically for them. What you're arguing is like saying that because I have a few freckles on my arm, my arm isn't white. Just admit that you're anti-white lad.
why do people hate white people so much? Im white and I try to be nice to people but they are rude assholes to me. sad.
>The Irish and slavs were literally not considered 'white'
You're basing that off of satirical political cartoons, dummy.
There is more than one way to skin a cat.
Yes, you have every right to be mad at the politicians for reforming your government and destroying what the founding fathers had. BUT do NOT direct your anger towards the legal immigrant who just wishes to integrate
>then you should probably not have supported immigration to your country
Oh yes im a big supporter of immigration to my country. Stupid faggot
>What if the others don't want you to?
Good question, I'd like to find out but people like you try to silence the discussion a priori, much preferring to nag whites all day about how awful they are while begging them to stay around when they threaten to leave.
>You accept a group of people into your country and then you repel away from them and do everything in your power to run away.
Where's the issue? If we can decide to let people in to the point where we're going to get replaced in our own historical home countries we may aswell also collectively decide to cut immigration altogether, dispell the delusion that is multiculturalism and incentivizing and supporting self-deportation.
The fact that you want to prevent whites from making that decision or even having that discussion in the first place is pretty fucking racist if you ask me.
>Identity Evropa is a white supremacist group in the United States, established in March 2016.
>Irish and slavs not white
Ok, that's enough, time to go to bed Schlomo.
Anti-white whites are WORSE than even the most criminal negro criminal.