Why are Americans such awful posters?
>no understanding on most subjects
>eager to defend America and Israel, even when wrong
>barely any education
>incredibly stupid
>shittiest opinions
>feel the need to share those opinions
>resort to namecalling and baseless accusations most of the time, since they lack the intelligence to form an argument
>unfounded self-confidence
Why are Americans such awful posters?
Sugar damages the brain
I don't think they can help it.
You'd post all that and not even realize that we never sleep?
Americans are fine, it's the swedes that worry me.
why do you always make this thread when you get drunk, genghis?
So does Somali semen. We're kindred spirits Sweden.
I love you fin-bro.
You lack the comprehension of what's really going on in the world. But keep reading and you will come around. I have seen it many times.
>snow chink
who cares what you think mongol mutt
not as bad as us
Because stereotypes are right,most of the ameritards that are not niggers or spics are dumb as fuck,uneducated and ignorant.
Your self awareness puts you leagues ahead of the average burger.
b-but we like the abuse and recognition as awful shitposters
You're great people and make witty, well formatted posts.
quality post
No u
ur rigt
There are too many of them. Quality is drops proportional to the number of anons.
At least you didn’t use a shitty meme flag. Cuck.
The Brain runs on sugar. It can't directly use any other form of energy.
Insulin is good for the brain, but not because it gets rid of sugar, it's good because the enzyme that removes the Insulin (Insulin-Degrading Enzyme), also destroys Amyloid-Beta (the misfolded protein that builds up in the brain and causes Alzheimer's). People have started snorting Insulin now for 'nootropic' effects, in an attempt to stave of AD.
>finn using a meme flag
What's the point
Haha, u jealous mohamad?
My self awareness is evolving.
The estrogen, heavy metal, asbestos and fluoride poisoning fucks up with their brains.
You scumbag USA is the greatest and your mum get probably shagged on florida beach as we speak bitch ass
How's this for quality?
>lack of critical thinking
>they don't care about preserving history
>they are insensible
>they have no culture since EU puked human garbage on boats for america
senator when?
>1 post by id
> sage shitpost
>they can take a degree buy marking cross
>they are educated to think wrong like if you say x then you are y
>they can't understand that is not all black or white
>italian talking about culture and sensibility
kill me now
there's too many of them
Not soon enough
>German talking shit
t.Menekwe Zanknwumbe
They have to be heavily brainwashed to be the knife in the hand of the Jew which they use to stab any nation that could upset their plans. They're also under constant attack from internal communists and hardcore corporatists who see them as fodder for their ideologies or profit margins. This leaves them confused, malnourished despite being overweight and angry at the confusing world that they don't learn about in their meme tier schools. Despite this millions of them are intelligent and awake and are examples of the greatness inherent in humanity.
t. Ante Turkoslavic
t.Srboljub Milosevic
Sounds you like got blown the fuck out by some American posters
>1 post by this id
t. slavshit butthurtovic
I had a dream...
Fucking europpor jealous of the greatest country to ever exist superior to ancient rome even
šuti mali, pusti velike da pričaju
Why are non Americans so butthurt by American dominance? At least we allow you your own domestic policy. You could be ruled by the Chinks instead. Would you prefer we stop defending your asses and let you sort your own shit out? How many nordic countries could afford their massive welfare systems without free US military protection from foreign aggression? None.
How much of Europe would exist today without the US if not for us footing the bill of rebuilding Europe?
This. Europes never accomplished anything without Americas help and can only have socialized medicine due to USAs military presence
Defending Israel is normal. They have a good way of life. Last time I check, someone can go as a tourist in Israel and still have a decent security.
Try to go in some other ME countries,,